IMR 7828SCC with 6MM Creedmoor

I v
Can go hoard about twelve pounds of H 100 V
But shyed from it because of bad reviews
Had IMR 4064 cause some serious winter coyote problems.
Been spooked ever since.
Don't even watch ghosts on t.v., wont step on a crack, ummm
Can I barrow some salt.
šŸ¤If you'v access to that much Hybrid 100 V, I'd get it? Is it temperature insensitive, kind of maybe, but not enough to make that much of an MIL elevation change +/- or a pressure spike issue like RL26 over 80F!
I v
Can go hoard about twelve pounds of H 100 V
But shyed from it because of bad reviews
Had IMR 4064 cause some serious winter coyote problems.
Been spooked ever since.
Don't even watch ghosts on t.v., wont step on a crack, ummm
Can I barrow some salt.
I love 4064 in my 223 for hunting yotes. (Refusing to use my Varget shooting them buggers) I've also loaded it for a retired sniper I served with. He loves it in his 308.
I found if I do my load work up in a forty degree window (twenty each way)
I don't have much to worry about
As far as Varget goes, I will never admit how much.....
I'll be waisting it on Zombie Reloaders.šŸ‘¹
I found if I do my load work up in a forty degree window (twenty each way)
I don't have much to worry about
As far as Varget goes, I will never admit how much.....
I'll be waisting it on Zombie Reloaders.šŸ‘¹
Yeah i shoot for most of my reloading ~ 0*C/32F*. Here, I'll be going out on Tuesday as it's expected to be warm @ ~ O so I'll test some 6mm&6.5CM. My 270 for spring Bear Plus I'll shoot the 223 as barrels cool.
Best I could do for the 26nosler was us869 and 7828. neit produced great results
Now that I have a new 28Nosler barrel and 100pcs of Peterson for load dev, I have a larger amount of 26Nosler cases, that I'm fighting the urg, so far successfully, not to get a pre-fit a 26Nosler barrel for a mediocre 6.5x284Norma rifle, to make it a fast 6.5mm rifle..............
I have an older remington bdl in .243 and the only grouping I could get was with a 90 Grn. E-Tip and 45.5 Grains of 7828. Not a screamer but knocks deer down out to about 500 yards. Last one a 484 yrds.
I think 7828 would work fine. Especially for a 90gr bullet. I'm sure you'll be at 100% case capacity. It is definitely on the slow end. But if you remember, H1000 was the "go-to" powder 8 years ago when it came out. Some idea to preserve barrel life.

My go to powder for 6mm Creed is RL23. H4831SC works well as does RL26. H1000 is usually a little slow with the 115 DTACs that I shoot in it. Best of luck!
I have some Berger 90gr tgt projectiles that I'm wanting to shoot out of my 6mm CM. I usually try to load powders that have a Load Density above 95%.
I found some data in my swift manual however it's for the 243 that show promise for 7828. (42.3-45.5gr with a 90 gr swift scirocco II)
It pays to buy powder when you find it. So..I have some IMR 7828 and 7828SCC. I think I can get ~ 43.5gr (max) am I way off with this amount.

anyone have experience with IMR7828 in their 6mmCM?
You can Call Swift the man that does the bullet there will talk to you in length I've talk to him several times and he will lead you in the right direction
7828 any, more than not, is too slow, for a 90 grain in 6mm Creedmoor. I run H4831SC with 110SMK, in a 26" barrel @3200 AVG FPS and that's a mid-charge in this rifle, that gives a lot of reloading's with Starline LRP case and tight primer pockets.
What he said. 7828 will work, but your velocity will suffer.
I have an older remington bdl in .243 and the only grouping I could get was with a 90 Grn. E-Tip and 45.5 Grains of 7828. Not a screamer but knocks deer down out to about 500 yards. Last one a 484 yrds.
This was my thought process once I found data in my swift manual ( which BTW is an absolute beautiful book with lovely illustrations). I knew that the 6CM was a smaller case with sharper shoulders so I calculated that amount. I'm certainly not looking for a barrel burner.
Thankx for the information
I have some Berger 90gr tgt projectiles that I'm wanting to shoot out of my 6mm CM. I usually try to load powders that have a Load Density above 95%.
I found some data in my swift manual however it's for the 243 that show promise for 7828. (42.3-45.5gr with a 90 gr swift scirocco II)
It pays to buy powder when you find it. So..I have some IMR 7828 and 7828SCC. I think I can get ~ 43.5gr (max) am I way off with this amount.

anyone have experience with IMR7828 in their 6mmCM?
Try Staball powder instead if you can find it, it's amazing in the creedmoors.
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