Help me choose a .277 bullet... (.270 Win)

Nosler BT's are inexpensive and deadly on thin skinned game. AB's would handle elk and are not too expensive either. Very close BC's between the two(.277) for given bullet weights. I believe they are generally known to group well, they do for me.
For that range I would look at the 140 accubond or 150 berger and try rl-23 if you have it with a standard primer first

why rl 23? The Sierra guys told me rl 16 was the ticketwith the 140 tipped gamechanger, seems like I'm behind before getting to try it out. What's rl 23 like in the 270? Light or heavy bullets?
why rl 23? The Sierra guys told me rl 16 was the ticketwith the 140 tipped gamechanger, seems like I'm behind before getting to try it out. What's rl 23 like in the 270? Light or heavy bullets?
It did well for me in the 30-06 with heavyweights (180gr+). Anything lighter and there wasn't enough case capacity unless I was reaching for the lands
I love my old Remington model 721 in .270. It has been my "go to" gun when not sure what rifle I want to use that day. It's mainly used for deer and antelope at up to 450 yards. Mine loves 150 grain Hornady Interlocks. It has never failed to one shot kills ranging from 35 yards to just shy of 450. Same load recipe for over 30 years, I should try something new, and I will when I update my flip phone.
I love my old Remington model 721 in .270. It has been my "go to" gun when not sure what rifle I want to use that day. It's mainly used for deer and antelope at up to 450 yards. Mine loves 150 grain Hornady Interlocks. It has never failed to one shot kills ranging from 35 yards to just shy of 450. Same load recipe for over 30 years, I should try something new, and I will when I update my flip phone.
Don't update the flip phone, touch screens are overrated!

I really regret selling my 721... some day I will pick another up though.
why rl 23? The Sierra guys told me rl 16 was the ticketwith the 140 tipped gamechanger, seems like I'm behind before getting to try it out. What's rl 23 like in the 270? Light or heavy bullets?
I am getting better velocity with the rl-23 than is possible with the rl 16 but I shoot berger 150 with a lighter bullet the rl 16 may work better I am getting over 3000 fps with the 150 in a 24 inch barrel and this is not a max load no pressure signs at all
Wow that's impressive, I've tried rl 26 but never found it to be consistent lot to lot so I stop using it, I've been working with 145 eldx and 140 gamechangers so far. Best wishes
Find a bullet your rifle likes to shoot.

If it doesn't kill what you shoot the first time..... shoot it again.
With some bullets, not perfectly placed, that may be......again, and again, and again! ;) memtb

So he may need to put a bayonet on the end of his rifle.

Honestly, if I was mostly shooting a 270 win inside 300 yards and was worried about terminal performance......

I'd go with a Mono like Barnes X. Partitions would also be a good choice out to 500 yards. There is always a trade off, so pick your poison.
I know there are plenty of threads on here about Nosler, Berger, Hammer, etc., all of which are great bullets.
With this gun though, it is the one I shoot the most, hands down.
The longest shot on game it has and will ever see is 500yds on a deer, but more often 300yds or less. The occasional elk at the same range, no greater than 300yds.
Since I shoot this one so frequently, I would like to find a balance between a good bullet and a reasonable cost.
Speer Boat Tails? Partitions? Hot cores? Other options?

What do you guys think?

I have seen about 150 deer being brought down over the years with 270's. I have seen the animals hit about any direction you could think of. They were all using 130 Sierra SPBT at about 3000 fps. If I was shooing with a 270 for deer that the bullet I would use. The bullet didn't come apart and blood shot the deer. Shooting 500 yards and under it would be my go to bullet. Elk is a different story I think that 130 gr is a little light for them.

Love factory 140 TSX in 270WSM.
Used barnes on most of the calibers I run for hunting and never looked past.
That being said I was not really long range hunter by any means until recently and will start experimenting with Berger and Accubond.
If you really look for factory ammo then 130TTSX are great for distances you are planning to shoot.
Aim for the shoulder and if hit right everything should be found where shot with Barnes. Minimal meat damage, instant kills and no lead all over the meat.
Moose hunt in Northern Ontario, buddy shot corelok 180gr from his 300WinMag. And recovered bullet was about 120gr. Mostly jacket and bottom core. Third of the bullet's lead went into the meat. Cow I shot with 168gr TTSX 300WSM, recovered bullet from other shoulder was 167.and a change.
Which means minus a blue tip that was found on a fur above entry wound.
While ago I shot a red stag with Federal Soft point and it made a devastating meat damage inside, never used soft point after that ever again.
There is no comparison in prices for bullet that will be used for meat hunting, it is way more damage you are causing than what you are saving on a bullets. For target and varmin, yes it makes sense but for hunting I would take really good bullets that are not soft point and good bonded or solid bullets.
I'm a Barnes guy. I have been shooting the Barnes TTSX 150 in my 7mm Remington for several years with awesome results. I just started loading 129 gr LRX in my wifes .270wsm with Enduron 4451. So far the velocities are awesome (3300 fps). Heading out soon to shoot some steel for the long range test.
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