I am quite practiced at sharpening, had heard a story of my grandfather sharpening to the point a hair dropped onto the blade would split.
I started trying to replicate the task and honed my skills as well as everyone's knives in my company of Marines. K-bars, Gerber MkIIs, my own Buck 119, 110 and the Fred MacOverland? Stag handle from Solingen, that is the one that made my evolution complete. I had successfully done my grandpas trick and sliced my thumb returning the knife to the sheath, unbeknownst to me.
I carry a schrade steel and still the 119. Still sharp after sitting dormant for 8 years once.
I rarely had arm hair, or leg from the knee down when I was out in the field.
EDC is a Kershaw 1556 and is a good folder with decent steel, light handle and assisted opening.
I started trying to replicate the task and honed my skills as well as everyone's knives in my company of Marines. K-bars, Gerber MkIIs, my own Buck 119, 110 and the Fred MacOverland? Stag handle from Solingen, that is the one that made my evolution complete. I had successfully done my grandpas trick and sliced my thumb returning the knife to the sheath, unbeknownst to me.
I carry a schrade steel and still the 119. Still sharp after sitting dormant for 8 years once.
I rarely had arm hair, or leg from the knee down when I was out in the field.
EDC is a Kershaw 1556 and is a good folder with decent steel, light handle and assisted opening.