"Its Time"

I certainly cannot say yes or no but think for a moment. Say 7 to 9 feet tall and muscular. 4 to 700 pounds? Seems to me it would need 6 to 8 thousand calories to fuel something that size. Vegetation? Impossible. Meat? Need to be really fast and hunt in teams for deer or elk. I have spent a lot of time in Manitoba and Ontario. There is an area in Ontario that speaks of Windigo. Sasquatch. Ever been there in winter? Deep snow and sterile landscape. Something like that would starve trying to catch rabbits. Deer? I don,t think fast enough to survive on them. Moose? Big tough animal with ears like radar and move easy in deep snow. And with the amount of hunters in the wild every year somebody would have shot one by now. Very hard for me to believe.

I see you didn't answer my question. What do the other animals do to stay alive?
A friend of a friend found some disturbing footprints a couple days after the snow hit the ground near Coos Bay Oregon....behind locked gate..he had a key..truck tracks are his....if you look in the tire tracks you will see the guys boot tracks....he wears size 14......and double the guys own stride....this guy spends a lot of time in the woods....not always hunting....quite often just wasting fuel and daylight...
These tracks came up from one timber patch..walked the road and went into another timber patch...
This is within 20 miles of before stories....the animal tracks are his labs.....

Those are some pretty large footprints. What do you think they could be from?

Was the sun out earlier? Was the surface under the snow paved? Do you know if the temperature was above freezing?

Either way keep posting stuff like this. I really enjoy stories/reports like this. It would be kind of cool if we had a "creepy stuff seen while hunting/out in the woods thread"
Coast doesn't stay real cold very long....this was two days after the snow hit the ground...knowing about where he was...i doubt it was 250' above sea level.....maybe 15 miles from ocean.....as a crow flies...
Was just watching YouTube and a show with Bigfoot guru Todd Standing was up....neat storyline..
A film production was stopped from filming in BC Canada and had to spend millions to move production to finish filming in France.....
Why.....because the film crew..including actors..were being scared to hell by sasquatch....they called the cops and wildlife officers about it...and that who shut them down.....can you imagine a film company wanting cops to come protect them from Bigfoot....
'Ah..well....it was here first...you are on his turf'.......
The film was about an airplane crash..were survivors ate the dead to survive....the movie was called
They did find something 'ALIVE'
Absolutely....he has talked the talk and walked the walk....has taken a few people in with him to see these critters.....i believe one was Dr.Meldrum from IdahoStateU...right down the road from me.....
Of all the critters in the world I would like to see before I die..it would be......a Bigfoot.....nothing else....
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Off all the critters in the world I would like to see before I die..it would be......a Bigfoot.....nothing else....
I can pass. A track to sit and ponder would be great.

Once they are declared real, none of us gets allowed back in the woods anyhow.
Was just watching YouTube and a show with Bigfoot guru Todd Standing was up....neat storyline..
A film production was stopped from filming in BC Canada and had to spend millions to move production to finish filming in France.....
Why.....because the film crew..including actors..were being scared to hell by sasquatch....they called the cops and wildlife officers about it...and that who shut them down.....can you imagine a film company wanting cops to come protect them from Bigfoot....
'Ah..well....it was here first...you are on his turf'.......
The film was about an airplane crash..were survivors ate the dead to survive....the movie was called
They did find something 'ALIVE'
You have a link for that video. Be kind of interesting to look at
I was gonna start one of these threads today hahaha
Now all I gotta do is bump it back up again.
I've had 3 weird things happen I can't explain, the one I am almost positive was a squatch, can't prove it for sure to myself or anyone else. I was 5 1/2 miles back in a very remote area.
The other one as an adult, only one other person witnessed the experience besides myself- he went into "shock denialism syndrome " and we don't speak anymore because of it. Said he'd be the laughing stock and loose most of his friends.
The third is I was about 3 and don't know if I remember or can visualize it from hearing the story be repeated so many times growing up.
I'm dang sure not a skeptic but I'm a realist to.
I'll see if I can find a net pic of the 70's USFS Foresters Guide Book. It has clear instructions of what to do if they were to site one. There was another for fire lookout personnel and how they weee to report possible sittings.
I was gonna start one of these threads today hahaha
Now all I gotta do is bump it back up again.
I've had 3 weird things happen I can't explain, the one I am almost positive was a squatch, can't prove it for sure to myself or anyone else. I was 5 1/2 miles back in a very remote area.
The other one as an adult, only one other person witnessed the experience besides myself- he went into "shock denialism syndrome " and we don't speak anymore because of it. Said he'd be the laughing stock and loose most of his friends.
The third is I was about 3 and don't know if I remember or can visualize it from hearing the story be repeated so many times growing up.
I'm dang sure not a skeptic but I'm a realist to.
I'll see if I can find a net pic of the 70's USFS Foresters Guide Book. It has clear instructions of what to do if they were to site one. There was another for fire lookout personnel and how they weee to report possible sittings.
Please share your stories if you want too. I'd be very interested in hearing them. Thank you.
Please share your stories if you want too. I'd be very interested in hearing them. Thank you.
I'm gonna tell them how they happened in time.
I'm from a small town in N.W. Montana, I always felt like or camper was home from early spring until fall rifle season was over and our house was were we just went for a few days.
My dad would go to work from our camper, we camped alot.
I can remember small little things back to 17 months old. Not detailed things just specific small instances. But can remember more and longer memories from the age of 3
Like I said earlier, this story got repeated in certain circles frequently while I was growing up, so the memories could be built around visualizing from hearing the story so many times.
I was 3 in this first story.

There is an old logging camp that got turned into a a camping area, it's basically a big meadow at a Fork in a FS road. The road to the left goes to a lockout the other goes to some beautiful high mountain lakes.
We usually camped with lots of other families, there were JR high kids that would creep around and knock on campers and rattle them around.
Our camper shook and rattled and there was clawing at the door. I remember my dad saying "DAMNED KIDS" and opening the door and sqeeling like a pig. He slammed the door and ran back to the bed at the front of camper and grabbed his pistol.
He fired a shot into the air, which was customary as we have grizzly there too.
I remember my mom covering my little brothers ears and the whole camp lighting up and chaos.
The next evening everyone was on edge because this bear was in camp. It had rained just a bit and the fog was coming in. I can remember the fog and this blue zip up jacket I had to wear.
My mom was on high alert because there weren't many men in the camp. They had taken all the bigger kids to a hike in lake and weren't back yet.
She was looking out into the eves of this meadow. Something screeched very loud from the timber across the road. I remember the sound it made and people freaking out.
It happened again a few moments later. Then remember my mom saying "look that damned bear is back" and trying to point it out to one of the ol timers.
Then I remember the old man saying "that's not a bleeping bear" and being shoved in the pickup by my mom and me and her and my little brother who was 17 months younger zipping out of camp and going to look for my dad.
About 7 adults saw that thing, I never did. The field of view is different at three yrs old. If I did I do not remember.
I got two more stories but my thumbs are sore
Oh ya- everyone went home that evening.
But we camped there every year after that all through my childhood

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