Here are the best pics I could get with my phone. The one with the dimple in the bottom of the dent is the worst, and is the only one with that little dimple. Some of the dents can be felt more than seen. Couldn't get a good picture of the inside of the die.
View attachment 239508View attachment 239509
Yes, I am very new to reloading. I've been using the lubrication method shown in the RCBS die instructions I found online, which match the process shown in the Lyman manual, with a slight modification. Both of those sources show a hand placed palm-down on the cases being lubed. I put one case on an RCBS lube pad with RCBS case lube on it, and using my fingernail against the side of the case roll it one revolution across the pad without putting any downward pressure on the case. Basically trying to put as little lubrication on the case as possible but still lube the length of it. Maybe I'm still getting too much on the case though, as there were a few cases that didn't dent. Out of the 15 I sized, I think 7 had dents of varying size and depth.
These are Winchester cases purchased as factory ammunition, fired once and then full-length sized to bump the shoulder 0.002".
Cleaned the vent hole, which did have some lube in it, but nothing solid like grit. Looked fairly dirty, though. Thanks for the suggestions on how to remedy the situation so far. I will try some solvent and soft bristles to see if I can remove the surface corrosion I can see. Mainly I was trying to avoid making it worse by doing something stupid.