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I will not be getting 'the vaccine'...

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The reaction to this virus has been more destructive than the virus itself. It has split our local hospital in which I have 2 of 3 nurse practitioners and the 3rd a PA in my immediate family whom will not be getting the vaccine and neither will I. Yep, it's real and I know many that have been affected. I also sit on the Senior Center Board and 19 of my seniors from 67-93 years were infected and none were hospitalized, none passed and they are all back able to taste peanut M&M's.
The fear mongering has to end as it is tearing our Country to pieces. If you are scared, stay home.
Open the stores, restaurants, retail and get the kids back in school 5 days a week. Let the strippers strip and the God fearing population back to service. We are destroying this generation of kids and young adults.
Again, it's real but so is the flu. Get back to work and some sense of ******* normalcy for the economy, our kids and the United States. Stop the fear mongering and the left from destroying our Country.
Mississippi and Alabama are both overwhelmed. We were turning the elderly with severe disease away 2 months ago, as we had to decide whose life was more important. We are still near or at full capacity. I've lost dear friends and neighbors who chose not to take this seriously, and some who did but were infected by those that didn't. I've completed my vaccine series with ZERO adverse effects except a little soreness around the injections site that lasted a day and a half. I received the Moderna product. We have people on a waiting list as the product is in very limited supply and being allocated. There have been drive-thru clinics, and clinics set up in Churches and other areas serving the elderly, but we don't have the quantity to vaccinate everyone. There have been reports of low grade fever, fatigue, and headache beginning anywhere from about 12 hours to 48 hours post-inoculation. Some have needed to take off work the day after or 2 days after, but have been able to return the following day as symptoms resolved.

Absolutely everything I've seen or heard about the vaccine's negative effects pales in comparison to the rapid onset of shortness of breath, brain hemorrhages, pulmonary emboli, stroke, renal failure, and death of those who succumb. This does not even consider the decline and death from sudden, unexplained heart failure, hypertension, renal failure, or embolism occurring suddenly in scores of patients who were thought to have fully recovered months prior.

What I personally find so amazing about this entire ordeal is how 2 people observing the same phenomena from different perspectives can come to such polar opposite conclusions based on the same observations. There will certainly be countless volumes of texts written on the subject of human behavior for study in our psychology and sociology classrooms for the rest of history based on that very premise. It's the old argument of I say it's black, you say it's white on a global scale. Truly unexplainable and amazing to me at the present time.

At the end of the day, each of us has to make up their own minds. The big brother conspiracy theories are entertaining, but they fail to consider how the people who run big brother can't even agree on how much money should be spent on their own office supplies, let alone cohesively advance an agenda of mass population genocide, control, or imprisonment, whatever the ulterior motive might be reported to be and have it carried out with such precision and flawless progression. We have actually had people ask if there was a tracking device in the injection. No, but the number assigned to you from right after birth and the lo-Jack you carry around in your pocket or purse in the form of a cellular phone will pretty much pinpoint you every time you make a move. If they wanted to find you, it wouldn't be difficult with or without receiving the vaccine. It is truly amazing to me how so many people, many of whom are fairly well-educated, can really believe in some of this stuff. If there is going to be a mass effort to kill, imprison, track, or otherwise molest our citizenry, it will stem from this anti- movement's paranoia from within the general population, not from the government that can't tie it's own shoe laces without a year of debates, millions of dollars, and finally a compromise that the laces can be tied, but only so tight.
And 4-yrs ago would you have believed that there was a conspiracy within the govt (primarily the FBI and the DNC) to attempt a coup on a sitting POTUS ? These days, I believe nothing I hear and only half of what I see about our govt....after all, it is made up of greedy, power hungry, self-serving egotistical human beings that will do anything to maintain their elitist position.
While some regular flu deaths may be counted covid deaths there is another likely explanation for low flu fatalities this year. How many people underwent lockdowns, wore masks, maintained social distance, worked from home and washed their hands with the same effort in 2019 or previous years as compared to 2020? And would that behavior effect the transmission of a regular flu?
I would hope it wouldn't "effect" it.

It's probably fair to assume that the behavior suggested to avoid exposure COVID is likely helping to reduce the spread of the flu.
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I wonder if people worry about how "quickly" the flu shot is developed every year. As said earlier, the vaccine wasn't made from scratch. Your adapting centuries of science to a new problem, not reinventing the wheel. The flu shot is new every year, I've gotten it happily.

I live across the country and have not seen my family in over a year. I've stayed home and made sacrafices while others pretended this wasn't an issue and made it worse. You can be a part of the solution or a part of the problem, give me the shot so I can go back to my normal life.
As they say, this fall's [and every fall's] flu vaccine will be a best guess as to which strain of the flu will be prevalent. I get the flu shot every year and at age 72 I can't remember the last time I got the flu or if I ever had it. Never a side effect from the injection in all of those years. I will be getting the covid shot/s. The odds of me having issues from that are much less than having issues from contracting the Wuhan flu. I understand that it's not PC to refer to it as the Wuhan or Chinese flu.
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I appreciate your willingness to discuss. Yes I would compare this to the Spanish flu. There are some big differences yes but I think this pandemic ranks up there with it. Kids will be learning about it in history class in the future I think.

I've seen bits and pieces of the video and will try to find some time to go back and watch it through.

I just want it to be known that most of this stuff is not accepted as fact by mainstream medicine before anyone makes important decisions based on it. I have no doubt these physicians feel passionately and believe it's true about what they say...and it's always important to discuss and make informed decisions.
Depends on who writes the future history of this country and the world. I doubt that written history will be factual, about the Chinese flu or the past election.
Im not in the high risk group, I live remotely, our work enforce strict policies regarding the risks of infections. I rather enjoy it to be introvert so I got the time to sit and watch everyone else getting it and learn about the side effects and I dont mind someone more exposed than me to get it before me, but in the end I will get it, but I would try to see if can get the best candidate. Read the other day about a guy had hes sense of smell and sense of taste tottaly f** up by this virus and he was not looking forward to one single meal. Im so not going to get this virus into me. Imagine beef starting taste like tofu....
As a police detective, I am trained to believe nothing I hear and half of what I see. Until it is thoroughly proven and peer reviewed, I can't write an affidavit or raise my hand on the stand. This is a learned behavior that anyone can practice . It takes time to research everything but after a short time, one will very easily be able to notice indicators of deception or fallacy. In this day and age, misinformation is a culture in of itself and we would be wise to accept that. The best place to practice critical thinking skills and learn about fallacy is your social media feed. Question everything and research!
Excellent thread just like the one 'Feenix' started and I'm watching both intensely. However, gonna have to stand with the 'Thin Blue Line' on this one. 👍 This site is the ONLY 'social media' I participate in and since we LE guys seem to live in 'glass houses' these days my general response to anything 'politically loaded' is as follows: 😇

By the way......I was offered the Moderna vaccine and I declined it.
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While some regular flu deaths may be counted covid deaths there is another likely explanation for low flu fatalities this year. How many people underwent lockdowns, wore masks, maintained social distance, worked from home and washed their hands with the same effort in 2019 or previous years as compared to 2020? And would that behavior effect the transmission of a regular flu?
Yes it sure would but not at the numbers we see. How would one very common flu drop to almost zero in a 3 month span and another virus spread like crazy. Some will for sure go down but not to those levels. It was a resource game more positive equaled more money and resources to fight it.
Anyone who downplays this virus is viewing life through a different pair of glasses then I wear. I live in the suburbs surrounding NYC. At its peak, we watched as our friends, family and neighbors died at a horrifying rate of 1,000/day. Yes - that's a thousand innocent lives lost every day! Bodies filled morgues, then storage areas and eventually trailer-trucks to the point where they were being hidden. Bodies that couldn't get into refrigeration units began to rot. Mass graves were opened on a small island and bodies were buried as fast as humanly possible. Sounds more like a third world country then the heart of America but it was very real and left most NYers numb.

Even the non-religious were praying for this to just slow down and to not take any more of the people who we hold dear. Thankfully, the spread was mitigated and the hospitals began to better handle the load but healthcare workers are still needed to give 110% to help those in need. A rather high percentage of surviving patients are expected to have long-term or recurring symptoms, but at least they didn't perish.

Of the people that I know personally that didn't make it, only one had a significant health issue. Not all were "old" either.

In two days my wife & I will get our second Pfizer shot and it couldn't come soon enough as we watch family and friends all around us eventually get infected. The reality of this pandemic couldn't be more clear to me and while I rather not have a vaccine that hasn't been fully vetted for several years, it is far better than avoiding it.

Be safe everyone!
I wonder if people worry about how "quickly" the flu shot is developed every year. As said earlier, the vaccine wasn't made from scratch. Your adapting centuries of science to a new problem, not reinventing the wheel. The flu shot is new every year, I've gotten it happily.

I live across the country and have not seen my family in over a year. I've stayed home and made sacrafices while others pretended this wasn't an issue and made it worse. You can be a part of the solution or a part of the problem, give me the shot so I can go back to my normal life.
Where have you seen it said that after the vaccine everything will go back to normal what I am hearing and seeing is it will never go back to what we knew as normal we will be wearing masks and be locked down in the future
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Anyone who downplays this virus is viewing life through a different pair of glasses then I wear. I live in the suburbs surrounding NYC. At its peak, we watched as our friends, family and neighbors died at a horrifying rate of 1,000/day. Yes - that's a thousand innocent lives lost every day! Bodies filled morgues, then storage areas and eventually trailer-trucks to the point where they were being hidden. Bodies that couldn't get into refrigeration units began to rot. Mass graves were opened on a small island and bodies were buried as fast as humanly possible. Sounds more like a third world country then the heart of America but it was very real and left most NYers numb.

Even the non-religious were praying for this to just slow down and to not take any more of the people who we hold dear. Thankfully, the spread was mitigated and the hospitals began to better handle the load but healthcare workers are still giving 110% to help those in need. A rather high percentage of surviving patients are expected to have long-term or recurring symptoms, but at least they didn't perish.

Of the people that I know personally that didn't make it, only one had a significant health issue. Not all were "old" either.

In two days my wife & I will get our second Pfizer shot and it couldn't come soon enough as we watch family and friends all around us eventually get infected. The reality of this pandemic couldn't be more clear to me and while I rather not have a vaccine that hasn't been fully vetted for several years, it is far better than avoiding it.

Be safe everyone!
It seems like every community is effected differently, when the virus first hit a town south of me in Idaho, the fataly rate was %33!! That's since gone down to the national average, it was pretty scary. Other areas, it was just normal life.
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