Hornady ELD-X Official Thread

Thanks for sharing your load...I'm going to stay with my load. Incidentally, I just had my barrel cryogenically tempered by 300 BELOW in Illinois. Haven't had a chance to shoot it yet, but as soon as this snowstorm stops and I can get to the range, it will be interesting to see how it has affected accuracy. They claim a 50% reduction in group size plus greater barrel life and easier cleaning...we'll see...My best group was .150" @
200 yards...I guess that might mean a couple in the same hole now! Realistically, though...probably not.

Man Don! I don't know if I would have had ANYTHING done with that rifle. It will be interesting to see the results......Rich
Thanks for sharing your load...I'm going to stay with my load. Incidentally, I just had my barrel cryogenically tempered by 300 BELOW in Illinois. Haven't had a chance to shoot it yet, but as soon as this snowstorm stops and I can get to the range, it will be interesting to see how it has affected accuracy. They claim a 50% reduction in group size plus greater barrel life and easier cleaning...we'll see...My best group was .150" @
200 yards...I guess that might mean a couple in the same hole now! Realistically, though...probably not.

I wouldn't change my load either with that performance. Quite frankly, I probably wouldn't have let it out of my mitts to be cryo treated either! Be interested in hearing the results.
I sent 2 factory barrels in for cryo treating in the late 90's. One was a SS Rem700 STW bbl that fouled heavily after only 15 rounds. The other bbl was a Browning SS 7MM RM that was very accurate and I wanted to test the increased accuracy claim. After getting them both back I polished the STW bbl with 3M polishing paper and problem fixed. Never had a problem with fouling again. Was it the cryo or polishing that fixed the problem or a combination of the two I am not sure but it was a very good bbl after that. As far as the RM bbl I never saw a difference in accuracy but cleaning seemed to be easier but this could have been for other reasons. One thing I did notice is that both bbls went 3-400 rounds past the expected bbl life and this was the only thing I can definitely say these bbls benefited from.

If your rifle is shooting .150" consistently I would not touch it.

As a side note, not wanting to totally hijack this thread I developed a load for a friend with the 143 ELD-X in his 6.5x284 and it is scary accurate. Hope to see field results later this year.
To clarify, I said I had one group at .150" and in an earlier post, I said this setup produced "pretty consistent sub .50" groups. We'll see...I will post the results after I have a chance to run some rounds through it, hopefully by later this week, if it warms up a bit.
Well I don't have time to read through 200 pages of thread so can anyone that has Been following the whole time tell me if there is a trend forming if the bullets like to be jammed, close to the lands, or a fairly long jump?


I'm particularly interested in the 6.5 143 and 308" bullets
Well I don't have time to read through 200 pages of thread so can anyone that has Been following the whole time tell me if there is a trend forming if the bullets like to be jammed, close to the lands, or a fairly long jump?


I'm particularly interested in the 6.5 143 and 308" bullets

I shoot the 143's in my 6.5SS at .005" off the lands. Some of the people who have built Shermans shoot them close too........Rich
Well I don't have time to read through 200 pages of thread so can anyone that has Been following the whole time tell me if there is a trend forming if the bullets like to be jammed, close to the lands, or a fairly long jump?


I'm particularly interested in the 6.5 143 and 308" bullets

I shoot the 143"s at .005" off the lands in my 6.5 SS and some of the guys who have built Shermans shoot them close as well.....Rich
Loaded some of these for my R700 LR 300WM
IMR 4350
Hornandy match brass
Match primers (unk)
3.340" seat
~2960 FPS

Shooting 3/4"-1/4" groups at 100. Haven't been able to shoot passed that yet.

I've got some 200gr ELDx on order waiting for them to come and gonna try those. Like to get those moving +3,000fps, for long range +800yrd shooting.
Well I don't have time to read through 200 pages of thread so can anyone that has Been following the whole time tell me if there is a trend forming if the bullets like to be jammed, close to the lands, or a fairly long jump?


I'm particularly interested in the 6.5 143 and 308" bullets

I'm 9/9 with the 143 across severa species
Well I don't have time to read through 200 pages of thread so can anyone that has Been following the whole time tell me if there is a trend forming if the bullets like to be jammed, close to the lands, or a fairly long jump?


I'm particularly interested in the 6.5 143 and 308" bullets

I shoot the ELDX's in my 6.5-284 Norma, 300 WSM and 7 STW. All I can tell you is that they all like something different. The Norma likes the 143gr seated closer the the lands, while the WSM and STW like more jump. Best advice is to use the Berger seating depth protocol to find which is best for that bullet and your rifle. It will save you a ton of time and aggravation
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