Help Me Choose A 300 Win Mag

Yeah, that's what I figured. I'll do a good 50 round break in with the factory trigger, then see how I feel about it when I'm ready to start dialing in.
I also recommend using Nosler brass for reloading. Buy you 5 boxes of Nosler factory ammo for your break-in, and form brass at the same time for when you reload.
Don't overlook the Steyr Pro Hunter. After hunting with a rifle that's to heavy, you'll probably end up with something in this configuration anyway. As a added bonus, Steyr's tend to shoot very well also.
I too went with the mil spec 5r 26" 300 wm, after a bunch of reading on this site. Reading through this thread makes me feel even more confident that I made the right choice. I couldn't go full high dollar custom, but instead did my homework on the best factory rifles.

I too am going to leave it in the factory configuration for break-in and initial load development starting with 200 grain ELDX and H1000. I'll re-assess later if I need any improvements, which will be small first, such as bedding then a trigger. I'll have a few good range sessions before I decide if I need to brake it or not, I do have a JP recoil eliminator if need be.
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