Heavy hardcast lead for bear?

I am a big bore handgunner and use heavy hardcast bullets in .475 Linebaugh and .500 JRH. Typically 440 gn @ 1350 fps out to 80 yds.
Look for a hardcast with an 80% meplat. It has the ballistics of a 1969 Ford Bronco but it will give you a larger than caliber hole. Driven around the 1350 + fps you will get a passthrough on most animals and bone does little to slow or divert it. (elk, deer, black bear, moose even).
When dealing with heavy, slower, limited expanding bullets (hardcast), the energy myth goes on vacation. They kill differently than rifle bullets but you can eat right up to the hole. Very little meat is bloodshot.
I agree with Longcruise. Consider a 405 grain bullet @1400 fps out to 130 yds. You can shoot it a little faster than the 500 grainer to reduce the rainbow arc without it punishing your shoulder.
I have some 500 gr lead hardcast bullets that I'd like to hunt with but I'm not sure if they'll do the job well or not. Shooting them out of my 45-70 lever chiappa 1886 replication. I'm not looking at pushing them faster than about 1100 fps or so. Much faster and it kicks like a mule as well as breaks the sound barrier resulting in a louder boom.
Do y'all think I'm loco for trying this or will it do well on black bears out to 150 yards? I'd like to use it on deer as well.View attachment 310028
I have some 500 gr lead hardcast bullets that I'd like to hunt with but I'm not sure if they'll do the job well or not. Shooting them out of my 45-70 lever chiappa 1886 replication. I'm not looking at pushing them faster than about 1100 fps or so. Much faster and it kicks like a mule as well as breaks the sound barrier resulting in a louder boom.
Do y'all think I'm loco for trying this or will it do well on black bears out to 150 yards? I'd like to use it on deer as well.View attachment 310028
VORTEX a serious case of OVERKILL!
Other than using hardcast this guy used a dead soft hollowpoint at maybe 950 FPS MV out of a bb gun; as his Canadian Guide called his Big Bore airgun. Click on this link to the maker's page of his air rifle and then on the picture of the hunter with his Black bear: http://quackenbushairguns.com/

Both shoulders on the beast were broken.
You will have NO problem with good shot placement.
Everyone agrees shot placement is the key.
For penetration comparison I talked with Bruce from Montana Bullets Works, great guy, when I was working up a 10 mm hunting load. He said a 200 gr, hardcase, going 1200 will get a pass through with no problem. You have 500 gr hardcast you will be fine. I'd have no concern hitting bone.
With your time constraints, lack of components, etc, spend your time on the range, determine your actual drop data and your actual effective range. I have felt your pain in large bore velocity even by An increase of 100-200 fps. Keep your fps to were u can handle the recoil, no need to develope a flinch.
Pics are from a "bucklist" trip were i finally got my 80 year old dad to the NRA Whittington Center.
Dad shooting the "White Buffalo" at 1123 yards w a 45-70, 535 gr bullet, 1200fps. And for those curious it's a 230 MOA setting.
I have some 500 gr lead hardcast bullets that I'd like to hunt with but I'm not sure if they'll do the job well or not. Shooting them out of my 45-70 lever chiappa 1886 replication. I'm not looking at pushing them faster than about 1100 fps or so. Much faster and it kicks like a mule as well as breaks the sound barrier resulting in a louder boom.
Do y'all think I'm loco for trying this or will it do well on black bears out to 150 yards? I'd like to use it on deer as well.View attachment 310028
Go for it. People don't know the power of big, heavy, and slow anymore. I wouldn't have a problem shooting anything alive with that load.
I have some 500 gr lead hardcast bullets that I'd like to hunt with but I'm not sure if they'll do the job well or not. Shooting them out of my 45-70 lever chiappa 1886 replication. I'm not looking at pushing them faster than about 1100 fps or so. Much faster and it kicks like a mule as well as breaks the sound barrier resulting in a louder boom.
Do y'all think I'm loco for trying this or will it do well on black bears out to 150 yards? I'd like to use it on deer as well.View attachment 310028

What size/type of bear are you planning on hunting, at what ranges? I have seen hard cast bullets used on black bear before with devastating results. This one guy was using a Keith bullet.
Part of the trouble for me is that bear rifle season is in several weeks and it's hard to pick up moulds at a decent price these days. If you can find them in stock. If pushing them faster makes it a lot better, I could do that. It's gonna hurt on both ends then though. 😀😅

You might want to try Rim Rock bullets, they might be able to help you out if you call and ask them for some help. Also if you'd like to go monolithic route you can call Hammer bullets to see if they can expedite something for you. I like monos for bear hunting, all that I use, but it's for black bear only.
What size/type of bear are you planning on hunting, at what ranges? I have seen hard cast bullets used on black bear before with devastating results. This one guy was using a Keith bullet.
PA black bear 150 yards and under. Probably mostly under 100 yards.
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You might want to try Rim Rock bullets, they might be able to help you out if you call and ask them for some help. Also if you'd like to go monolithic route you can call Hammer bullets to see if they can expedite something for you. I like monos for bear hunting, all that I use, but it's for black bear only.
I was looking at some lever hammers but didn't really want to pay $2 a bullet. Guess I should just bite the bullet and do it anyways. I think I'll try these this year and see how it works. If it performs poorly then I will change to a larger flat nose or try the lever hammers. Even the lfn hardcast from Montana bullets are close to $1 each by the time shipping is figured in. I shouldn't be an old skinflint but if this works well then I'd like to stick with it since a friend of mine casts them for several cents a piece.
I was looking at some lever hammers but didn't really want to pay $2 a bullet. Guess I should just bite the bullet and do it anyways. I think I'll try these this year and see how it works. If it performs poorly then I will change to a larger flat nose or try the lever hammers. Even the lfn hardcast from Montana bullets are close to $1 each by the time shipping is figured in. I shouldn't be an old skinflint but if this works well then I'd like to stick with it since a friend of mine casts them for several cents a piece.
Black bear or grizzly?
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