IMR 7828SCC with 6MM Creedmoor

I use 7828 in my 6mm Creedmoor and have found 8t to produce best accuracy for me at the 400 yd line over: RL22, RL19, H4831 and IMR4451 with the 108 ELDMs I use. At 100 H4831 did better by a bit and I expected that to translate to better groups at 400 but that was definitely disproved. I will say that 40* colder Temps and a fresh can of powder (same lot) changed group size more than a little. I was testing for seating depth and the deeper seated rounds shrank groups a bit so wondering if that says anything about what this powder likes in my large rifle primed cases. To figure out my starting load I looked a a couple books and then tested 3 cases filled to the bottom of the neck, averaged those for my max load and worked up to that with great success. YMMV
I did a load density test and was able to easily get 43.5gr non compressed load seating that bgr to a COAL of 2.700". I vibrate the powder down by cradling the brass on the top of a running Lyman Pro vibrating brass cleaner (old reloading trick shown by the guy who got me started in reloading). Works great.
Sounds like it works good. I use the drop tube funnel. I wonder if any one has tested to see which method settles the powder better. I would guess your method.
I use 7828 in my 6mm Creedmoor and have found 8t to produce best accuracy for me at the 400 yd line over: RL22, RL19, H4831 and IMR4451 with the 108 ELDMs I use. At 100 H4831 did better by a bit and I expected that to translate to better groups at 400 but that was definitely disproved. I will say that 40* colder Temps and a fresh can of powder (same lot) changed group size more than a little. I was testing for seating depth and the deeper seated rounds shrank groups a bit so wondering if that says anything about what this powder likes in my large rifle primed cases. To figure out my starting load I looked a a couple books and then tested 3 cases filled to the bottom of the neck, averaged those for my max load and worked up to that with great success. YMMV
Yeah my rifle is the Rem 700 RCR Enhanced. 1:8 twist, Triggertech and Insite Arms "Heathen" muzzle break. If these bullets perform well with this powder then I'll happy if not.. I'll be a little wiser eh!! Once the alpha SRP and Berger 109 hybrid tgt arrive.. well I'll likely cave and break out the 4350 or staball or hybrid v-100. Only have 200 pills coming though. Ironically the best shooting projectile so far is the Barnes XFB which is discontinued. Found them with the 7828 powder. Have 31 pills left for a deer 🦌 projectile. Have just enough varget.
I use 7828 in my 6mm Creedmoor and have found 8t to produce best accuracy for me at the 400 yd line over: RL22, RL19, H4831 and IMR4451 with the 108 ELDMs I use. At 100 H4831 did better by a bit and I expected that to translate to better groups at 400 but that was definitely disproved. I will say that 40* colder Temps and a fresh can of powder (same lot) changed group size more than a little. I was testing for seating depth and the deeper seated rounds shrank groups a bit so wondering if that says anything about what this powder likes in my large rifle primed cases. To figure out my starting load I looked a a couple books and then tested 3 cases filled to the bottom of the neck, averaged those for my max load and worked up to that with great success. YMMV
What velocity with 4451? I found some local but not sure if I want to try it. Im in a bind though so I need to figure out something
Here are some photos. I decided to load some H4350 under these same 90gr Berger. Made an educated guess based on several different load test of this powder. Plus research on this site. Anyhow as I suspected, superformance powder is fast but very difficult to find a smooth curve for accurate loads.
sorry for the phots rotation
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