Stop the bleeding now!

You guys make it sound stupid to be prepared. We don't do this because we are dumb or paranoid we do it to survive.

Whatever your perception deems necessary in your equipment choice for survival is all well and good. I certainly did not intend to imply anyone who carried a lot of stuff was dumb or paranoid. To each his own more power to you.

I was just expressing my thoughts to the fact that inexperienced and uncomfortable people when in the backcountry tend to not have a real grasp on what works and what does not and make bad decisions that get them into trouble or hurt. If you could pack something that would keep everyone from making mistakes...that would be worth carrying. When you have lived in the mountains most of your life as I have and it's just a big backyard full of toys its really easy to get along safely without a lot of "stuff"
I keep my unit 1 in my truck at all times and add it to my pack when I leave the truck. I hunt with my wife and kids and their safety is worth the extra wieght.
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