Hard to believe

Used to be the dumbest thing a guy could hear came from the overweight "expert" behind the gun counter. Now it's on the internet. They are Still overweight, still living in moms basement, but they can create an identity on the internet where they have accomplished something. It's like the nerds in the park, dressing up as mid-evil times, and having sword fights with foam rubber swords. Live Action Role Play they call it. LARP'ing for short.
They inhabit all the forums.
Wow so true.
Your better than me. I would have to called him out on that claim. I mean what level of accuracy does the gun have to be capable of let alone user error wind drift being totally unpredictable over that distance. Your gonna need hip waders for that level of b.s.
I actually ask him a bunch of questions about scopes , adjustment and why is he using low coefficient bullets. No reply
I shoot a varmint AR, 1:12, 36 gr. Barnes VG. I plug in a 30 mph, full value crosswind into my ballistics. This is what it would look like:


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I read on another forum that a long time user and shooter claims he is making consistent shots on prairie dogs at 850 yards with his AR 223 shooting 40 and 50 grain bullets ! He then said he is making these shots in 30 mph crosswinds !! I find this impossible to believe but I wanted to ask all of you if you have ever seen anyone perform this feat ? I did not call him out because I did not want to embarrass him for his canard , especially if it's not personal. My only thought was magic bullets !
I also can tell some pretty good hunting and fishing war stories without letting the truth get in the way of a good story.
Interesting, but what is the barrel angle at 850 yds, about 45 degrees?

Interesting, but what is the barrel angle at 850 yds, about 45 degrees?
It would be under 45 degrees, because there is still a bullet velocity of 1010fps remaining at 850 yards. But a bird flying just above my two-story house would be in the bullet's flight path: 284.5" = 23.7'
Here's the Trajectory equation: y = h + xtan(α) - gx²/2V₀²cos²(α) and that is not factoring in bullet design and air resistance
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