There are two types of crimps, a roll crimp and a taper crimp. The most typical crimp can be done with standard dies. Then there is another die available called a taper crimp die commonly used on 45 acp loads, it seats the bullet via a seating stem and has a tapered bore that crimps with a taper and not a roll in crimp like is used in standard dies.I crimped about 20 rounds and went to the range. Group sizes are decent. 2.5 moa at 100. My dies are an old RCBS 3-die set designed for semi wad cutters. After I seat the bullet, I back the seating stem out then lower the die body to crimp the shell. Following the instructions. The crimping process seats the bullet a few thousandths further into the casing even with the seating stem backed way out.
What die set should I buy that will seat the bullet and crimp at the same time? Is this even an option? I am using Hornady XTP bullets.