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How many carry a 44 or similar when you are rifle hunting?

I carry my 38 super here in AZ. 115gr Hornady XTP pushed by a good load of lil'gun. Plenty for lions or black bears. I am pretty set on getting a glock 20 or 40 in 10mm though for a gun I can take places with brown bears.

I have a ruger 45 colt, but it is heavy and slow follow ups compared to a 10mm pushed hard with hard cast bullets.

...... I also left a link if you want to read up a little on Instagram. This should answer questions if you would want to carry a sidearm, spray or a big enough caliber. Stay safe!!

Ruger Super Blackhawk 44 Mag. Just because I've been in awkward positions so many times with Deer in close it's faster and easier to pull it and nail em. Less movement too.
When carrying a rifle I don't carry a handgun. I will carry bear spray along with the rifle in grizzly areas thinking that if I do have an close encounter I wouldn't hesitate to use spray but I would prefer to not kill a bear if I wasn't in immediate danger. I do however keep a 10mm in the truck to carry when I go back in to haul out meat and leave the rifle behind to save weight.
To each his own though, when I started out I carried both for years until eventually deciding it was unnecessary.
I carry a S&W 44 Mag Model 69 as it is light and weathers well. It has a 4.25" barrel so I might as well be carrying a 44 special I guess.

I am not sure how much good it would do against a brown bear (they can close distance pretty fast) or a cougar (I never saw) but at least I'll die with a gun in my hand!
I carried a custom 7.5" Ruger Super Redhawk for a few years but decided that it was a bit too awkward and heavy to wear all the time. I sold the Redhawk and bought a 5" S&W 629. It's much easier to carry and faster to access. I keep it loaded with Nosler 250gr Partitions.

I do not hunt in areas where grizzly bears are prevalent.
I carry my S&W 460 mag in a custom chest holster from Livingston Montana. It's a heavy pistol but will knock down anything in Montana, great for 4 wheeler on private property. 50 yard Elk killer in the trees with a hard, powder coated 300 gr.
You have the same as me all the way, I P/C the 300 gr, Not sure if Paradise leather is still there?
For me I like the .41 Rem Mag loaded with 265gr Heat Treated Cast Solids @1257fps.
It has the steam to get where it needs to get with less recoil.
To me the .41 Mag is everything the .44 Mag should have been.
I enjoy the .44 Mag and the .454 Casull but I learned to love the .41 Mag.
I have plenty of power for any critter up here in the Rocky Mountain West that decided it wants to feel frogy.

250 grain Underwood xtreme
I seldom carry any handgun if I have a rifle, but it depends. If off-season, messing around with varmints with a .223 or .22 mag, I carry a Ruger Single Six .22 Mag. If I go in black bear country during this time, or around camp during hunting season, I carry a 4" .38 special Security Six with +P 158 Hard Cast. I tend to keep a good 12ga close then too. However, I "expect" more threats from the "2 legged" varmints than black bear!
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