I Know This Is LRH... But What Is The Shortest Distance You Have Taken A Live Target?

A grey squirrel at about 20 feet with a Daisy BB rifle (I was about 12 years old). I recall sitting in waiting for over 20 min... at least I think so 😂. The **** squirrel kept coming and going but wouldn't keep still for a second... and I also had a difficult time keeping still... 🚽... but I got him... and managed to stay dry 🙅‍♂️🤣
More recently... 2 rabbits trapped at the bottom of a basement stairwell (with a lever action 22 Lr... shooting down at them from about 10 feet). Felt a little badly about shooting "the fish in a barrel" but I had to take them out... they had Myxomatosis... 🤔 at least they didn't "see" it coming... 🤣
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My son killed his first deer at 12 years old. It was curled up asleep in the buttresses of a cypress tree.
As we passed by in a canoe, my son spun in his seat and shot down behind the tree at something I couldn't see. I thought he was shooting a snake, until I saw it's hooves kicking.
He had shot a whitetail buck squarely in the back of the head with a load of 12 ga. #1 Buck from a range of less than 3 steps.

We think it was a spike.......😄
Cape Buffalo 7 yards. Just happened on him in tall grass.

Big nasty Boar, friends pushed him to me and it was about 3 yards, full run. Didn't even need the scope, just swung on him like a shotgun with a 300 blk subsonic 240 grain. Hit him in the neck (I was just trying to hit him in the pig at that speed and range)

This year, an Aoudad at 10 yards. We bumped into each other and I took a running shot and dumped him.

A friend of mine shot a Mountain Goat at about 3 yards. The goat basically walked right up to him.
My fist deer. My dad and brother got a deer earlier that morning so we were headed home to hang them. We didn't have any more room in the suv. I had talked my dad into letting me use his colt python so I had that in a shoulder rig. About halfway out I told my dad I had to pee so we pulled over. Halfway through I looked up and saw a buck looking at me 5 feet away. I drew and shot him, and finished up. I made my 6 year old sister drag him out. He was 5 feet straight up where they cut out the dirt road. The was 4 inches of fresh snow on the ground. She started pulling and I gave him a little kick and the buck slid all the way down pulling my sister with him. That was one of the easiest drag I had ever seen. The buck dragged my sister. I still remember her face. The car looked menacing too. One on the roof one on the hood and one on the spare tire. It was a good day for us.
My other brother almost got a close one. He was out with my dad archery hunting for mule. He was all camoed up. He heard something walking behind him so he noched an arrow when a bull moose walked by an nocked off the arrow off the rest. He just stood still. After the moose walked away he lifted up his mask and his eyes where the size of dinner plates and I said " holy s**t did you see that?" He just looked at me and said "uhh yeah ". We both started laughing. It was the first moose we had seen in Utah. Now I live in Alaska and see them all the time except during hunting season. I saw two tonight on the way home from work.
I've taken two deer with a truck. I had to get pretty close. 😀

Aside from that 20- 30 yards. A couple deer with a bow and one at about 30 with a muzzleloader.

I had a bull elk come into my calls at 5 yds, but he wasn't legal. It was pretty intense though!
What powder and velocity are you getting when you got them with your truck? I know lots of people will say a fmj it good for hunting. Or does it have the plastic tip or grill that opens up for better performance? 😉
In November of 2023 I took a sow black bear running towards me at 7 yards while on the ground. Shot was just under her chin and she crumpled up.

We found the 200gr Interlock from my M600 350 Rem Mag lodged between her shoulders.

She had no idea I was there and was running from other hunters. I had heard some shots nearby but had no idea where the bear(s) may be. I raised my rifle just in case, then heard some crashing, and there she was charging out of the valley. Quick placement of the crosshairs, safety off, shot fired, and she disappeared.
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In Kentucky, while sitting in my blind a average, medium 8 point buck in Rut actually walked right past the front window and paused. My 270 was on the tripod , with a few inches of barrel sticking out of the front window ,and if I had fired it might have been 2 yards or slightly less. Since it was Whitetail Heaven Outfitters and a 150 plus class is minimum or the fine is $1500.00. I was not sure so I did not fire. The closest deer I actually Killed was the 11 Point buck in N Carolina in 2021 This was a 25 yard shot with my 270 Win from an Elevated blind.
My brother in law and I were in a box blind watching a water hole , running a doe fawn bleat . Out of the sky drops this female mountain lion at 45 feet, my 7prc hit him in just behind the shoulder and pushed its heart out the right side of his chest. Never heard him coming or him landing in front of us. Pure stealth.
What powder and velocity are you getting when you got them with your truck? I know lots of people will say a fmj it good for hunting. Or does it have the plastic tip or grill that opens up for better performance? 😉
The terminal performance of the 1/2 ton pickup is devastating on game at 55mph (about 80 fps for equal comparison to bullets). The front end does expand and break apart a little on impact, but DRT results on deer. Placement isn't really important as the front end pretty hits the whole deer at the same time if they are broadside.