Hunting Guide - are you now, have you been?

Hunting Guide - Have you been, are you now?

  • I used to be, probably won't again

    Votes: 52 16.8%
  • I used to be, maybe again in future

    Votes: 53 17.2%
  • I am now

    Votes: 53 17.2%
  • I've always thought I may want to try it

    Votes: 151 48.9%

  • Total voters

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
I spend so much time with hunting guides these days it made me think of adding this POLL.
Nope, never have been... Although I do know people that claim to be and pretend to be...But a quick email to the Wyoming Board of Outfitters and Professional Guides Association was a quick way to prove they've NEVER been licensed as a guide...

I have full respect for a real guide that earned his place...Its not an easy job and your reputation can make or break you...
Can involve long uncomfortable hours spent trying to help a real ***-hat. Other times spent with a great person that goes home a friend.
Did it for antelope, deer and archery elk. Gave it up when I calculated I was guiding archery elk hunters for about $3.25 per hour in pay!
Guided on private ranches for many years where a license wasn't required until the laws changed and guided for two outfitters for elk and deer.

When my son got old enough to hunt I just started taking him. Haven't guided for pay since. Just hunt with good friends for fun.
Been in the Guiding/Outfitting business since 1982. Started when I was 19 years old in the Selway Bitteroot Wilderness in Montana/Idaho. I've guided in Montana,Idaho,Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming. Seen some AWESOME country over the years and have meet life time friends. In four months time I rode one horse for over 3500 miles from August-November.


Can you remember when the law changed in Wyoming on guiding on private land for ranchers ? I guided a lot of years when I was a hired hand for deer and antelope. Thinking late 80's or early 90's ??

This thread got me to thinking, I looked back at my records and my last Wyoming State Professional Guide license was # 704.

Still have copies of all the Wyoming State Board of Outifitters & Professional guides annual reports.

That was a tough, HOT.. dry year, tough on archery elk.

Met some guys I still stay in touch with, many great friends over the years and like others have said, many miles horseback, long days, short nights and stories around the campfires.
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