Mass Shootings - Why?

I answered your question. I am not calling for a ban. I am proposing we move the age to 21. If that doesn't work, make ARs Class III - the proliferation of Class III licenses for suppressors has shown if you want it bad enough, you will go through the process.

We don't let an 18 year old buy a beer but he can walk into a gun store and buy two ARs? That is what the public is having a hard time with. Raising the age is a lot more efficacious than trying to fix parental issues.
I didn't say you were calling for a ban. A ban is what follows what you are calling for.

I will sign out with this since I am tired of talking to liberals on this site. Which other ammendments in the bill of rights do you want to put limits on? 🤔
Read what I wrote. I am not calling for a ban - but many are. I am offering a solution to make it more difficult to buy an AR. You cannot go to your LGS and buy a suppressor without a Class III license, but their use is growing exponentially. When is the last time one was used in a crime?

Why do you think mass shooters choose an AR? Why not a bolt action Savage Lapua? We all know why.

How about we start by treating semiautomatic rifles the same as pistols, i.e., you must be 21 to buy?

Inaction by the shooting community is going to result in solutions being dictated to us that are not going to be pleasant. One being tossed around frequently is making gun companies liable (our costs will go up). Another is to allow gun owners to be sued if their weapon is stolen and used in a crime. Background checks for the sale of all guns, even between private parties. The list can go on and on.

Frankly, making the age to buy an AR 21 would have stopped almost all mass shootings except LV.
I doubt changing the age limit, placing more restrictive backgrounding in place or any other governmental laws will change anything. If so, why hasn't it worked in the increasing number of daily shootings we see across this country? Remember, most of the violence is committed by many who are well under 21 and know how to by pass the system to obtain a firearm...It just doesn't work .
Read what I wrote. I am not calling for a ban - but many are. I am offering a solution to make it more difficult to buy an AR. You cannot go to your LGS and buy a suppressor without a Class III license, but their use is growing exponentially. When is the last time one was used in a crime?

Why do you think mass shooters choose an AR? Why not a bolt action Savage Lapua? We all know why.

How about we start by treating semiautomatic rifles the same as pistols, i.e., you must be 21 to buy?

Inaction by the shooting community is going to result in solutions being dictated to us that are not going to be pleasant. One being tossed around frequently is making gun companies liable (our costs will go up). Another is to allow gun owners to be sued if their weapon is stolen and used in a crime. Background checks for the sale of all guns, even between private parties. The list can go on and on.

Frankly, making the age to buy an AR 21 would have stopped almost all mass shootings except LV.
You are forgetting by defi ition these folks are outlaws. Make it illegal to get a tool they want to commit murder and they will simply steal it. You cannot fix this with any law that only law abiding folks will follow. It will require a culture change. Meanwhile the bad guys will have to be taken out before they can do very much damage. They had a very bad school killing in China not long ago. Weapon was a machete if memory serves.
But this is outside of what muddyboots intentions were for this thread.
Sorry muddy.
I'm out
I thought you weren't going to say anything anymore.

Actually, this may shock you but I admit that I was wrong. Apparently, I am the one with comprehension issues. You didn't say winchester automatic rifle but for some reason it registered with me that you did. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

It does however bring up a point. The firearms act of 1934 was in response to gang violence so the whole notion that people were all that different in those days doesn't really hold up. We just have a different kind of gangs now. As to whether the firearms act of 1934 worked, when was the last time you heard of anyone being murdered with a fully automatic weapon?
I didn't say you were calling for a ban. A ban is what follows what you are calling for.

I will sign out with this since I am tired of talking to liberals on this site. Which other ammendments in the bill of rights do you want to put limits on? 🤔
There are no "ammendments" - they are amendments. How about No 1? We ban shooter games

I don't relish this conversation. But so far, the "reasons" for school shootings given here are not something easily addressed. The public is becoming more outraged with each shooting. On LinkedIn, there are lots of folks calling for a repeal of 2A.

As for calling me a liberal, remember liberals would call you and me a right-wing fascist. You won't hear me calling you that.

As for the shootings you mention in other posts, ok, make those 21 -30 years old get a Class III; above 30, no problem. Stops all but LV. As for stolen guns, the public has solution for that: you are liable for stolen guns. And when was the last time a full-auto weapon was stolen? When is the last time a Class III weapon was used in a crime? I hear full-auto weapons in the AZ desert all the time; there seems to be no shortage of them.

This is not my agenda or narrative; I wish we could still order guns through the mail (until recently, I did because I have an FFL).

The public wants a solution. Saying "nothing will work" is not palatable to them. Doing nothing means the anti's control the agenda. Will they be successful? Maybe, maybe not. So, what is your solution? Just live with this and hope ARs are not banned, or even worse, see 2A repealed?

Time for my 100 yard off-hand practice.
I thought you weren't going to say anything anymore.

Actually, this may shock you but I admit that I was wrong. Apparently, I am the one with comprehension issues. You didn't say winchester automatic rifle but for some reason it registered with me that you did. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

It does however bring up a point. The firearms act of 1934 was in response to gang violence so the whole notion that people were all that different in those days doesn't really hold up. We just have a different kind of gangs now. As to whether the firearms act of 1934 worked, when was the last time you heard of anyone being murdered with a fully automatic weapon?
Happens all the time with illegal weapons, usually glocks with a glock switch. Popular with gangs and not newsworthy.
You are forgetting by defi ition these folks are outlaws. Make it illegal to get a tool they want to commit murder and they will simply steal it. You cannot fix this with any law that only law abiding folks will follow. It will require a culture change. Meanwhile the bad guys will have to be taken out before they can do very much damage. They had a very bad school killing in China not long ago. Weapon was a machete if memory serves.
Trust me, there are millions of people in the US who would gladly take their chances with machetes in the classroom right now. I transited China with a gun in 1999 on my way to Mongolia. It had to be locked up in the Bejing airport police office. I claimed it the next day and flew to UB. I was escorted by a Chinese official the entire time. There are no murders with guns in China to speak of because no one is allowed to have guns, which is exactly what many in US want right now, 2A be damned.

Like I said, we can control the agenda or bury our heads in the sand and hope for the best.
Gang members shooting other gang members isn't something public really cares about. Right now they are focused on school shootings. Just sayin...
That is because the public doesn't really care and they cannot use their deaths to promote their political agenda. Change it to innocent children and they can exploit it to the hilt. Shameful, and sick as the shooter. Anyone who buys into it deserves to be ruled. They are subjects. Not citizens. Sorry but that is how I feel. Neither side wants this fixed. They just want power.
Yes, those evil guns and those evil video games. That's the problem for sure. :rolleyes:

It's definitely not people killing people, as if something "made them" do it, and then somehow killing people is ok. lol
Let me throw this out to you guys who think gun laws might help. Suppose a couple of prominent politicians were assinated from long range with a bolt action medium bore, say a 338. What would they do? All of a sudden AR's would be all but forgotten and they would go full bore after bolt action sniper rifles. Its not the tool. They want to ban any gun they can. AR's seem doable to them. Big game rifles not so much without the right circumstances to sway public opinion. This is the game they are playing to limit your rights. Sorry but they are using tragedy for political gain and there are a lot of fools buying it

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