Recommendation for black bear

If cost is a concern then obviously compare state by state regulations/costs on if you need a "guide" if you're a non-resident. Here in Alaska a non-resident can buy over-the-counter tags for everything but brown/grizzly bear, sheep and goats...And we have some big ole fat black bears up here too =-} I shot a spring blackie 15 years ago squared at 7'2" and 525 lbs....Good luck
My partner and I took 11 guys on opening day and killed 9 bears in Arkansas not including the 2 he and took
I would say the opportunity to kill a bear is close to 100%. I believe that may even be the guarantee with the Conman's guide service. These bears have really become a nuisance to most people in the area as the population has steadily grown. Give Mike Noles a call at Conman's. He is a great guide and family man who will look out for your daughters.
I'm all in and love that part of the country,great pictures and tip.
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