I ordered:
2 - 5 round sample packs of 180 gr accubond
2 - 5 rounds sample packs of 180 gr GMX
2 - 5 round sample packs of 170 gr Accubond
2 - 5 round sample packs of 165 gr Accubond
2 - 5 round sample packs of 165 gr GMX
My go to gun shop a town or two over is holding a 1lb if Varget and some 210m primers for me.
I've doing some ready on Hodgdon's website and some sticky threads on ladder testing. Once I can get my rifle back from bedding I'll make sure it's zero'd with the Federal's I have.
I'm going to do my ladder testing at 100y. I'm going load up 5 in 1 gr increments to max for each bullet weight/brand. I'll post some pictures of it all.
I've cleaned a bunch of brass for it. What's the best brass to use - all once fired. Here's the choices:
- Federal
A couple of things. I note you are increasing the powder grains by 1 gr increments. Are you going up to the max hand loading manual is calling out for, or increasing your loads above the max load given? Not knowing the round you are shooting, Going over the max load called out for in manual by1 grain step is to much. You are on the right track, but only one powder? Their a great many powder, primers, bullets out there. That the great part of it, being able to change out bullets, powders, primers, case and bullets lengths. So you have a long way to go in developing a load for your rifle.
The brass you should put in groups by manufacture and get a weight on each case. Getting the weights to as close as possible per manufacture in groups. I have seen weights of case from different manufactures vary 15+ grains. There is other ways to measure your case by water volume. You need to note the case weights and group them. That can get you into big problems. Especially if the powder reacts to heat or cold weather. Set up sheet of paper gridded reflecting case holder tray or trays. to put in case weight. Then move the case that are about the same weight together. I set a grid with excel. Mark the base of the case with nail polish what cases are the same or close to same. Like a 300 Win Mag in PMC. Mark the 3 for one weight them next weight 3 & W. Also make a charts to show how you marked the cases. At the range things can get turned over, then you start all over again.