Help reading this ladder

Welcome back. As you most likely already know there is a ton of great info on this forum. If you like the rifle you have set up you are going to get throat erosion and will eventually need to chase the lands. As you have already seen there are many differing opinions. If I were you and limited to 100m I would shoot a round robin ocw and post the results. The problem with a ladder at short distance is you can't tell for sure what is causing the scatter. I do believe both methods have their place. I feel the ladder yields much more useable data at longer distances. The Jason Baney article I linked to is one of the best on the subject. I also believe you will find a write up from the originator of the ocw on this forum. I am very sorry for getting caught up in taking this of topic. Good luck in your load development.
Welcome back. As you most likely already know there is a ton of great info on this forum. If you like the rifle you have set up you are going to get throat erosion and will eventually need to chase the lands. As you have already seen there are many differing opinions. If I were you and limited to 100m I would shoot a round robin ocw and post the results. The problem with a ladder at short distance is you can't tell for sure what is causing the scatter. I do believe both methods have their place. I feel the ladder yields much more useable data at longer distances. The Jason Baney article I linked to is one of the best on the subject. I also believe you will find a write up from the originator of the ocw on this forum. I am very sorry for getting caught up in taking this of topic. Good luck in your load development.

No worries. I'm not a fan of people taking unethical shots either. My local range does go out to 200m which is the distance I will be at from now on.
500yds with a 300wm is a chip shot esp with the 215's. My girlfriend who has shot less than 100rnds had zero problems dinging steel at 600 with my 300. There is zero reason to chase the lands until accuracy starts to fall off. I have about 1000 rounds down my fclass gun and it's still holding 1/4moa accuracy with hybrids I haven't had to chase anything. That throats gets more fire than gordos sporter barrel should ever endure.

What you're implying is a direct contridiction to chasing the lands by suggesting to load closer to the lands so you don't have to chase it. Why shoot a dedicated hunting rig be shot to the point of having to chase the lands under normal hunting prep conditions? That's dumbfounding to me. IF you do have to chase it then chase it from wherever needed. I can chase from 0.50 just as much as you have to from 0.015. Makes no difference.

Why shoot out a barrel that needs to make a few shots per year? It's hunting, not BR.

Gordo as stated earlier you just need a longer range and calm conditions.
I said it once i'll say it again you are unethical if you think your gun can sit in the cabinet all year without practice. Do what you want but this is what gives long range hunters a bad name. Go shoot at 500 yds in field conditions with shifting winds across a canyon. Yes it's easy if you practice. Not so easy if you don't. a shifty wind will easily move a bullet including the 215 or even a 180 launched out of a 7-300 or 28 Nolser out of the vitals at five hundred and gets worse at longer range. The point of starting .015 is because it gives you .025 room for throat erosion with a better chance of not chasing. This is straight from the mouth of Litz who I do believe probably knows best since he did design the bullet but I may be wrong you may know more than he does. We are not talking about normal hunting conditions. If we were I would buy the cheapest rifle I could at walmart and a box of ammo to go with it. We are talking about long range shooting and precision is paramount. Ohiohunter if you really believe what you are typing please stop long range hunting. I do not want to read about you in the next rant by David Petzal about how long range hunting is unethical. I think you have the practice for hunting and br backwards. I care far more for the animals I am shooting at than a piece of paper and a trophy or bragging rights. I will not post in this thread again. I really do hope you do not do what you are claiming if you are shooting animals at long range. Again I am very sorry Gord0.
But you said if you're not chasing the lands you are unethical. Followed by stating to load closer to the lands so you don't have to chase it. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
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