Loaning a suppressor on private property?

True enough I've personally have never heard of one to take advantage of it

I had a bad run in with a game warden. We used a boat to get to a deer hunting spot up the river. We had a big buck in the boat my buddy shot. We had rifles on us, hunter orange, the whole deer hunting deal. He saw a shotgun shell in the boat and used that as probably cause to search the boat, us, and the truck for possession of ducks. We also electronically tagged (called in / used a phone app and got a tag number) the buck, but we were given a ticket for not visibly, physically tagging the deer. So the point of the story is even when you do everything right, you're probably still doing something wrong. I would not risk it letting someone borrow a can on your property. We got a ticket for a silly rule, you can get jail time and loss of rights.
Yes, probability of apprehension is immaterial. Being in possession of suppressor without the proper paperwork is a felony. Conviction means the person in illegal possession cannot possess any firearm. And you would probably lose your suppressor. Seems like a no-brainer to me.
Any clue what the law says about loaning a suppressor to a friend or guest on private property? To be clear this would be on a large TX ranch where the Can will not ever leave the property. More or less going from the camp to the blind. Thanks

Joe S
Any clue what the law says about loaning a suppressor to a friend or guest on private property? To be clear this would be on a large TX ranch where the Can will not ever leave the property. More or less going from the camp to the blind. Thanks

Joe S
Suppressor (Silencer by Title 26 USC 5845) is register to an individual, trust or corporation. Therefore can't lend it out.
Under a trust you can lend it by adding an individual to your trust who is not a felon. An individual who owns a suppressor without a trust cannot let it out of their immediate possession.
Any State law enforcement officer can involve the ATF in a matter regarding Federal Firearms Law and that includes suppressors on "private land".
Be careful and know the law and Suppressors are a Federal issue they issue the Stamp and make the approval.
While in South Africa last year I entered a gun shop that had suppressors of all types in the display case. I could have purchased as many as I wanted. No questions or paper work required. Just can't bring them into the US and no I did not buy one.
I'm a lawyer in the neighboring state of New Mexico and I'm not absolutely certain what Texas law is, but my understanding is it does not regulate suppressors. On the other hand, federal law requires a license to acquire of suppressor. This may make you a federal criminal if you use is suppressing without such a license. I strongly urge you to consult Texas attorney who is familiar with firearms law before you step into a situation you may later greatly regret. This area of state and federal regulation is becoming more and more complex and you better have a good legal opinion behind you and obey the law or you could get in deep, deep trouble.
Merry Christmas everyone.!

Ok, so I am one of us, not one of "them". I own multiple suppressors and shoot them often for work, target, and hunting and think everyone should own suppressors.

I'm a Wildlife Enforcement Agent in the south, that being said I'll give you my 2 cents on the suppressor subject.

According to the ATF you must be on a trust, belong to co-op, or have the tax stamp in your name to possess the item.

Your property is subject to being searched by Wildlife Enforcement with just Probable Cause across the United States.

I do not go out of my way to look for "infractions" on suppressors, even though I can by the law in my state ask you for your tax stamp or trust paper work, I never do. It is a courtesy extended to American citizens. I am 100% a 2nd Amendment supporter and always will be.

It is legal to hunt everything but water fowl with suppressors in my state.

If you are out illegally night hunting (we can legally night hunt many animals here), killing game animals without a license or tags, poisoning game animals for fun, killing animals and wasting the meat, or doing something just out right stupid, I will come after you to the letter of the Law.

I will generally talk to you as a decent human and go about my day if you are within the hunting regulations and laws.

With all of that being said, if someone wants to Make you have a bad day, they can and "they" can really mess your day up. The Federal Law is pretty stiff and open to interpretation to any Federal judge that will be overseeing "your" case.

If you loan your dog to someone to track a deer and they keep their mouth shut, no one will ever know that he used your dog.
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Merry Christmas!
Anyone had the misfortune of "paperwork " stolen, lost in fire or other disaster. NFA related papers?
Merry Christmas!
Anyone had the misfortune of "paperwork " stolen, lost in fire or other disaster. NFA related papers?
My ex wife took my paper work out of my safe before I physically took possession of the suppressors to try and get me in trouble. I went to the shop that did the paper work and they gave me a copy that I used until I could get my originals out of my gun safe.
Hind sight is 20/20 but I should have let her "take" possession and had her arrested lol She was not on the trust. Come to think about it I never trusted her enough to put her on my Trust.
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