from my testing with 22.250. light grain bullets like 52 hollow points out of a 26 inch barrel would fly apart before a target with a 9 twist. You can get rpm calculations and at some point you over rpm certain bullet construction. Some bullets even come with max velocity.
I'm a varmint person. At a young age i saw critters vaporized with frangible bullets like 87 v-max out of 25-06 or 100 grain out of .270 when you exceed 3600 fps. the only way to explain it is super high RPM causing it to fly apart without any penetration
Those bullets coming apart in your 9 twist are more than likely more so from a rough throat than the twist...
Proving that bullets spun mucho faster on big game in theory should make for a more dramatic kill but in real world pretty much impossible to prove.
Now on rodent's like PD's if one uses the same same bullets etc in say 223's side by side with a 8 twist verse a 12 or so you will see much more for air time and goo factor! On our 500 round (per person) pd days it's interesting to run those comparisons all in the sake of research and stress mgt right...