Longest Kill Shot ?

Simple question: What has been your longest kill shot on varmint or game animal?
To date 724 on a doe antelope but had a much harder shot on the bull in my avatar last year.
639 yards across a canyon with a 20 mph wind right to left on the hillside I was sitting on but switched to left to right as soon as you got out over the canyon. Put the first one in the crease, he spun and ran 50 feet I put the second one 4 inches forward of the first and down he went. Sitting on steep hillside with shooting sticks out front and pack under my arm for rear support.

R-Bros LWLRH .300 WM
Nightforce NXS
215 Bergers @ 3067 fps
420 skunk facing me
425 coyote
320 Javelin
350 bobcat
All of the above one weekend 2 years ago 300WM rem

385 yards, white tail, 338 LM last year

wild hog 611 walking, 6-7 years ago, my longest 300WM Browning

all from sitting position, in a stand, all DOA where they stood.

yes I have had to look for the 'walking dead' ones, most all under 150 yards. I don't know why!
Mule Deer 850+ w/264 Win Mag 140 Sierra BT
Antelope 725 w/270 Win 130gr Sierra BT
Antelope 450 w/22 Cheetah Mk II, 60 gr Nosler
& many more mule deer & antelope 400 yds and closer....
Simple question: What has been your longest kill shot on varmint or game animal?
Whitetail: 490 yards
Prairie Dog: 400 yards
Coyote: 230 yards
Turkey: 160 yards

Honorable mention: Coyote @ 45 yards with a 357 mag revolver hip shot...friend I took hunting for the first time locked up when it came time for the shot. I couldn't shoulder my rifle without getting busted so i tried a shot and somehow connected. It was the greatest and luckiest hunting experience ever. In hind sight it was dumb to take a shot that reckless but I was 19 and a lot dumber.
Elk = 520 with 300 RUM & 190 Bergers
White Tail = 230 with 7 Mag & 168 Nosler ABLR
Everything else inside of 200.
Mule deer 624 yds 7mm wsm, eland 564 yds 7mm wsm. Kudu 550 300 wsm. My son shot a mule deer at 1020 with 7mm dakota mag. All lasered.
My longest shot ever was 750 yards on a wounded (by someone else) antelope. 130 gr. Partition out of my Win .270 took out both lungs and completely penetrated. Generally speaking, most of my shots are well under 100 yards. So why am I hanging out on a long range hunting forum? I'm pretty sure that 750 yard shot was as close to being an accident as one can get. I certainly didn't have any info on ballistics at that range! While I don't usually take shots at longer ranges, I still want to be able to if it becomes necessary! As we all know, stuff happens!
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