Help reading this ladder

Prolly due to recoil. Note your hottest loads are impacting the highest.
Mine is a sporter also. About 3 shots is all it can handle at a time. Just let cool good inbetween shots and groups. Still shoots bug holes and light enough to pack around but sure has kick even with brake. I learned on that one no more sporter bls in magnums.
With all due respect this is not true. OCW is looking at accuracy swings and POI with powder changes. Ladders are looking at velocities changes per powder change. OCW will provide better data at short range. Ladders really need to be shot at long range. In the end in a perfect world they should give the same results. I have used the OCW to find the most accurate/stable load a few times to find out the velocity changes were too much to provide an adequate long range load. What exactly do you think makes a good long range load? The number once component to a great long range load is very small extreme spreads which equate to very small vertical changes at distance. The rest is your ability to read the wind.
The hybrids are very forgiving in regard to seating depth. I personally would run at a tried and true jump of .040 and run a ladder of ~0.3gr charges. Quick easy and can be fine tuned down the road.

This quickly gave me sub 1/2moa w/ my 300wm.
The hybrids are very forgiving in regard to seating depth. I personally would run at a tried and true jump of .040 and run a ladder of ~0.3gr charges. Quick easy and can be fine tuned down the road.

This quickly gave me sub 1/2moa w/ my 300wm.

Agreed but I would start with .015 jump.
Mine is a sporter also. About 3 shots is all it can handle at a time. Just let cool good inbetween shots and groups. Still shoots bug holes and light enough to pack around but sure has kick even with brake. I learned on that one no more sporter bls in magnums.

I let it cool in-between all shots. Also take my custom Ruger 10-22 that shoots stupid small groups and plink at 50m in between to make sure I'm not starting to flinch, and give me something to do while it cools. The .300 weights a whole 8.8lbs so she has a bit of recoil.
The hybrids are very forgiving in regard to seating depth. I personally would run at a tried and true jump of .040 and run a ladder of ~0.3gr charges. Quick easy and can be fine tuned down the road.

This quickly gave me sub 1/2moa w/ my 300wm.

I ran a quick round robin seating depth test to start just to get a general idea on where to start. Seated at .01, .047, .084, .121" .218" vertical on the .01" jump about double that for the .047 and then quite a bit worse for the next two.
Agreed but I would start with .015 jump.

Missed my point about jump... 0.040" is the tried and trued Broz WM jump, he's only killed a parking lot worth the elk w/ the 215's. Either way, like I said, the hybrids are less sensitive to jump than other bullets. Besides I'd rather be comfortably off the lands esp w/ a mag.
No, I completely get your point and I by no means think you are wrong. I simply state .015 because I would like to not adjust for throat erosion and this is what Bryan Litz suggests. I have not killed any elk but I've shot plenty of 215 bergers through a 300WM.
No, I completely get your point and I by no means think you are wrong. I simply state .015 because I would like to not adjust for throat erosion and this is what Bryan Litz suggests. I have not killed any elk but I've shot plenty of 215 bergers through a 300WM.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say throat erosion will be the last thing to worry about in a .30 cal hunting rig. Granted he doesn't shoot the living crap out of it. I can't imagine one would find pleasure in high volume banging steel or cutting paper w/ a sporter barreled 300wm pushing 215's, sounds like a recipe for a flinch.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say throat erosion will be the last thing to worry about in a .30 cal hunting rig. Granted he doesn't shoot the living crap out of it. I can't imagine one would find pleasure in high volume banging steel or cutting paper w/ a sporter barreled 300wm pushing 215's, sounds like a recipe for a flinch.

Exactly. This thing will get the barrel replaced before I ever start chasing the lands.
I obviously can't speak for you guys but you do not get proficient at long range shooting with your rifle in the gun cabinet. I shoot my rifles. A couple of points. First throat erosion can typically be measured within twenty rounds and only gets worse from there. Second the demise of a barrel is almost always due to the throat which is why many set back and rechamber. If I like my current 300 as much as I believe I will I will most definitely burn the throat out and its even nitrided. You may not chase the lands prior to you rebarreling but I can assure you it will have throat erosion. This is a long range hunting forum. Only unethical people would develope a load and stop there until hunting time. It takes time and rounds down the tube and in field conditions to take ethical shots at over 500 yds on animals. Ohiohunter and Gord0, I am completely dumbfounded by your posts.
I obviously can't speak for you guys but you do not get proficient at long range shooting with your rifle in the gun cabinet. I shoot my rifles. A couple of points. First throat erosion can typically be measured within twenty rounds and only gets worse from there. Second the demise of a barrel is almost always due to the throat which is why many set back and rechamber. If I like my current 300 as much as I believe I will I will most definitely burn the throat out and its even nitrided. You may not chase the lands prior to you rebarreling but I can assure you it will have throat erosion. This is a long range hunting forum. Only unethical people would develope a load and stop there until hunting time. It takes time and rounds down the tube and in field conditions to take ethical shots at over 500 yds on animals. Ohiohunter and Gord0, I am completely dumbfounded by your posts.

I asked for help reading a ladder as I have never shot one before. I'm just getting back into reloading after being away from it for 6 years due to life happening. I have never taken an unethical shot at a game animal. Ever. I would also never take a shot I wasn't comfortable with.
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