Mass Shootings - Why?

Think about two Countries. First Ukraine. After the invasion they called up EVERY male in the country to help defend it. They have been doing their best and have done a good job holding them off, against all odds they may even win. Those boys are not only defending their homeland, they are defending their families and their way of life.
Now move to Hong Kong. All they had were bows and arrows and home make gas bombs when the Chinese invaded them. The Chinese made short work of rounding up and executing the traitors. This could easily happen here, and it could happen sooner rather than later. You are the Militia, like it or not and could be pressed into duty under this same scenario. Yes guns are fun. They are only a Hobby for me too. But it is a Hobby that not only gives great satisfaction, it also creates the skills needed in a crisis by default. This is why other Countries fear us so much and the mainland has never been invaded IMO, but it does not mean it cannot happen. If you are well armed, and skilled at least you have a chance. If we were disarmed somehow, this deterrent to other countries would vanish IMO. Here comes the tinfoil. The Chinese seem to have a lot of Political influence in this country lately. Makes you wonder the motives of those who would commit Treason to disarm us. Think long and hard about all this.
I would think a far larger deterrent would be the fact that we spend more on our military than the next 11 countries combined which includes China, Russia, and North Korea. If it gets to the point where our military is no longer able to defend this country, we are going to be killing each other over cans of beans.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

I briefly looked at whatever **** show is going on above. The text to the second amendment is pretty clear to an honest person and half intelligent person. That's not a jab. Explained:

Regulated as I think someone mentioned was a common term for training during the time the amendment was written. Well regulated is well trained not .gov regulated.

Now the bringing is a statement. A principle. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.

The second half of the 2A, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not being infringed. This is the easiest thing to interpret, it means the people have a right to keep (possess) and bear (use) arms (common weapons.)

Arms are common now as they were common then to firearms.

I don't understand how this still up for debate.

I guess that depends on what you mean by free. There are lots of countries where people live in that situation and are free. If they aren't, they have no idea. They have all the rights we have with the exception that guns are controlled far more heavily. Besides that, I am just responding to what he said. He said it has nothing to do with the security of the free state. It only had to do with the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. He likes his guns and thats all that matters which I think is pretty much true of most gun owners. I don't think most gun owners feel its their patriotic duty to own guns to protect freedom. I like guns and don't want mine taken away either and I am not going to say its necessary for me to own a gun to protect the security of the free state because that would be a lie. I just like guns. They are fun to shoot.
I find it a happy coincidence that my love of all things firearms-related aligns me with the main purpose of the 2nd amendment-to keep tyranny at bay.

I am quite certain that we will never see gun confiscation in our country. Why am I certain? Because the process of disarming our country would be a disaster of unimaginable proportions. Much as nuclear war accomplishes deterrence through our fear of mutually assured destruction, the enormity and grotesqueness of forced disarmament keeps our government at bay. That may be a distasteful take on the 2nd amendment, but it is nevertheless true.

After seeing the tyrannical way our government conducted itself during the COVID pandemic, and maybe worse, how all-to-willing we were to acquiesce to their diktats, do you really think tyranny can be that far off?

History is replete with the unholy sequence of disarmament, then tyranny and slaughter:
-Ottoman Turkey slaughter of the Armenian Christians-1915-17 1 to 1.5 million
-Soviet Union; political opponents and starving farming communities-1929-1945 20 million
-Nazi Germany and occupied Europe; political opponents, Gypsies, Jews, etc-1933-45 20 million
-Nationalist China; political opponents and ordering military conscripts to their death-1927-49 10 million
-Red China; political opponents, rural populations, enemies of the state-1949-76 20-35 million
-Guatemala; political enemies, Mayan and other Indians-1960-81 100-200 thousand
-Uganda; Christian political enemies-1971-79 300 thousand
-Cambodia (Khmer Rouge); educated persons, political enemies-1975-79 2 million
-Rwanda; Tutsi people-1984 800 thousand

In the 20th Century, Four times more were murdered by governments than died in all domestic and international wars combined. Governments murdered millions more people than were killed by common criminals.

So yeah, I am not casual about my insistence that the 2nd amendment is as relevant and vital now as it was in 1791 when it was ratified.
I would think a far larger deterrent would be the fact that we spend more on our military than the next 11 countries combined which includes China, Russia, and North Korea. If it gets to the point where our military is no longer able to defend this country, we are going to be killing each other over cans of beans.
Jim, if you wanted to attack a country, would you rather have your Military face 500,00 guys concentrated in places you could get the majority with Nukes, or 300,000,000 armed with small arms, 12T rounds of ammo and spread out over 1,000s of square miles. I'd take my chances against the Military. today we are much more than a force multiplier. We are a deterrent. You are a deterrent.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

I briefly looked at whatever **** show is going on above. The text to the second amendment is pretty clear to an honest person and half intelligent person. That's not a jab. Explained:

Regulated as I think someone mentioned was a common term for training during the time the amendment was written. Well regulated is well trained not .gov regulated.

Now the bringing is a statement. A principle. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.

The second half of the 2A, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not being infringed. This is the easiest thing to interpret, it means the people have a right to keep (possess) and bear (use) arms (common weapons.)

Arms are common now as they were common then to firearms.

I don't understand how this still up for debate.
It isn't.
Jim, if you wanted to attack a country, would you rather have your Military face 500,00 guys concentrated in places you could get the majority with Nukes, or 300,000,000 armed with small arms, 12T rounds of ammo and spread out over 1,000s of square miles. I'd take my chances against the Military. today we are much more than a force multiplier. We are a deterrent. You are a deterrent.
I see what you are saying but we have 1.3 million active military spread out all over the world and 800,000 inactive. If our military is taken out by nuclear strikes, the world is over because we launched all of ours also. Only thing left alive are the cockroaches.
I find it a happy coincidence that my love of all things firearms-related aligns me with the main purpose of the 2nd amendment-to keep tyranny at bay.

I am quite certain that we will never see gun confiscation in our country. Why am I certain? Because the process of disarming our country would be a disaster of unimaginable proportions. Much as nuclear war accomplishes deterrence through our fear of mutually assured destruction, the enormity and grotesqueness of forced disarmament keeps our government at bay. That may be a distasteful take on the 2nd amendment, but it is nevertheless true.

After seeing the tyrannical way our government conducted itself during the COVID pandemic, and maybe worse, how all-to-willing we were to acquiesce to their diktats, do you really think tyranny can be that far off?

History is replete with the unholy sequence of disarmament, then tyranny and slaughter:
-Ottoman Turkey slaughter of the Armenian Christians-1915-17 1 to 1.5 million
-Soviet Union; political opponents and starving farming communities-1929-1945 20 million
-Nazi Germany and occupied Europe; political opponents, Gypsies, Jews, etc-1933-45 20 million
-Nationalist China; political opponents and ordering military conscripts to their death-1927-49 10 million
-Red China; political opponents, rural populations, enemies of the state-1949-76 20-35 million
-Guatemala; political enemies, Mayan and other Indians-1960-81 100-200 thousand
-Uganda; Christian political enemies-1971-79 300 thousand
-Cambodia (Khmer Rouge); educated persons, political enemies-1975-79 2 million
-Rwanda; Tutsi people-1984 800 thousand

In the 20th Century, Four times more were murdered by governments than died in all domestic and international wars combined. Governments murdered millions more people than were killed by common criminals.

So yeah, I am not casual about my insistence that the 2nd amendment is as relevant and vital now as it was in 1791 when it was ratified.
In the mid nineties a man I had known for years told me one day his son had called from where he was stationed in the military and that he had just went through 6 weeks of training on how to locate and confiscate civilian weapons I believe him dad to say but if they decide they want our guns it could happen most people won't put their children at risk for there guns. It is being bred out of our kids in all schools any more and will continue as long as California and New York are allowed to have more votes because of population they will succeed sooner or later I hate to say it but tell your friends your going to get beat up tonight up town ask for help see how many show up you will probably feel lonely. David
I see what you are saying but we have 1.3 million active military spread out all over the world and 800,000 inactive. If our military is taken out by nuclear strikes, the world is over because we launched all of ours also. Only thing left alive are the cockroaches.
Jim, its all about personal responsibility. Depend only on yourself for the safety and security of yourself and your family. Trust me when bad things happen there will be no one to help you in time. You will have less than a second. With this mindset, doesn't really matter much if it is a bad guy high on crack or a foreign power. If one of the teachers killed in Uvalde had been armed and trained the outcome might have changed drastically. It may have not, but at least they would have had a chance. We will never know because they were helpless, unable to defend themselves.
In the mid nineties a man I had known for years told me one day his son had called from where he was stationed in the military and that he had just went through 6 weeks of training on how to locate and confiscate civilian weapons I believe him dad to say but if they decide they want our guns it could happen most people won't put their children at risk for there guns. It is being bred out of our kids in all schools any more and will continue as long as California and New York are allowed to have more votes because of population they will succeed sooner or later I hate to say it but tell your friends your going to get beat up tonight up town ask for help see how many show up you will probably feel lonely. David
Yet all it took was a pandemic and some race riots, and gun sales skyrocketed, and opinions changed.

Funny thing about people is they will always look to self preservation any means necessary when met with a dire reality.
Provisional data from CDC's National Center for Health Statistics indicate that there were an estimated 100,306 drug overdose deaths in the United States during 12-month period ending in April 2021.
Perfect storm huh? I'll bet Texas learns from this one and comes up with better Security and a better action plan. Will the rest of the Country? Will Washington actually come up with a good plan to secure the schools they took over, or will they simply use these children's death to score political points to further their agendas? Time will tell if they care even a little about those that put them where they are. I suspect we will all be disappointed. Sure hope not, but it IS an election year, and they will be held accountable for their actions, so there is a sliver of hope.
I have agreed with alot of what you have said here Orange Dust but I have to call you out on this one. It is not Washington's job to secure schools it is a local issue as it should be. The feds shouldn't have anything to do with local issues. This is how all the BS starts with people expecting a bunch of politicians most of which are fools to solve their problems. When you make a gun free zone you make a soft target period. There are some good ideas on here but there is no solution. Harden schools the psychopath will move on to the next soft target. Take guns and they will use bombs. Been going on from the beginning of time and anyone who thinks they have a solution is kidding themselves. We don't live in a Utopia and never will. A wise man once said "Only the dead have seen the end of war". That is what this is IMO a war against the mentally ill.
Provisional data from CDC's National Center for Health Statistics indicate that there were an estimated 100,306 drug overdose deaths in the United States during 12-month period ending in April 2021.

They can't even protect our border something that they are supposed to do according to the constitution and people expect them to protect schools? Over 100,000 deaths from overdoses with the majority of the drugs coming over the border 13,620 killed with guns with some being by illegals. Texas alone averages over 70 homicides a year by illegal border jumpers.
I find it a happy coincidence that my love of all things firearms-related aligns me with the main purpose of the 2nd amendment-to keep tyranny at bay.

I am quite certain that we will never see gun confiscation in our country. Why am I certain? Because the process of disarming our country would be a disaster of unimaginable proportions. Much as nuclear war accomplishes deterrence through our fear of mutually assured destruction, the enormity and grotesqueness of forced disarmament keeps our government at bay. That may be a distasteful take on the 2nd amendment, but it is nevertheless true.

After seeing the tyrannical way our government conducted itself during the COVID pandemic, and maybe worse, how all-to-willing we were to acquiesce to their diktats, do you really think tyranny can be that far off?

History is replete with the unholy sequence of disarmament, then tyranny and slaughter:
-Ottoman Turkey slaughter of the Armenian Christians-1915-17 1 to 1.5 million
-Soviet Union; political opponents and starving farming communities-1929-1945 20 million
-Nazi Germany and occupied Europe; political opponents, Gypsies, Jews, etc-1933-45 20 million
-Nationalist China; political opponents and ordering military conscripts to their death-1927-49 10 million
-Red China; political opponents, rural populations, enemies of the state-1949-76 20-35 million
-Guatemala; political enemies, Mayan and other Indians-1960-81 100-200 thousand
-Uganda; Christian political enemies-1971-79 300 thousand
-Cambodia (Khmer Rouge); educated persons, political enemies-1975-79 2 million
-Rwanda; Tutsi people-1984 800 thousand

In the 20th Century, Four times more were murdered by governments than died in all domestic and international wars combined. Governments murdered millions more people than were killed by common criminals.

So yeah, I am not casual about my insistence that the 2nd amendment is as relevant and vital now as it was in 1791 when it was ratified.
I agree with you in that they will never confiscate firearms this country. There are hundreds of millions of guns out there. Even if they wanted to confiscate ARs, there are probably 20 million in circulation. It would be impossible.

I am even more certain that the events you listed will never happen here. At least not in any of our lifetimes. Maybe in 100 years or so when the livable areas of the earth have shrunk even more and the populations continue to rise and everyone tries to squeeze into smaller areas. Currently 1.9 billion people, 22% of the worlds population, get their water from glaciers and they are all melting off and in 100 years the entire continent of Africa will be one big dessert. I don't care if you want to deny its happening or blame it on man, God, or space aliens. Its happening and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. I am sure immigration is going to be a real popular subject. On a positive not, we will probably be one of the last civilizations to fall. It will probably be our great grand kids who have to deal with it so why worry.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

I briefly looked at whatever **** show is going on above. The text to the second amendment is pretty clear to an honest person and half intelligent person. That's not a jab. Explained:

Regulated as I think someone mentioned was a common term for training during the time the amendment was written. Well regulated is well trained not .gov regulated.

Now the bringing is a statement. A principle. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.

The second half of the 2A, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not being infringed. This is the easiest thing to interpret, it means the people have a right to keep (possess) and bear (use) arms (common weapons.)

Arms are common now as they were common then to firearms.

I don't understand how this still up for debate.
It's up for debate because people in 2021 are less intelligent than they were in the 1700's. They can't figure out how to interpret a sentence. Pretty sad isn't it?
I see what you are saying but we have 1.3 million active military spread out all over the world and 800,000 inactive. If our military is taken out by nuclear strikes, the world is over because we launched all of ours also. Only thing left alive are the cockroaches.
I see so you don't need a gun cause you'll still be kicking around.