I have used 2 piece Leupold Rings and Bases ,including the Dual Dove Tail rings and bases, with no issues , just yet. I expected to have issues with the the Weatherby Ultralight in .270 Win. The recoil on that light rifle is sharp!! I shoot about 100 rounds prior to the deer hunt, every year. No problems with scope moving , or screws getting loose just yet. I check each screw in the rings prior to the beginning of the range sessions in October . All screws and holes are cleaned with "choke and carb cleaner ", then torqued to factory specs plus a tiny bit more, with Lock Tight . I take the time to make sure the ring's are aligned and parallel . I use the Wheeler scope mounting kit, with the 1 inch and 30mm bars to assure alignment , and torque limiting screw driver. The most impressive base I had ever seen , for a Magnum Safari Rifle, was a custom one piece Steel base, like your 4 hole base , but welded to the 98 Mauser Action, the blended and polished so it looked like it was machined as part of the action, no seams , then rust blued. Not only was the base incredibly strong, it was beautiful.