looking for recommendations powder for 30.06

WOW. What barrel length is that?

Hi Brent

Here is the load info out of QuickLoad. The come-ups are really close but it could use some more tuning.

Thanks all, lightbulb
Exactly the info I was looking for.
I had some light reloads, that mad the 700 was to shoot, but hunting loads ouch!!! Hopefully the recoil pad will make a big difference.
I was able to narrow down my choices with all the great info. THANK YOU!!!!

My long term goal is a suppressed 300 RUM on the heavy side. Shawn (drawing a blank on last name, custom smith out of Idaho), and I worked out the details last year of what would be the best fit for me, with spine and recoil not agreeing with me now at all. Two mortages for 6 months until our old home got rented out (cant afford to sell it), moving across country and everything we could scrounge for the new house, we are still paying for a lot of medical out of pocket, thanks to the games that are bing played so no funds to get it started yet. :( But the move was well worth it, my wife has already been promoted. The surprise your taking a promotion, that you did not put in for, or know about and were not giving you a choice! 10 years with her old company and constantly getting hosed on promotions while the Pres's drinking buddies, who were not even making the performance standards, per company policy and Pres's of if you do not make your numbers you cannot even put in for a promotion. Except for his buddies and GF's my wife was always ranked in the top ten or higher, so it really sucked since we could have used the extra cash.
So, once we start getting ahead again a 300 Rum will be in my future. It is still a few years between money and then long wait though for one.

This is what I wake up to and go to sleep to, or the deer both wt and muley's and javelina. We had 13 javelina in front yard weeks ago. The back is enclosed so we do not get as many critters, plus horse corrals (empty right now) and if they come into back yard they it is mostly area behind corrals which is overgrown, so half time they go unnoticed, unless the rack is big. No horses or llamas yet but someday. My research for a pack animal leads me to wanting a llamas since they are cheaper to feed and can ride in back of truck. I do all my own dogs vacines, heartworm meds (ivermeticn), I use a company that dilutes it down for me, making it dummy proof. The meds are exactly the same plus a tetnis shot. It seems like a good fit. They can be in same corral as horses. If my daughter gets her way, we will have a horse first. She loves horses. I see the need for them too after I have been riding a few times out here thanks to an amazing person, giving me some insight how to hunt out here and why horses work well hunting this type of country. I went from very limited to lots of options, now knowing I can still ride and all a horse can do. Im back to being able to cover a lot of ground using a horse. I will just pay the pain price latter in day. Again its not in the near future but someday.
Funny thing is my daughter (6) her one thing was if we moved to a place we could have horses she wanted a horse. I promised her, figuring never going to have that option and we already knew share boarding is too expensive. At least it was in Northern IL when we looked into it for her. Low and behold the house we end up buying has horse corrals and a barn. Everything happens for a reason.


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i am not as smart or educated as a lot of you folks but my driver was accuracy
i use 180 gr AB and the target shoots them into a bone stock ruger MK2 into a 3/4 inch group all day
i would respectfully ask for another recipe using 180 gr ab
Varget is a great powder, but don't you think it might be a bit too fast for the heavy bullets?
mud it is real good for these. ron

50.5 of varget and a 168 berger , lapau brass , 210m , 030 off. Awesome. maybe substitute a 168 balistic silver tip or 168 to 165 of your choice. accurate deadly. short range , long range.
Dhammer- welcome to az. quite few bears over by you also. and the season is open in some areas. 30-06 is a popular round so there are a LOT of good powders for them. I currently have 6 . I like the 30-06. one year I loaded and shot 2500 30-06 rounds . I shoot mostly 168 berger or CBT now. or any 165 grain btsp. first choice is Varget, second I-4064, I/H4895; then all the rest H/I 4350, re-19 or 22, I-4320.
I am not an expert like many of the people on this forum.
My family and I all use H4831 in all our bigger brass due to the fact we have absolutely no deviation between hot and cold firing. H4831 is very temp insensitive. Just a thought. I will say I have no expieriance with all the stated rifle powders in this forum topic.
I think I will try and find some of the Bergers to test as well. (reasonably priced of course)
The gun show in Glendale advertised reloading supplies. That was a big let down today. Zero anything for reloading. Mostly a black rifle show, so it was a bust for us. Even with building a Grendel, I was like, yeah, nothing I would use here. At least there was massive amounts of ammo. Nice to see that ammo is plentiful again, Someone forgot to tell dealers 22lr can be had a again since most were insane prices in that arena. I had hope to see more bolt action rifles too. I really want to find a beater 6mm for my 8 year old who hates recoil. Looks like a 243 for xmas at this rate.
again, thanks all
IMO 4064, 4895 and Varget will work well. Also IMO, 4350 will work the best.

For bolt action rifles and hunting ammo I use mostly H4350 and a 165/168gr bullet for the 30-06. When combined with a CCI-200 primer accuracy is impressive in all the 30-06 rifles I own and shoot.
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