Looking for thoughts on a pistol for hunting

Does your state have pistol specific laws? As to caliber.. case shape ..barrel length..Some do...
Here in WA we have areas that are marked as "firearm restriction zones", typically in loosely populated areas where there's plots of dense timber with houses near by. The advantage to hunting those areas is that they're typically any deer or any elk areas which makes them great spots for guys just looking to fill the freezer every year.

The wording in the regs is kind of vague but acceptable weapons are archery, shotgun, black powder and revolver-type handguns. It's the "revolver-type" description that causes trouble. Semi-autos are acceptable, but not single shots like a Contender. So a 8" barreled 44 mag revolver is fine, an 8" barreled 44 Mag Desert Eagle is fine, but an 8" barreled 44 mag Contender is a no go.

Just to push the rules a bit, I've hunted with BFR revolvers in 30-30, 45/70, 375 JDJ and even a 50 Alaskan in areas where I knew I'd bump into a Game Warden. It was all in good fun and the Wardens usually got a good laugh out of it. It's just a poorly worded regulation that restricts the action style rather than the effective range or safety zone of the weapon which is the whole purpose of the rule.
Experiences with my XP-100R include a long shot of 377 paces, my paces, on a 15" pronghorn buck with a 260AI bbl. with hand loaded 107 grain Sierra Match Kings. Two WT bucks at within 100yds., all one and done. Two pronghorn does with the 22BR bbl. on this XP loaded with 60 grain Sierra HP, both within 100 yds. Shot prairie dogs out to +/- 200 yds. off of a portable bench. Been fun and quite an adventure.

What caliber is your XP-100? Secondly, how do you carry that beast around? Is there a holster maker, do you sling it? I really enjoy my 7mm BR and would love to use it in the field, but it is so d@#&n heavy and unwieldy. Your wisdom is requested.
PemTech, my XP-100R, 14" SS heavy contour Lilja bbl. with a Vias brake, is a 260AI or as Redding die company lists it as a 6.5-308X40. The 40 being a 40 degree shoulder on the cartridge casing. This I handload Nosler 120 BT and Sierra 107 SMK, have loaded Nosler 100BT but like the heavier bullets. I alway use a bipod and a sling. It has an added aluminum billet glued into the pistol grip that is threaded for a sling attachment. When I hunt I merely sling it under my arm, on a short sling, also hold the bipod legs for additional carrying control. Is it heavy? Yes, but lighter than my rifles and an adventure to hunt with.
Having read the previous replies am thinking about changing to a rifle scope. Not entirely convinced as yet.
Don't know if this true wisdom, but has worked for me. Hope this will help. MTG
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Ernie-did Remington ever make a XP-100 in stainless? Reason I ask, I saw a "project" XP for sale that seller believes is stainless, not in the white. I have never seen one in stainless, but bet you'd know! I liked the article.....even if I can't use it for what I originally wanted to, the pistol idea is still rolling around in my head, and if I found a deal on one.......:(
Ernie-did Remington ever make a XP-100 in stainless? Reason I ask, I saw a "project" XP for sale that seller believes is stainless, not in the white. I have never seen one in stainless, but bet you'd know! I liked the article.....even if I can't use it for what I originally wanted to, the pistol idea is still rolling around in my head, and if I found a deal on one.......:(
Not that I know of.
Ernie, very interesting article on rifle scopes being employed on specialty pistols. Had not given it much thought as of late. I do have Swift 3-9 on my Anshutz 17P that has been a hoot. Have not hunted with my XP-100R as of late. But, given what you have detailed it may be in the future. Sadly my XP has been a safe queen for a few yrs. Perhaps time for it to see the light. Thanks for the information. MTG
Nothing doing this a Thanksgiving morning after a nice breakfast. So......after some hand wringing and soul searching I removed the 3-12 Burris pistol scope from my XP-100R. I mounted a Weaver V16 that has been gathering dust in my safe. All mounted, secured, leveled and ready to dial in. But, the weather here in NW Montana is not conducive for a range day any time soon. Therefore it will be a nice calm, warm spring day before anything can be dialed.
Ernie, you got in my head and am looking forward to shooting my XP once again.
Happy Thanksgiving to all. MTG
As a long time Contender shooter, I can contest to the accuracy within the range you are inquiring about. I have taken my fair share of deer, elk, antelope and caribou with my Contender. I shoot a 16" 30-30 and a 14" JDJ 309 (444 Marlin necked down to 30 caliber). The 309 achieves 3400 fps using a 125 gn BT Nosler. I use T-SOB scope mounts with a Burris 3-9 variable scope. Check out SSK Industries for other calibers and cost.

So this year I was out looking at some new deer hunting area to bring my children that is in a shotgun only restriction, and found some really great spots that are over looked due to the range of shooting. It got me thinking about building a pistol that would be legal in the shotgun areas, but would be capable of reaching out 350-400 yards, and maybe further. This area is also on the border of a rifle area, so the pistol would eliminate any potential conflicts with border rules. (you could cross from rifle into shotgun without issue) I see that there are some on this forum that hunt and build long range pistols for hunting, and I hoped those would provide me some in-site or thoughts to what I'm thinking......
First Calibers; I'm kind of leaning towards a .260 rem, because I already load for it, but also have thought 7mm-08, 6.5 PRC, 6.5x284 or maybe 6.5x47....I saw one for sale in 7x57 that looked interesting. Any others close to these that I shouldn't overlook? My children would end up shooting it as well, so I don't want too big of hand cannon!

Barrel Length, I'm thinking 15" if I were to rebarrel one, but what would you think for the above calibers as far as a minimum length should I find one complete to just buy? I'd like to be able to push the range down the road if I'm capable of the task.

Actions; Xp-100 seems like the top bar for long range pistols......Looking at the cost for these, would you be better off buying a new action from someone like PTG for a new build? (I realize the trigger extension for under grip may pose a problem) But what about the Savage strikers, or starting with a Savage action? Any thoughts? Lastly has anyone on here gotten steller enough performance out on a Contender for 500 yard shooting? I'm sure it's possible but it seems like it may be hit and miss/ a lot of work to get one tuned up......I'd love to hear actual experiences with them though.

Any reason not to do a Remage or Savage nut barrel pistol build?

How many of you are using rifle scopes vs handgun scopes?

What else should I be thinking about, or missing? How about ideas to keep costs down on a build like this?:rolleyes: I know......If I have to say it I probably shouldn't be building it! This idea is in it's pretty infant stages in my head, and it seem like it would be a fun gun for both shooting and hunting......not sure if I should even open this addiction bottle, or nip all these thoughts in the bud! :confused:
I hunt with a Encore in 325 wsm w/15" barrel. it is extremely accurate. I have become really accurate and practice out to 400 yards. I shoot lying on my back, using my knees as a rest. i have taken Elk, Whitetail deer, and a very large bull American Bison with it. I don't use a brake as I don't like the added noise. I already suffer from hearing lose and severe Tinnitus, so no brake. the recoil is manageable, lots of movement but I will tell you it doesn't kick like a rifle. it's true that the factory trigger leaves a lot to be desired, but a good trigger job fixes that problem. this caliber would'nt let me shoot with a rifle scope, so I use Burris pistol scopes. I recently recieved a new barrel combo from Justin Sip, Sip custom guns, chambered in 6.5-284. it has an 18" barrel and I have built a suppressor for it. I wont be able to shoot this combo off hand, but then I don't practice that way. I always use support. I love the encore platform. As I have only my right arm, I don't think I could use a bolt actioned pistol.
An XP-100 in 260 Remington would be all you would EVER need. The kill-ability of the 264 projectiles above 2400 fps is hard to believe. A 260 would easily exceed 2400 fps with a 120.
I quite hunting with a long barrel rifle back in the early 90's after I acquired a TC in a 30-30 caliber. I soon found that I was limited on my range and knock down power with such a light load for Colorado. Don't get me wrong, I shot numerous deer and antelope with this caliber but wanted something with more oomph. Thats when I learned about JD Jones barrels. After a lot of research, I settled on a 309 JDJ 14 inch barrel with T-SOB scope mounts and a Burris 3-9 Variable scope. This caliber is based on a 308. Using a 444 mag cartridge, which you neck down using a 308 die and the fire form the shoulder. This cartridge requires a lot of trail and error on powders and primer selection. Plus hours at the shooting range. Shooting 125 gran 30 Cal I achieve 3400 fps and can put each one in a coffee cup at 300 meters using a bench rest. I have shot, antelope, deer, elk and caribou with this particular caliber. It handles a 150 or 165 grain bullet with ease (you do loose distance, but the majority of my shots are under 200 yards on larger game). I should note, that this setup is NOT for shoot off hand. You will need a steady rest and two hands before you pull the trigger.
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