Well-Known Member
"Many others". As in, many other ignorant voices on social media which you give validity to....why? What evidence have they provided to believe them? How have they convinced you they have the basic scientific knowledge to even speak to this?You win.
Many others describe it differently. Say it does change the RNA. Attaches something to the RNA that wasn't there prior to the injection.
Have you considered creating your own YouTube video? Set the record straight amongst your peers, and for me, a relative peon.
This could be your legacy.
The reason I don't bother is evident in your reply...I'm a scientific expert in the field and actually understand this....I try to explain it to you...but you dismiss it because the other ignorants agree with what you want to believe so you have dismissed me. Why bother.
A part of me understands this. Fauci and the CDC have burned any credibility they had with the public though their actions, which leads to a general distrust. I get that. But that doesn't mean you start trusting the guy next door who does transmission jobs with chicken wire, a hacksaw, and a ball peen hammer to build your precision rifle instead of Fiftydriver. But that's the exact attitude I see playing out on this thread.