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I will not be getting 'the vaccine'...

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Call me a fool. I just canceled my appointment for the vaccine. Because by the definition of vaccines, this is not a vaccine. It's more of a treatment method with actually changes our RNA, which are sorta like the instructions (operations manual for our DNA). If they have to misrepresent the concoction in the effort to get people to volunteer for this jungle juice, then something seems awry.

I'm 65. Had an appt scheduled to receive the "injection misrepresented as a vaccine" in one hour from now. After watching several videos, I learned this isn't a vaccine in the true sense of the word as we've always known it. Also learned this type of approach tested on lab animals with corona virus, has always ended badly for the test animals. The bad effects weren't necessarily experienced in the first month or two after treatment.

I'm no Dr. But I listened to a lot of qualified Dr.s in a couple videos and it scared me off. I'm no conspiracy theorist, and I get vaccinated regularly for flu, pneumonia, shingles, and whooping cough. Received the polio and smallpox vaccinations as a kid. So not anti-vaccine. Anti-jungle juice masqueraded as a vaccine, in the biggest rush to implementation ever. I hate needles anyhow!
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I think politics get mixed up too much with this.

the far left wants every 22 year old to fear for their life and hole up for the next year.

the right tends to push too hard against this and ends up spawning conspiracy level BS that's way out there and also departed from reality (which is my opinion of that video for the record).

The truth is no doubt somewhere in the middle.

We're all affected by what we see. I've seen some terrible things in the ICU which colors my perspective. Many folks don't know anyone who has had a rough course of Covid and that colors theirs.
I know (to my satisfaction) that this "wanna be vaccine" was never vetted the way treatments are normally vetted on animals before they're injected into humans. All done in the name of expediency.

If I die from China virus, then call me a fool. I'm gonna wait a while. It's not the deadliest thing ever for most healthy people. Susceptible folk die from it and from the flu too. Whatever. Made my decision for now... Gonna live or die with it!
I know (to my satisfaction) that this "wanna be vaccine" was never vetted the way treatments are normally vetted on animals before they're injected into humans. All done in the name of expediency.

If I die from China virus, then call me a fool. I'm gonna wait a while. It's not the deadliest thing ever for most healthy people. Susceptible folk die from it and from the flu too. Whatever. Made my decision for now... Gonna live or die with it!
You're absolutely right about the vaccine being rushed through. And I don't blame you for waiting. You probably won't die, sounds like you're young and healthy.

Everyone has to make a risk/benefit analysis for themselves and decide what's best. I advise everyone to be careful where you get your information and take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt...
Call me a fool. I just canceled my appointment for the vaccine. Because by the definition of vaccines, this is not a vaccine. It's more of a treatment method with actually changes our RNA, which are sorta like the instructions (blueprint design) for our DNA. If they have to misrepresent the concoction in the effort to get people to volunteer for this jungle juice, then something seems awry.

I'm 65. Had an appt scheduled to receive the "injection misrepresented as a vaccine" in one hour from now. After watching several videos, I learned this isn't a vaccine in the true sense of the word as we've always known it. Also learned this type of approach tested on lab animals with corona virus, has always ended badly for the test animals. The bad effects weren't necessarily experienced in the first month or two after treatment.

I'm no Dr. But I listened to a lot of qualified Dr.s in a couple videos and it scared me off. I'm no conspiracy theorist, and I get vaccinated regularly for flu, pneumonia, and shingles. Received the polio vaccination as a kid. So not anti-vaccine. Anti jungle juice masqueraded as a vaccine, in the biggest rush to implementation ever. I hate needles anyhow!
screwing with genetics is going to be the way of the future. as a cancer survier and failing all conventual treatments and three government sponsored trials it was the last one that used genetic matching and targeting that kept me looking at the daises and not there roots. not saying vaccine is good or bad but don't let genetic targeting scare you it is the future
screwing with genetics is going to be the way of the future. as a cancer survier and failing all conventual treatments and three government sponsored trials it was the last one that used genetic matching and targeting that kept me looking at the daises and not there roots. not saying vaccine is good or bad but don't let genetic targeting scare you it is the future
I hear ya. And this decision would be made differently if I was facing high liklihood, or certainty, of death otherwise.

As it is, I'll let God take me or spare me without getting this treatment. I can't call it a vaccine any longer. It's unlike all "vaccines" up until now. It doesn't prevent transmission, which is what vaccines do, by definition. This is more of a treatment, a prepping of the immune system, before any infection by the virus.

Thanks for posting. Good to hear other perspectives, and very glad your cancer treatment has been effective/postive. Hang in there! For a long time...
But for your story we have hundreds that have very minor if any symptoms. So yes it was terrible for you and some others the numbers simply don't put this in the column of I need an untested vaccine. Especially since I'm in the age group that has a incredibly low death rate. Heck it seems to be on par with the flu. Doesn't mean some shouldn't get it but we need to follow the numbers and science behind it.
It's my general rule for everything.
Again not saying I won't get it but to assume I'm a fool for not is crazy. Many people have tested positive for the antibodies and never knew they had it. Plus what happens if we force everyone to take it and in ten years find out it was the very wrong way forward.
Ya THINK?? And then the young, strong people who have mild symptoms and kick Covid's @$$ start dropping dead months later from "unexplained sudden onset" heart failure, pulmonary emboli, and strokes from clot deveolopments... all "unexplained," of course. That's what you aren't getting. When you think it's over... it ain't over. YOU aren't hearing about this because it's not reported as Covid-related. I've personally lost 3 friends, young and in excellent shape - one was recently out of the Marines after 7 years - another currently was in law enforcement AND the National Guard. Another was a freak of nature. Ran 10 miles most days and did weight training religiously, as well as advanced martial arts. I don't think anyone who takes this stance is a fool, I think they haven't seen all the facts. I've seen enough with my own eyes, not needing to rely on "peer-reviewed" literature (which takes nearly 2 years to be published from the time the events unfolded, so it's likely not out there yet). There's also the idea of if it doesn't apply to me, it just stinks to be you. There has never been a time comparable to today in this country where people in general couldn't care less about their fellow man. Love thy neighbor has never been so unpopular. Even if I know I don't believe it won't hurt me, I realize I can still spread this to other people who it may hurt. Me personally, it would really bother if I thought I had given this to someone who it harmed. Just saw this happen. Young college girl went to a big party. Ignored the warnings. Got Covid. Didn't even know she had it. Went home to her parents in Tuscaloosa, AL for a visit and 2 1/2 weeks later her father is dead after a few days on a ventilator, and her mother is going home on oxygen. That probably wouldn't bother many people today, but I don't think I could live with that. If it bothers you, then take every precaution you can. Doesn't mean you have to run out today and get a vaccine that has been tested more than this year's flu shot. But at least think about what it really means to cover your nose and mouth and stay 6 feet away from others. It isn't saying you're afraid of a little bug, it's saying you're a true hero in today's society because unlike so many others, you actually give a d@mn about the people around you just because it's the right thing to do - as was picking up a rifle and and riding a landing craft to the shores of Normandy, France on 6 JUN 44. And heck, this won't even get you shot, blown up, or impaled. How do we really get fired up and ready to go to war and die for our fellow citizens and for "the right thing," but we won't even put on a stupid little face covering to keep from inadvertently killing several 8nnocent bystanders - getting a vaccine notwithstanding.?? This paradox is incomprehensible.

Not meant to offend, accuse, or stir up - rather to provoke thought about what's important to you and what's really inside of you.
Early on, when people were chicken-littling about it, I commented that Covid was for the unlucky, the damed, and those whose time it is to die. Add to that, the stupid.
Have had three family members die of it, half a dozen colleagues catch it and recover.
Except for wearing a mask when required, havent changed a darn thing in my day to day.
As an immuno-compromised individual, I'll only take the vaccine if I am required to do so by my work. Until then, no 'effin way.
For those who entertain the notion that this will help herd immunity, on a rapidly mutating viral form, I suggest you reconsider that notion.
My only dark, politically motivated humor perspective is, I wish it had been more effective. It hits urban centers hardest, bastions of liberal thinking. Too many hominids anyway.
The alternative to "NO Vaccine" is gruesome. If we had more time for extensive trials and research that would be great, but we don't. With millions dead and even more dying in ICUs that are well beyond capacity, our options are limited.

Just my 2 cents.
If God takes me, so be it.
give me the shot so I can go back to my normal life.
It'll be a decade before any sense of normalcy returns. Takes that long for people to forget.
I appreciate your willingness to discuss. Yes I would compare this to the Spanish flu. There are some big differences yes but I think this pandemic ranks up there with it. Kids will be learning about it in history class in the future I think.

I've seen bits and pieces of the video and will try to find some time to go back and watch it through.

I just want it to be known that most of this stuff is not accepted as fact by mainstream medicine before anyone makes important decisions based on it. I have no doubt these physicians feel passionately and believe it's true about what they say...and it's always important to discuss and make informed decisions.

You sir need to check you data. The Spanish flu was WAAAAAAAY more deadly then Covid. And Why on earth would I take a vaccine for a illness I have a 99+% chance of surviving?. And the CDC and the WHO has been caught red handed purposely inflating the deaths from Covid and knowingly using a test that has a high incident of producing false positives. This is NOT A pandemic but rather was a PLANdemic to get one man out of political office nothing more nothing less. Where the hell were all you so called health care experts during the legitimate un-planned flu season from 2018-2019 that killed over 80,000 Americans in less than 8 months? This PLANdemic has absolutely NOTHING to do with peoples health it has everything to do with tyrannical political forces using a crisis THEY created no less to take power and the freedom from the American people. I believe ABSOLUTLY NOTHING the main stream media has reported about anything but ESPECIALLY this PLANdemic. And you sir if you haven't found out by now the entire mainstream media is nothing more than a mouth piece for the DemRAT party AKA socialist/communist party of America which with Bidans election has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the Chinese communist party and legitimate independent fair minded journalism and journalists have LOOOOONG been extinct you are naive beyond measure. Between auto accidents and the flu very nearly 100k Americans DIE EVERY YEAR but nothing is ever said or done about either that infringes on a single Americans freedom. Medical mistakes kill over 95K Americans EVERY YEAR but we Americans find this completely acceptable. So just between medical mistakes, the flu and auto accidents almost 200K Americans die EVERY YEAR and nothing is said let alone has been done that infringes on an Americans freedom without at least due process of the law. Why all of a sudden did we decide to crush the greatest economy that 9/10 Americans alive have ever seen all to save far fewer lives than we loose EVERY SINGLE year to a combination of flu, auto accidents and medical mistakes? Ill tell you why to get one man and one man ONLY out of office. I will leave you with the words of the great American James Madison: "Crisis is the rallying cry of the tyrant".
Ya THINK?? And then the young, strong people who have mild symptoms and kick Covid's @$$ start dropping dead months later from "unexplained sudden onset" heart failure, pulmonary emboli, and strokes from clot deveolopments... all "unexplained," of course. That's what you aren't getting. When you think it's over... it ain't over. YOU aren't hearing about this because it's not reported as Covid-related. I've personally lost 3 friends, young and in excellent shape - one was recently out of the Marines after 7 years - another currently was in law enforcement AND the National Guard. Another was a freak of nature. Ran 10 miles most days and did weight training religiously, as well as advanced martial arts. I don't think anyone who takes this stance is a fool, I think they haven't seen all the facts. I've seen enough with my own eyes, not needing to rely on "peer-reviewed" literature (which takes nearly 2 years to be published from the time the events unfolded, so it's likely not out there yet). There's also the idea of if it doesn't apply to me, it just stinks to be you. There has never been a time comparable to today in this country where people in general couldn't care less about their fellow man. Love thy neighbor has never been so unpopular. Even if I know I don't believe it won't hurt me, I realize I can still spread this to other people who it may hurt. Me personally, it would really bother if I thought I had given this to someone who it harmed. Just saw this happen. Young college girl went to a big party. Ignored the warnings. Got Covid. Didn't even know she had it. Went home to her parents in Tuscaloosa, AL for a visit and 2 1/2 weeks later her father is dead after a few days on a ventilator, and her mother is going home on oxygen. That probably wouldn't bother many people today, but I don't think I could live with that. If it bothers you, then take every precaution you can. Doesn't mean you have to run out today and get a vaccine that has been tested more than this year's flu shot. But at least think about what it really means to cover your nose and mouth and stay 6 feet away from others. It isn't saying you're afraid of a little bug, it's saying you're a true hero in today's society because unlike so many others, you actually give a d@mn about the people around you just because it's the right thing to do - as was picking up a rifle and and riding a landing craft to the shores of Normandy, France on 6 JUN 44. And heck, this won't even get you shot, blown up, or impaled. How do we really get fired up and ready to go to war and die for our fellow citizens and for "the right thing," but we won't even put on a stupid little face covering to keep from inadvertently killing several 8nnocent bystanders - getting a vaccine notwithstanding.?? This paradox is incomprehensible.

Not meant to offend, accuse, or stir up - rather to provoke thought about what's important to you and what's really inside of you.
You didn't offend me as I'm on the fence and fell fine if you do or don't. But devil's advocate for ever person that dies after not counted as covid they have just as many people recorded as covid.
Again I'm all for getting it and it can be bad not saying it's not I'm just pointing out that fact that even as we have record low almost nonexistent flu deaths this year mainly cause I'm sure they get logged as covid. The death rate is still very low. And who's to say the vaccine doesn't cause deaths he'll Hank Aron died two weeks later so did a doctor in Florida.
I think that if you are one of the poor souls that has something after the fact you have just as much cause for concern on the vaccine.
I think if it makes you feel better go for it. I will be getting mine once they have taken care of the people that need it most.
But I respect people not getting it also.
For the tome I'm fine with masks and hand washing. I'm the biggest baby with a cold and these steps help keep that low also.
I just want to refer back to the first page when the OP's video posting was considered.."fringe"...Let's be careful there folks. Remember, it is the "mainstream media" that convinced EVERYONE...yes - even Fox News...Tha Hillary was the next President. They have not improved on their accuracy or accountability since then. And - Big Pharma driven speed-research....hmmm... I wonder if 5 years from now they will be advertising the vaccine, and at the end of that commercial...the guy that talks low and fast tell me that my go-hibblies are gonna fall off, or I may find my doo hickey in my socks as a side effect from the shot....I am not an anti-laxer....just an anti "let's run like Lemmings to get the first thing we can" person....
While some regular flu deaths may be counted covid deaths there is another likely explanation for low flu fatalities this year. How many people underwent lockdowns, wore masks, maintained social distance, worked from home and washed their hands with the same effort in 2019 or previous years as compared to 2020? And would that behavior effect the transmission of a regular flu?
The problem with Covid is that it was never allowed to be handled as a medical problem but a political lever to advance the politicians for elections. No one cares about you. One fact remains, and that it is a medical problem and it is a virus and call it the flu if you want, this flu kills more depending on your out lying conditions.

I was in the medical field for 37 years and at the time for not getting the vaccine was simply because it was being pushed to fast without empirical data as to the side effects. Now the reason for me and the wife not getting it is simply because we are both retired and we want to give everyone else a chance to get it that needs it. There are the first responders, the people that are older than us and the people that have to work and can not avoid contact with other people that have a family. They need this more than us and we are not going to prolong or diminish their chance to get it if they want it.

My wife know that the decision she made could be fatal for her as she suffers from severe asthma if she catches it but is willing to take the chance as we take precautions by not eating at restaurants and socializing. We enjoy spending time at home now finally that we can, and enjoy doing nothing, and when I go to the range to shoot and I meet with the guys , when I get home I disrobe in the garage and shower. Just little precautions.

I'm to freaking old to worry about hundreds of conspiracies about elections, covid 19, vaccinations and all the crap everyone gets paranoid about. Truth of the matter is GOD knows when it is time to go, and with that in mind I have more impending issues than the virus , elections and vaccines, like, will I make it to the bathroom in time before I poop my pants.
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