6mm CreedMoor

I have a savage in 6 creedmoor. I bought it to use up a pile of .243 win brass I had laying around. Turns out I actually really like the thing.

I settled on the DTAC bullet, Im pushing it with 40.7gr of Ramshot Hunter and a magnum winchester primer to about 2950fps. I was eye balling the 100gr tipped game king and might just try it with the next barrel.

This was at 500 yds last night.


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I have a savage in 6 creedmoor. I bought it to use up a pile of .243 win brass I had laying around. Turns out I actually really like the thing.

I settled on the DTAC bullet, Im pushing it with 40.7gr of Ramshot Hunter and a magnum winchester primer to about 2950fps. I was eye balling the 100gr tipped game king and might just try it with the next barrel.

This was at 500 yds last night.

Barrel length?
How long is the barrel. Everybody wants to know. 🤣
If you want to be impressed try some rl26 with your 105 class bullets. In that barrel length you can reach over 3300 no problems. I've built a bunch of these for the 1000 yard guys at our club and most guys found the accuracy node at 3250 to 3275. Mine accually shot more accurate with rl23 at 3175 with 105 hybrids. All the ones I built have freebore set for the 105 class bullets if you have a really short throat you may not get quite to 3300 because rl26 really fills it up.
Sorry, I didn't realize that.
I was asking RedneckDan..................
I was asking RedneckDan..................
How long is the barrel. Everybody wants to know. 🤣
If you want to be impressed try some rl26 with your 105 class bullets. In that barrel length you can reach over 3300 no problems. I've built a bunch of these for the 1000 yard guys at our club and most guys found the accuracy node at 3250 to 3275. Mine accually shot more accurate with rl23 at 3175 with 105 hybrids. All the ones I built have freebore set for the 105 class bullets if you have a really short throat you may not get quite to 3300 because rl26 really fills it up.
Thanks Shep, I might try some rl23
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