I grew up north of Agnes...
Down the south fork of Coquille..so you're basically talking about the backwoods...i hunted...johnson mountain..iron mountain..way out the south side of bone mountain that I spent a lot of time in.....all that country would be easier living for a critter...lots of game..creeks year round...blackberries in the fall...fruit trees apparently left by Johnny Appleseed himself......there are books that cover stories of 'odd' critters in that particular area....north of there on the sixes he is known as the blonde man....south of there, there was a Russian settlement(nearer Brookings..which is,just slightly over the hill) that the logging camp kept getting raided...dogs werent being proactive...the loggers joined forces with axes and splitting mauls one night....the written story says they killed a monster of a man....blonde haired........but there were more....the loggers(with family in tow) left the area....
Sounds like you were around Indian creek on the rogue....
My grandfather homesteads on Hunters Creek and other family still owns some land on Pistol River...