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One from Texas? That's odd.

Online petitions are one thing, and once its done, I hope that it is sorted by zip and sent to the corresponding reps and senators, BUT

Nothing, and I mean nothing takes the place of a good old fashioned signed letter or phone call to your own representatives.

Just be civil, call them up, tell them you don't support it, thank them for their time, and then, two weeks later, write them to remind them. Repeat until the Bill is trashed.

If you need a jump start, PM me and I'd be more than happy to track down your reps address and phone number. I can't make you do it, but I can try to make it easy for you.

And to answer the question that is going through some of your heads, yes, I am a little fanatical about this, and no I don't own an "assault weapon"
Here are your Rep. contact #s

Contact info for your congressmen:

here are all of congress'
phone numbers..... the last 4 digits are the number dial 202-225 and the last 4 digits after their name

this did not format as well as i would have liked and I dont want to correct 435 of them

last name + First name + state +district + last 4 digits of phone number

202-225-XXXX (xxxx= last 4 digits)

Young, Don AK, A/L 5765
Bonner, Jo AL, 1 4931
Everett, Terry AL, 2 2901
Rogers, Michael AL, 3 3261
Aderholt, Robert AL, 4 4876
Cramer, Robert AL, 5 4801
Bachus, Spencer AL, 6 4921
Davis, Artur AL, 7 2665
Berry, Marion AR, 1 4076
Snyder, Vic AR, 2 2506
Boozman, John AR, 3 4301
Ross, Mike AR, 4 3772
Faleomavaega, Eni AS, 8577
Renzi, Rick AZ, 1 2315
Franks, Trent AZ, 2 4576
Shadegg, John AZ, 3 3361
Pastor, Ed AZ, 4 4065
Mitchell, Harry AZ, 5 2190
Flake, Jeff AZ, 6 2635
Grijalva, Raul AZ, 7 2435
Giffords, Gabrielle AZ, 8 2542
Thompson, Mike CA, 1 3311
Herger, Wally CA, 2 3076
Lungren, Dan CA, 3 5716
Doolittle, John CA, 4 2511
Matsui, Doris CA, 5 7163
Woolsey, Lynn CA, 6 5161
Miller, George CA, 7 2095
Pelosi, Nancy CA, 8 4965
Lee, Barbara CA, 9 2661
Tauscher, Ellen CA, 10 1880
McNerney, Jerry CA, 11 1947
Lantos, Tom CA, 12 3531
Stark, Fortney CA, 13 5065
Eshoo, Anna CA, 14 8104
Honda, Michael CA, 15 2631
Lofgren, Zoe CA, 16 3072
Farr, Sam CA, 17 2861
Cardoza, Dennis CA, 18 6131
Radanovich,George CA, 19 4540
Costa, Jim CA, 20 3341
Nunes, Devin CA, 21 2523
McCarthy, Kevin CA, 22 2915
Capps, Lois CA, 23 3601
Gallegly, Elton CA, 24 5811
McKeon, Howard CA, 25 1956
Dreier, Davis CA, 26 2305
Sherman, Brad CA, 27 5911
Berman, Howard CA, 28 4695
Schiff, Adam CA, 29 4176
Waxman, Henry CA, 30 3976
Becerra, Xavier CA, 31 6235
Solis,Hilda CA, 32 5464
Watson, Diane CA, 33 7084
Roybal-Allard, Lucille CA, 34 1766
Waters, Maxine CA, 35 2201
Harman, Jane CA, 36 8220
Millender-Mcdonald Juanita CA, 37 7924
Napolitano, Grace CA, 38 5256
Sanchez, Linda CA, 39 6676
Royce, Ed CA, 40 4111
Lewis, Jerry CA, 41 5861
Miller, Gary CA, 42 3201
Baca, Joe CA, 43 6161
Calvert, Ken CA, 44 1986
Bono, Mary CA, 45 5330
Rohrabacher, Dana CA, 46 2415
Sanchez, Loretta CA, 47 2965
Campbell, John CA, 48 5611
Issa, Darrell CA, 49 3906
Bilbray, Brian CA, 50 5452
Filner, Bob CA, 51 8045
Hunter, Duncan CA, 52 5672
Davis, Susan CA, 53 2040
DeGette, Diana CO, 1 4431
Udall, Mark CO, 2 2161
Salazar, John CO, 3 4761
Musgrave, Marilyn CO, 4 4676
Lamborn, Doug CO, 5 4422
Tancredo, Thomas CO, 6 7882
Perlmutter, Edward CO, 7 2645
Larson, John CT, 1 2265
Courtney, Joseph CT, 2 2076
DeLauro, Rosa CT, 3 3661
Shays, Christopher CT, 4 5541
Murphy, Christopher CT, 5 4476
Norton, Eleanor Holmes DC, 8050
Castle, Michael DE, A/L 4165
Miller, Jeff FL, 1 4136
Boyd, F. Allen FL, 2 5235
Brown, Corrine FL, 3 0123
Crenshaw, Ander FL, 4 2501
Brown-Waite, Ginny FL, 5 1002
Stearns, Cliff FL, 6 5744
Mica, John FL, 7 4035
Keller, Ric FL, 8 2176
Bilirakis, Michael FL, 9 5755
Young, C.W. Bill, FL, 10 5961
Castor, Kathy FL, 11 3376
Putnam, Adam FL, 12 1252
Buchanan, Vernon FL, 13 5015
Mack, Connie Fl, 14 2536
Weldon, Dave FL, 15 3671
Mahoney, Tim FL, 16 5792
Meek, Kendrick FL, 17 4506
Ros-lehtinen, Ileana FL, 18 3931
Wexler, Robert FL, 19 3001
Wasserman Shultz, Debbie FL, 20 7931
Diaz-Balart, Lincoln FL, 21 4211
Klein, Ron FL, 22 3026
Hastings, Alcee FL, 23 1313
Feeny, Tom FL, 24 2706
Diaz-Balart, Mario FL, 25 2778
Kingston, Jack GA, 1 5831
Bishop, Sanford GA, 2 3631
Westmorland, Lynn GA, 3 5901
McKinney, Cynthia GA, 4 1605
Lewis, John GA, 5 3801
Price, Tom GA, 6 4501
Linder, John GA, 7 4272
Marshall, Jim GA, 8 6531
Norwood, Charles GA, 9 4101
Deal, Nathan GA, 10 5211
Gingrey, Phil GA, 11 2931
Barrow, John GA, 12 2823
Scott, David GA, 13 2939
Bordallo, Madeline GU, 1188
Abercrombie, Neil HI, 1 2726
Hirono, Mazie HI, 2 4906
Braley, Bruce IA, 1 2911
Loebsack, David IA, 2 6576
Boswell, Leonard IA, 3 3806
Latham, Tom IA, 4 5476
King, Steve IA, 5 4426
Sail, William ID, 1 6611
Simpson, Mike ID, 2 5531
Rush, Bobby IL, 1 4372
Jackson, Jesse IL, 2 0773
Lipinski, Dan IL, 3 5701
Gutierrez, Luis IL, 4 8203
Emanual, Rahm IL, 5 4061
Roskam, Peter IL, 6 4561
Davis, Danny IL, 7 5006
Bean, Melissa IL, 8 3711
Schakowsky, Janice IL, 9 2111
Kirk, Mark IL, 10 4835
Weller, Jerry IL, 11 3635
Costello, Jerry IL, 12 5661
Biggert, Judy IL, 13 3515
Hastert, Dennis IL, 14 2976
Johnson, Timothy IL, 15 2371
Manzullo, Donald IL, 16 5676
Hare, Philip IL, 17 5905
Lahood, Ray IL, 18 6201
Shimkus, John IL, 19 5271
Visclosky, Peter IN, 1 2461
Donnelly, Joe IN, 2 3915
Souder, Mark IN, 3 4436
Buyer, Steve IN, 4 5037
Burton, Dan IN, 5 2276
Pence, Mike IN, 6 3021
Carson, Julia IN, 7 4011
Ellsworth, Brad IN, 8 4636
Hill, Baron IN, 9 5315
Moran, Jerry KS, 1 2715
Boyda, Nancy KS, 2 6601
Moore, Dennis KS, 3 2865
Tiahrt, Todd KS, 4 6216
Whitfield, Edward KY, 1 3115
Lewis, Ron KY, 2 3501
Yarmuth, John KY, 3 5401
Davis, Geoff KY, 4 3465
Rogers, Harold KY, 5 4601
Chandler, Ben KY, 6 4706
Jindal, Bobby LA, 1 3015
TBD LA, 2 6636
Melancon, Charlie LA, 3 4031
McCrery, Jim LA, 4 2777
Alexander, Rodney LA, 5 8490
Baker, Richard LA, 6 3901
Boustany, Charles LA, 7 2031
Olver, John MA, 1 5335
Neal, Richard MA, 2 5601
McGoveren, Jim MA, 3 6101
Frank, Barney MA, 4 5931
Meehan, Marty MA, 5 3411
Tierney, John MA, 6 8020
Markey, Edward MA, 7 2836
Capuano, Michael MA, 8 5111
Lynch, Stephen MA, 9 8273
DeLahunt, William MA, 10 3111
Gilchrest, Wayne MD, 1 5311
Ruppersberger, C.A. MD, 2 3061
Sarbanes, John MD, 3 4016
Wynn, Albert MD, 4 8699
Hoyer, Steny MD, 5 4131
Bartlett, Roscoe MD, 6 2721
Cummings, Elijah MD, 7 4741
Van Hollen, Chris MD, 8 5341
Allen, Thomas ME, 1 6116
Michaud, Michael ME, 2 6306
Stupak, Bart MI, 1 4735
Rogers, Michael MI, 8 4872
Knollenberg, Joseph MI, 9 5802
Hoekstra, Peter MI, 2 4401
Ehlers, Vernon MI, 3 3831
Camp, Dave MI, 4 3561
Kildee, Dale MI, 5 3611
Upton, Fred MI, 6 3761
Walberg, Tim MI, 7 6276
Miller, Candice MI, 10 2106
McCotter, Thaddeus MI, 11 8171
Levin, Sander MI, 12 4961
Kilpatric, Carolyn MI, 13 2261
Conyers, John MI, 14 5126
Dingell, John MI, 15 4071
Walz, Tim MN, 1 2472
Kline, John MN, 2 2271
Ramstad, Jim MN, 3 2871
McCollum, Betty MN, 4 6631
Ellison, Keith MN, 5 4755
Bachman, Michele MN, 6 2331
Peterson, Collin MN, 7 2165
Oberstar, James MN, 8 6211
Clay Wm. Lacy MO, 1 2406
Akin, Todd MO, 2 2561
Carnahan, Russ MO, 3 2671
Skelton, Ike MO, 4 2876
Cleaver, Emanual MO, 5 4535
Graves, Sam MO, 6 7041
Blunt, Roy MO, 7 6536
Emerson, Jo Ann MO, 8 4404
Hulshof, Kenny MO, 9 2956
Wicker, Roger MS, 1 4306
Thompson, Bennie MS, 2 5876
Pickering, Charles MS, 3 5031
Taylor, Gene MS, 4 5772
Rehberg, Dennis MT, A/L 3211
Butterfield, G.K. NC, 1 3101
Etherridge, Bob NC, 2 4531
Jones, Walter NC, 3 3415
Price, David NC, 4 1784
Foxx, Virginia NC, 5 2071
Coble, Howard NC, 6 3065
McIntyre, Mike NC, 7 2731
TBD NC, 8 3715
Myrick, Sue NC, 9 1976
McHenry, Patrick NC, 10th 2576
Shuler, Heath NC, 11 6401
Watt, Melvin NC, 12 1510
Miller, Brad NC, 13 3032
Pomerroy, Earl ND, A/L 2611
Fortenberry, Jeff NE, 1 4806
Terry, Lee NE, 2 4155
Smith, Adrian NE, 3 6435
Shea-Porter, Carol NH, 1 5456
Hodes, Paul NH, 2 5206
Andrews, Robert NJ, 1 6501
LoBiondo, Frank NJ, 2 6572
Saxton, Jim NJ, 3 4765
Smith, Christopher NJ, 4 3765
Garrett, Scott NJ, 5 4465
Pallone, Frank NJ, 6 4671
Ferguson, Michal NJ, 7 5361
Pascrell, Bill NJ, 8 5751
Rothman, Streven NJ, 9 5061
Payne, Donald NJ, 10 3436
Frelinghuysen, Rodney NJ, 11 5034
Holt, Rush NJ, 12 5801
Sires, Albio NJ, 13 7919
Wilson, Heather NM, 1 6316
Pearce, Steve NM, 2 2365
Udall, Tom NM, 3 6190
Berkley, Shelly NV, 1 5965
Heller, Dean NV, 2 6155
Porter, Jon NV, 3 3252
Bishop, Tim NY, 1 3826
Israel, Steve NY, 2 3335
King, Peter NY, 3 7896
McCarthy, Carolyn NY, 4 5516
Ackerman, Gary NY, 5 2601
Meeks, Gregory NY, 6 3461
Crowley, Joseph NY, 7 3965
Nadler, Jerrold NY, 8 5635
Weiner, Anthony NY, 9 6616
Towns, Edolphus NY, 10 5936
Clark, Yvette NY, 11 6231
Valazquez, Nydia NY, 12 2361
Fossella, Vito NY, 13 3371
Maloney, Carolyn NY, 14 7944
Rangel, Charles NY, 15 4365
Serrano, Jose NY, 16 4361
Engel, Eliot NY, 17 2464
Lowey, Nita NY, 18 6506
Hall, John NY, 19 5441
Gillibrand, Kirsten NY, 20 5614
McNulty, Michael NY, 21 5076
Hinchey, Maurice NY, 22 6335
McHugh, John NY, 23 4611
Arcuri, Michael NY, 24 3665
Walsh, James NY, 25 3701
Reynolds, Thomas NY, 26 5265
Higgins, Brian NY, 27 3306
Slaughter,Louise-McIntosh NY, 28 3615
Kuhl, Randy NY, 29 3161
Chabot, Steve OH, 1 2216
Schmidt, Jean OH, 2 3164
Turner, Michael OH, 3 6465
Jordan, Jim OH, 4 2676
Gilmor, Paul OH, 5 6405
Wilson, Charlie OH, 6 5705
Hobson, Davis OH, 7 4324
Boehner, John OH, 8 6205
Kaptur, Marcy OH, 9 4146
Kucinich, Dennis OH, 10 5871
Tubbs Jones, Stephanie OH, 11 7032
Tiberi, Patrick Oh, 12 5355
Sutton, Betty OH, 13 3401
LaTourette, Steven OH, 14 5731
TBD OH, 15 2015
Regula, Ralph OH, 16 3876
Ryan, Tim OH, 17 5261
Space, Zack OH, 18 6265
Sullivan, John OK, 1 2211
Boren, Dan OK, 2 2701
lucas, Frank OK, 3 5565
Cole, Tom OK, 4 6165
Fallin, Mary OK, 5 2132
Wu, David OR, 1 O855
Walden, Greg OR, 2 6730
Blumenauer, Earl OR, 3 4811
DeFazio, Peter OR, 4 6416
Hooley, Darlene OR, 5 5711
Brady, Robert PA, 1 4731
Fattah, Chaka PA, 2 4001
English, Philip PA, 3 5406
Atmire, Jason PA, 4 2565
Peterson, John PA, 5 5121
Gerlach, Jim PA, 6 4315
Sestak, Joe PA, 7 2011
Murphy, Patrick PA, 8 4276
Shuster, Bill PA, 9 2431
Carney, Chris PA, 10 3731
Kanjorski, Paul PA, 11 6511
Murtha, John PA, 12 2065
Schwartz, Allyson PA, 13 6111
Doyle, Mike PA, 14 2135
Dent, Charles PA, 15 6411
Pitts, Joseph PA, 16 2411
Holden,Tim PA, 17 5546
Murphy, Timothy PA, 18 2301
Platts, Todd PA, 19 5836
Fortuno, Luis PR, 2615
Kennedy, Patrick RI, 1 4911
Langevin, James RI, 2 2735
Brown, Henry SC, 1 3176
Wilson, Joe SC, 2 2452
Barrett, Gresham SC, 3 5301
Inglis, Bob SC, 4 6030
Spratt, John SC, 5 5501
Clyburn, James SC, 6 3315
Herseth, Stephanie SD, A/L 2801
Davis, David TN, 1 6356
Duncan, John TN, 2 5435
Wamp, Zach TN, 3 3271
Davis, Lincoln TN, 4 6831
Cooper, Jim TN, 5 4311
Gordon, Bart TN, 6 4231
Blackburn, Marsha TN, 7 2811
Tanner, John TN, 8 4714
Cohen, Steve TN, 9 3265
Gohmert, Louie TX, 1 3035
Poe, Ted TX, 2 6565
Johnson, Sam TX, 3 4201
Hall, Ralph TX, 4 6673
Hensarling, Jeb TX, 5 3484
Barton, Joe TX, 6 2002
Culberson, John TX, 7 2571
Brady, Kevin TX, 8 4901
Green, Al TX, 9 7508
McCaul, Michael TX, 10 2401
Conaway, Mike TX, 11 3605
Granger, Kay TX, 12 5071
Thornberry, William TX, 13 3706
Paul, Ron TX, 14 2831
Hinojosa, Ruben TX, 15 2531
Reyes, Silvestre TX, 16 4831
Edwards, Chet TX, 17 6105
Jackson Lee, Shelia TX, 18 3816
Neugebauer, Randy TX, 19 4005
Gonzalez, Charles TX, 20 3236
Smith, lamar TX, 21 4236
Lampson, Nick TX, 22 5951
TBD TX, 23 4511
Marchant, Kenny TX, 24 6605
Doggett, Lloyd TX, 25 4865
Ortiz, Solomon TX, 27 7742
Cueller, Henry TX, 28 1640
Green, Gene TX, 29 1688
Johnson, Eddie TX, 30 8885
Carter, John TX, 31 3864
Sessions, Pete TX, 32 2231
Burgess, Michael TX,26 7772
Bishop, Rob UT, 1 0453
Matheson, Jim UT, 2 3011
Cannon, Chris UT, 3 7751
Davis, Jo Ann VA, 1 4261
Drake, Thelma VA, 2 4215
Scott, Bobby VA, 3 8351
Forbes, Randy VA, 4 6365
Goode, Virgil VA, 5 4711
Goodlatte, Bob VA, 6 5431
Cantor, Eric VA, 7 2815
Moran, James VA, 8 4376
Boucher, Rick VA, 9 3861
Wolf, Frank VA, 10 5136
Davis, Thomas VA, 11 1492
Christinsen, Donna VI, 1790
Welch, Peter VT, A/L 4115
Inslee, Jay WA, 1 6311
Larsen, Rick WA, 2 2605
Baird, Brian WA, 3 3536
Hastings, Doc WA, 4 5816
McMorris, Cathy WA, 5 2006
Dicks, Norman WA, 6 5916
McDermott, Jim WA, 7 3106
Reichert, Dave WA, 8 7761
Smith, Adam WA, 9 8901
Ryan, Paul WI, 1 3031
Baldwin, Tammy WI, 2 2906
Kind, Ron WI, 3 5506
Moore, Gwen WI, 4 4572
Sensenbrenner, F. James WI, 5 5101
Petri, Thomas WI, 6 2476
Obey, David WI, 7 3365
Kagen, Steve WI, 8 5665
Mollohan, Allan WV, 1 4172
Capito, Shelly WV, 2 2711
Rahal, Nick WV, 3 3452
Cubin, Barbara WY, A/L 2311
The tragedy of all this is "the people" are supposed to have assault weapons. How else are they going to maintain "A well regulated Militia"?

The US Gov. used to argue, "The Second Amendment protects only the ownership of military-type weapons appropriate for use in an organized militia." And the Supreme Court agreed that a weapon which "has some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia" is what the constitution guarantees.

An assault weapon fits the bill absolutely.

Let me also note that "the people" have that right; not, "specific people," "nice people," or "purple people," "THE people".

How did we let then take our rights away? "Why did we?" is a better question.
Warning! This thread is more than 16 years ago old.
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