Henson Aluminum Tipped Bullet Testing

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I really have no dog in this fight. I read through the first 6 pages of posts and wanted to make some comments about the topic. As I am sure there was not alot of meaningful debate thereafter, I will just comment on what I have read on.

I have tested the Gen 1 HAT 265 gr bullets. In my testing a 338 AM, I loaded them up to well over 3500 fps. I had some old TTI cases and I was able to hit 3350 fps with tight primer pockets but accuracy was not the best of the test session. Around 3380 to 3440 fps were the most consistant loads as far as velocity as well as group size.

My opinion of BC, I do not look at it as a value dependant on a bullet but more importantly, a value produced by a bullets drop over distance and drift by the wind. Now this is certainly not a scientific bases opinion as several on this post could write books about BC and its scientific meaning. What does this mean to the average shooter, even the serious shooter, very little to be honest.

What does matter, being able to predict where the bullet is over its entire trajectory and being able to predictably estimate where the bullet will be in relation to wind conditions during its time of flight.

For me, I had alot of trouble getting ballistic charts to match up with what the bullet was actually doing after it left the muzzle. If a paper BC says a bullet will be 10.5 moa low at 900 yards but its actually 11.5 moa low, whats more important, using the paper BC or figuring what the bullet is actually doing in flight. To me its the later.

Again, I have no care what the BC is. I just want a number I can plug into my exbal program and have it give me reliable values for where my bullet will be over its trajectory. If that number is .450 or 1.100, it really does not matter. Knowing where that bullet is in flight is far more valuable to me then having a the highest BC around.

Do not get me wrong, everyone wants high BC values. That is because, if its true, it means their rifle/load combo is producing great drop numbers and low windage drifts but in the real world the "BC" number really means nothing as long as our ballistic program generated drop chart matches actual trajectory.

How can you do this. Easy. Shot at several ranges, the more the better. When I develop a drop chart for a new bullet, I generally zero at 500 yards and then measure drop at 800, 1200 and 1600 yards. Sometimes even stretching out to 2000 yards if conditions and the rifle combo allows it.

If your ballistic program matches up with all five of those actual drop numbers, your generated drop will be accurate with your actual drop. Then test in varying enviornmental conditions and record your adjustments if needed and correct your chart accordingly.

It takes some range time but that is never a bad thing, in fact its a good thing and in the end, your program will be dead on with your trajectory. again, the actual number you plug into your BC box is really not as important as many make it out to be, its the actual drop and drift that are important and if you know exactly what those real values are, you have pretty much won the war.

Back to bullets. When I tested the Gen 1 265 gr HAT bullets, they produced a BC just over .800. Which at a velocity of well over 3400 fps, is still quite impressive.

I have never had any experience with the Gen 2 HAT bullets so have nothing to offer there. I have however tested the old Wildcat 265 gr AT RBBTs extensively at velocities of 3050 fps and also 3400 fps levels.

This may really start a fuss but at the lower velocity, I had to use a BC value of .980 to get the programs drop to match up with the actual trajectory. At the faster muzzle velocity, I had to use a BC of .920 to get predicted drop to match up with actual trajectory. Why???? Not really sure but that was what was needed to be able to predict bullet trajectory accurately.

I can not say if LVs numbers are right or not, again, I have never shot these bullets being tested. 1.100 seems high for a BC but I got ran over the coals when I posted my information about the Wildcat bullets, nearly all of them to be honest so I have no desire to do the same thing.

I will also say I have alot of respect for those that have the minds to understand ballistic calculations but I also would like to say that sometimes if you plug all the numbers in, the value that comes out of the computer is not always exactly the number you need to accurately predict bullet trajectory.

Obviously the Gen2 HAT bullets have great drop and drift numbers. If you want to, get some and test them and see what you get. If the numbers are real or even close, it will come out when others test them and report similiar results.

I got hammered with the BC values I came out with with many of the Wildcat bullets. That was until dozens of shooters and hunters tested these same bullets and came back with identical numbers time and again. If LV numbers are close, that will play out in the end as more and more shooters and hunters get them and get them in the air. That will get us the real solid data.

So, if your interested, get some and get them in the air.

As far as sending bullets to another bullet maker to do BC testing on, PLEASE. No one in their right mind would offer their products to be tested by a commerical competitor. It has nothing to do with trusting what the other tester would say about the bullets, its just silly to recommend.

There is no one on LRH that would have a competitor inspect their work just because someone else demanded it. No disrespect to anyone here but lets get realistic. If you want to prove or disprove these results, buy some of these bullets and test them and let the world know what you honestly get for results.

If the bullets do not meet expectations, report that, FACTUALLY and politely. If they do match expectations, report that as well just as honestly and politely. Its all information that is valuable to us and in the end, its the most useful data we could get. The more that test, the larger the data base, the more valuable the information is.

Just my opinion, simply from being raked over the coals for the same thing MANY, MANY TIMES!!!!

You can call BC values into question, but there is no way, NO WAY one can discount accurate honest bullet drop numbers, especially if they come from a mass of shooters.

That was a very good post.

Dont take this as an argument. Just food for thought.

Using a given BC number to calculate your drops is great for just that. Drops. It can be done reliably and predictably. My thoughts on simply using a number for a BC only this purpose has its flaws. I am pretty sure with the calibers you tote around are of little concern due to the very high impact velocities at most any range, but for the calibers most of us tote drop is only part of the issue.

Let me expound on this. I try and test every bullet I take to the field to be used on game for reliable expansion. What I meen is I try and determine at what velocity a given bullet expands on game and when it doesnt. Now once I establish this number, I try and figure out where my bullets meet up with this velocity down range. This gives me a BC number I can plug into my software for impact velocities. You can come up with a BC for use to find drops but that number doesnt always work with impact velocities. Software almost needs two BC inputs. One to match your drops and one to match your downrange velocities so you KNOW when it is too far to responsibly shoot that critter. Most software will only get you so close with calculating velocities in relation to the actual drops. Now with even higher tech bullets hitting the scene, heaven only knows what that will do to the drop/impact velocity issue.

Again, no flame intended, just thinking out loud.

We have had guys try them in barrels that were the incorrect twist and they got their money back....

We even had guys totally ignore the printed directions on the reverse of the invoice that outlines in specific detail how to be successful with them.... These guys were offered their money back but were more interested in whining and belly-aching and they kept them....

It really made us wonder if they were being dishonest and they were working correctly all the time. I mean if you offer a refund and someone does not accept it, then either something is grossy wrong with the decision making process or they were as described.

The guys that seem to have the easiest time are the ones that follow the directions precisely. A lot of them are new shooters.....

There is a little more to load development than cramming into the lands and pulling the trigger..... We have found that they shoot the best -.030" to -.060" off the lands. This really helps out the magazine shooters since they can usually load them to fit into the magazine well.

Finally, they tune fairly easily. But the guys that get them have got to follow the directions.


littlevarmnint, you are still making friends and new customers, (not) you have the mentality of a 4 year old, and still spread vomit in your ramblings. Will you ever grow up? Just think how sales would be if you were a good representation of your product that you are touting,but its sure fun watching you gargle. I know, I know, you have me on the ignore list and added some more than me, but you still read this and that is good enough for me. Forever a thorn in your arse, Ron Tilley

If my questions, and comments, were among those which came across as "raking over the coals", then I am faced with something of a dilemma.

Less promotional rhetoric, and more numbers, would obviate most of the dialogue. There is undoubtedly something to be learned here. Even if the bullets, in question, fall out of the air abruptly at some less-than-extreme range, there is application for a design that performs, as this one is purported to, in real world conditions.

I have not yet read a "test" account in this thread which combines reasonable control, structured protocol, and coherent reporting. You can not just throw it out to the consumer and say "If they do not work, you can have your money back." Spent bullets, even if they could be collected, are not subject to refund, and the manufacturer has yet to make the time/material investment which it is asking the customer to invest in proving the design(s). Dies do not provide much latitude for developmental adjustment even if the inclination was present. Do you see the problem?

In a nut shell, evidence equal to the claim is not an unreasonable standard. Other manufacturers, myself included, have a stake in both the up, and the downside of the consumer experience within such a limited market niche. My attention was drawn to this thread by friends, and associates, who did not know what to make of it. Careful product development benefits everyone.

It's funny to me that the naysayers haver very little posts. In the internet world it may mean nothing, but to most that have read several threads by intelligent people it means alot. To come on a forum and complain about some new bullet makers claims is absurd. In kirby's post the same issue is mentioned. Go shoot them and then tell. Anybody can type, it doesn't mean crap. Get with the program and start helping the community not destroying it. Geez.
"It's funny to me that the naysayers have very little posts... to most who have read several threads by intelligent people it means alot."... :)

LM, if volume was the standard of "intelligence", we would all be reading Arianna Huffington. Would you gauge the quality your post against the same measure?

"The program", ought to be more about content, and less about promotion. I could say that with more verbage, but why?

I have made no assertion of "absurdity", only an obserbvation that empirical numbers have not quite caught up with the claims.
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ummmm once again a reminder to check any load data I give out as my mind is dyslexic but I have spread some misinformation in this thread.

I am using .9 as the BC on these bullets not .96 as I stated earlier. Sorry if I created any false expectations of these bullets. I opened exbal on my phone today to show it to a friend who does not know anything about long range shooting. I was showing him how to plug in the velocity and BC and pulled up my 338AM as an example. I saw that it was .9. I thought maybe that was wrong, but checked it on my old phone that I primarily use when hunting. I was mistaken, maybe it was wishful thinking. I guess I just have too many numbers running around in my head since I have taken up this hobby gun smithing.

At .96 it would only be 7 MOA at 800 yards. I know for a fact that it takes 9 MOA to be deadon at 800 yards. I still have not figured out where I came up with .96.

Anyway, I sent some bullets to Bryan. I did that not as any type of slam to the bullet maker or even to lightvarmit. As I understood the situation they had no problem with him buying some to test. I sold him some just to save him some time. I do not expect that he is going to turn up anything out of the ordinary.

I will say this, the bullets shoot very well. From my limited experiance with them they kill stuff very well. I will continue shooting them BUT...the BC aint nowhere near 1.1. and I am pretty darn sure it is not .96 either. I am not disputing lightvarmits data, just saying that it does not match my own which could be from a myriad of reasons including my ignorance.

Once again I am sorry for spreading misinformation or creating any confusion. I think that I posted .9 as the BC on these bullets several months back, it has not changed. Maybe I started with .86 and went to .9 I just cannot say, but would have sworn to my posts until just a little while ago. I am sincerely sorry for my mistake and hope that I did not cause anyone any problems. I should have checked my phone as I have it with me at almost all times and should have not have relied upon my faulty memory.
Re: History repeats - Take Two! on LRH

I've hung around this Forum long enough to remember the run-around Richard Graves (Wildcat Bullets) got in posts from some members that had strong feelings about what Richard should or should not do for them. A big fight then was BCs. Quite a few people poisoned the posts by insisting that Richard create and post BCs for the multitude of bullets he manufactured. Richard cut a low profile for some period of time. Eventually, after the madness went on and on, he posted that he'd run his business the way he saw fit. Low and behold Wildcat Bullet's found a loyal and steady customer base that was willing to purchase the products on Richard's terms. Best I could tell, Richard couldn't keep pace with demand based on his part-time availability to the bullet making vocation. It was always his second job, as I understood it.

Well history repeats itself and now we're going through this all over again with RG Henson's bullet manufacturing business.

Kirby can associate with this repeat more than most. I couldn't agree more with his message. We've got another bullet manufacturer trying to grow a business, and a fellow testing those bullets who share's those test results with us. Where's the rub? For cripes sakes, cut these guys some slack.

You don't like something about Henson or James, send them a PM or move on. How people get to feeling annointed to influence or force their opinion's on another man, or his business model and practice, escapes me. If you feel annointed to the point of a delusional belief you have to control the business or the owner of the business before you can partake of the product, I've gotta say get real - or maybe start up your own business.

Beyond that, Kirby already said it. You wanna try some Henson bullets - buy some. I value this option. I'm hoping the best for both Henson and the new owners of the Wildcat bullet manufacturing equipment. If they get successful business models up and running, good for them.

"Nuclear physics.... home of the free lunch."... O.K., you just raised the red flag. Has our "Nuclear Navy" suspended conservation laws?

Are you, by inference, saying that your bullet generates lift without commensurate increase in drag?

-What was the "customer" group size at 1,400 yards?

-How many shots in the group?

-How many total groups produced? (I will not be interested in milk jug kills)


One topic at a time please...........

Your point of contact for your conservation question is Jeff Csuy at Bettis Labs in Pittsburg PA. He is a friend of mine and he is currently designing the fuel matrices for our future power plants.... He is a wealth of information.

Next question........Nope

The group size was I believe .5 moa

Don't know the number of shots

No, they were not milk jugs.

We just got a very positive report along with a somewhat large order for some additional bullets.....

Noel, I just had a great idea....

Why don't you start a thread about your bullets and field some questions from the gallery. Realize that it would be considered advertising and that you would have to be a paid sponsor to to it yourself....

However, one of your customers could do it from an information only type angle and you could field some questions that we come up with. However, if the thread got very big, you would be expected to pay up and become an advertiser.........

No reason to continue to hijack this thread about your products when you can have your own.

ummmm once again a reminder to check any load data I give out as my mind is dyslexic but I have spread some misinformation in this thread.

I am using .9 as the BC on these bullets not .96 as I stated earlier. Sorry if I created any false expectations of these bullets. I opened exbal on my phone today to show it to a friend who does not know anything about long range shooting. I was showing him how to plug in the velocity and BC and pulled up my 338AM as an example. I saw that it was .9. I thought maybe that was wrong, but checked it on my old phone that I primarily use when hunting. I was mistaken, maybe it was wishful thinking. I guess I just have too many numbers running around in my head since I have taken up this hobby gun smithing.

At .96 it would only be 7 MOA at 800 yards. I know for a fact that it takes 9 MOA to be deadon at 800 yards. I still have not figured out where I came up with .96.

Anyway, I sent some bullets to Bryan. I did that not as any type of slam to the bullet maker or even to lightvarmit. As I understood the situation they had no problem with him buying some to test. I sold him some just to save him some time. I do not expect that he is going to turn up anything out of the ordinary.

I will say this, the bullets shoot very well. From my limited experiance with them they kill stuff very well. I will continue shooting them BUT...the BC aint nowhere near 1.1. and I am pretty darn sure it is not .96 either. I am not disputing lightvarmits data, just saying that it does not match my own which could be from a myriad of reasons including my ignorance.

Once again I am sorry for spreading misinformation or creating any confusion. I think that I posted .9 as the BC on these bullets several months back, it has not changed. Maybe I started with .86 and went to .9 I just cannot say, but would have sworn to my posts until just a little while ago. I am sincerely sorry for my mistake and hope that I did not cause anyone any problems. I should have checked my phone as I have it with me at almost all times and should have not have relied upon my faulty memory.


Your actual .900 makes my .910 look like we predicted it correctly. It would answer a lot of questions if they did not hit at -10.3 moa with a 400 yard zero at 3245 fps.... But they do.

However that is the raw data and if I am going to hit the intended target at 928, then I have to hold it at -10.3 moa to do so.

Thanks again for your post..... FWIW, I have been trying to figure out how you came up with .96 and we came up with .91 as a prediction..... Now I feel a whole lot better. Thanks.


My comments about being raked over the coals were concerning me specifically quite a while ago when I was developing bullet drop derived BC values for bullets that no one had ever tested before.

I do not believe you were around on LRH at that time, I may be wrong but I do not remember you coming after me in any way. That said, I never reported any +1 BC values either. Most were in the .740 to .9 range.

My comments were not directed toward anything you have done, only to what I experienced with my reporting years ago.

You are correct, an accurate BC value has more uses then just predicting drop and drift, I agree with you 100% on that.

IF your concerned with predicting bullets terminal performance it can be helpful in this as well. An inflated BC will extend max range for terminal performance limits, that is true, but realize at what range this occurs. A bullet like this will likely reach out WELL past where most of us will shot big game at.

There are very few That will shoot at big game out past 1500 yards and even with a 338 Lapua or 338 Edge, you will have sustained 1500 fps at 1500 yards at least at my elevation of 3500 ft using the 300 gr SMK. With the Aluminum tipped bullets it will extend even farther and also remember that a tipped bullet will have more positive expansion if the bullet is designed correctly at longer ranges then a HP or SP bullet.

It is certainly important to know that your bullet will perform at the impact velocity you will be dealing with. But in my opinion, that criteria has had more weight put on it then is really needed because very few of us ever shoot far enough at big game to reach the terminal limits of a bullet as far as velocity are concerned.

Again, I am not discounting this in anyway, just saying that me personally, I never shoot at big game at a range where this is a consideration.

There are also other areas where an pure BC is valueable but in my opinion, the main value of BC is being able to predict where that bullet will be at any point in its trajectory. That is far more important then any other bit of information we can get from a BC number.

I know most of use use chamberings that will perform perfectly well at ranges FAR past where we are capable of shooting out to on Big game, or at least at ranges farther then we are willing to take a shot at a big game animal.

You are fully correct on your comments for sure but with this class of chambering, I am just not sure those other things are all that important to the scheme of things. but good points and its always wise to be thinking of such things to make sure your not pushing the limits of a certain combination.

"No reason to hijack this thread about your products when you can have your own."... This detail may have escaped other readers, so I feel compelled to respond to what amounts to an ad hominem.

I have said, precisely, nothing about my R&D, which includes much more than projectiles. What information has been posted was done, ironically James... by you. I might add that it was presented in a perjorative, and dismissive manner. If my objective was to promote my products, and embarrass you, then the opportunity was offered to me on a golden platter.

I did not take advantage of this for a number of reasons, but foremost among them is that no one wants to wade through a ****ing contest.

Bryan, and I are (technically) competitors. I am not in the least threatened by him, and we have had exchanges on another forum. My sense is that he is a good man. You should value his imput.

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