It's a whiskey tasting kinda of night ...

Man, I think we would get along just fine. That's 4 of my top 5.
Getting ready for the One Shot Antelope Hunt in Lander next week. Figure some of the crowd might enjoy a nip of this.....

So I went down a wormhole on tube a while back on aging liquor in small barrels at home. I starred with Blanco Tequila in one barrel, Old Grandad and Even Williams in another. I sampled them every week and gave samples to friends. 4 weeks was the sweet spot for both. The Tequila became so smooth with a oak taste. The Bourbon did the same. It totally tool the ethanol taste out. I have one friend having me age 5 liters of the Tequila for him. The barrels are $40-75 depending on the size and can be reused several times. You can have them chard as much of little you want.
Next step is a still and making my own mash. Who knows.....I might the the next Jack Daniel's or Jim Beam.