Looking for a custom rifle maker - high quality

Dallas Lane has built me many rifles. Nathan Dagley at SSG too. Both good guys they build great rifles.
Mike Davis at Davis custom rifles. I own afew of his guns he has built for me and know his pride and heat behind his builds
RBROS rifles. Travis builds one helluva rifle.
They flat out shoot and the craftsmanship is top tier.
The 338 RBH he built me just add another happy hunter to the hunting ranks.
Just got a 6.5-06 finished by Carpers Customs in Washington, PA. Started the build in May and will pick the rifle up when I get back in the area. He will build what you want. I wanted an accurate, lighter weight hunting rifle. I went with a Kelbly action, Bartlein CFW barrel, and a Grayboe stock and bottom metal. Attached is the picture of the rifle and it's three shot group. Like the old saying a picture is worth a 1000 words. I have around 2,800 in the build without the scope. Good luck in your build, I'm sure any decent gunsmith will put together a rifle that outperforms your ability…that's the case with me anyways.



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Another great choice is Gap rifles. They are known for Prs rifles but I love my 300 Winchester Mag. It's model is called the non typical. It's more of a traditional composite bdl steel barrel rifle. My rifle was $3000. Base price and $3500. with extras, fluted barrel, muzzle break, flush cup on bottom and side. The time they quote was when it arrived 6 month. I had a hunting trip in one month and asked if it would be ready and they said no problem. Good luck with your build.


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For all of you with experience in having custom long range hunting rifles built, who in this country is at the top of their game? High quality, meticulous in detail AND will use a brand new reamer?

I am looking at two new long range hunting rifles: a 300 WM and a 300 PRC.
Composite stock. Bolt action. Tack driver.
NOT looking for a heavy bench rest Gun not an MSR.

I'd consider another Cooper but their wait is wait too long. I need these by next hunting season Oct 2022).
I have looked too at Fierce.
I have looked too at Seekins.

REALLY sour on Browning… quality has died and they are resting on their laurels and their name. John Browning would remove his name from that organization! (This coming from a former member of the Browning Collectors Association and owner of over 20 Browning rifles).

I have talked to several people that have gone the custom route and they all insist that a key piece is using a brand new reamer.

I am not looking for some guy that can throw together a rifle in his garage but someone that prides themselves on their quality and their reputation.

Blackline Pricision build great long range rifles!
For all of you with experience in having custom long range hunting rifles built, who in this country is at the top of their game? High quality, meticulous in detail AND will use a brand new reamer?

I am looking at two new long range hunting rifles: a 300 WM and a 300 PRC.
Composite stock. Bolt action. Tack driver.
NOT looking for a heavy bench rest Gun not an MSR.

I'd consider another Cooper but their wait is wait too long. I need these by next hunting season Oct 2022).
I have looked too at Fierce.
I have looked too at Seekins.

REALLY sour on Browning… quality has died and they are resting on their laurels and their name. John Browning would remove his name from that organization! (This coming from a former member of the Browning Collectors Association and owner of over 20 Browning rifles).

I have talked to several people that have gone the custom route and they all insist that a key piece is using a brand new reamer.

I am not looking for some guy that can throw together a rifle in his garage but someone that prides themselves on their quality and their reputation.

montrose county gunmakers in P.A.! great smith. Dskiper
Yeah, I went through that "custom rifle syndrome". After looking at my "ideal action", "ideal barrel", "ideal stock", "ideal trigger", etc. etc. I realized it just may not turn out as well as I had hoped. Maybe all those parts from different manufacturers, the barrel put on by my very competent gunsmith, me bedding it with Marine Tex, after ALL that I might have created a Frankenstein. And then who would buy such a rifle, at least for 50% of what I had invested If I really didn't like it?

It is an intriguing quest, but in the end I happened to find a "semi-custom rifle" as Browning calls their X-Bolt Pro.
That rifle had virtually everything I wanted: carbon fiber stock, stainless steel action and stainless factory lapped barrel, very good trigger, 3 lug bolt, and again, "etc., etc." BUT it convinced me that for $1,800. and that beautiful bronze Cerakote on metal and stock I truly needed that rifle, in 6.5PRC in particular. It is now my "Nevada mountain rifle". And the damned thing will, with Hornady Precision Hunter ELD-X ammo, print 1/2 to 3/4 inch MOA the first three shots, until the skinny, fluted barrel heats up. But hey, it's a hunting rifle, I should never need more than two shots.
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My shop runs about a 4-6 month turnaround . Very precision built . reasonable pricing not cheap . But very detail oriented . I agree with shortgrass on the new reamer thing . But we can get one if its what you would like , just adds to the cost .
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