Hard Water---who's ready to go

That newfangled contraception takes all the fun out of catching with your own hand! We used to run dozens of Tip ups and run between holes. If in a Shack would use a pole but mostly ran Tip Ups!!!!
Here are some pics of Old School "YoYo" Automatic catching. We have used them off of Tree Limbs on Streams/Ponds and you can use on Ice with a TriPod made out of sticks/wood.
Len & Jill
Those new contraptions are just tip ups where you get to fight the fish on a rod instead of hand lining. It's a game changer for little kids if they can fight a big fish on a noodle pole. Super fun.

I have a couple of those old yo-yo rigs my old man gave me. I've yet to catch a **** thing on them. Keep trying just because I want to see it work. Going to have to break them out again this weekend.
Will Ferrell Lol GIF by NBA
Those new contraptions are just tip ups where you get to fight the fish on a rod instead of hand lining. It's a game changer for little kids if they can fight a big fish on a noodle pole. Super fun.

I have a couple of those old yo-yo rigs my old man gave me. I've yet to catch a **** thing on them. Keep trying just because I want to see it work. Going to have to break them out again this weekend.
So glad to see you taking your children out fishing and those Little Rods are a lot of fun FIGHTING a Fish!!!!! A lot better than hand lining like with TipUps.