Looking for assistance with load development

Theres a really long thread on here from a while back. Lots of info. H4350 is the original powder. However, R26 is giving higher velocities.
Theres a really long thread on here from a while back. Lots of info. H4350 is the original powder. However, R26 is giving higher velocities.
That's great for hunting but if you're doing competition shooting whereas the temps can get above 85, it will be like a box of chocolates; you never know what you gonna get. It doesn't like the high temps.
Looking for assistance with load development for both Hunting and Target Ruger Precision 6.5 Creedmoor - 24"Barrel - 1: 8 twist - AimSport Silencer Lapua Brass - small Primer Pocket What Primer / Powder / Bullets?
In my 6.5 Creedmore Ruger LRT with 123 grain Lapua Scenar and Federal GMM LG Pr.. Hornady brass. .010 off, 39.5 + grains of Varget shoots better than the Hornady 123 ELDM bullet with Varget , which shoots really well too.
I shoot either depending on bullet availability ( best group @300meters so far was with Lapua Scenar bullet 1/3 MOA 2912 FPS. )
Old thread but info someone else might find helpful.


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