Hammer Bullets

I don't know if I am the Lone Wolf here are not (doesn't really to me one way or the other), but I have never used a Hammer bullet or any Berger bullets. I don't need them.

My long range duties go with Cutting Edge Bullets.

My Dad started using the Speer Hot cor exclusively in 1976. Me: I started using them maybe 1969 or 1970...exclusively.

From that time forward, we never lost an animal, and every single one was one shot. Doesn't really matter if anyone believes me or not, I was there, y'all were not.

I stopped using the Hot Cor a few years ago as the designed changed, or at least it seemed to. Plus, I couldn't find Speer bullets around these parts. So, I switched to Nosler and Cutting Edge. I haven't been disappointed.

Sorry if this seems to be a thread hijack as it is not intended to be. Just re-read the first paragraph again and maybe it will settle those that think so down a little.
I don't know if I am the Lone Wolf here are not (doesn't really to me one way or the other), but I have never used a Hammer bullet or any Berger bullets. I don't need them.

My long range duties go with Cutting Edge Bullets.

My Dad started using the Speer Hot cor exclusively in 1976. Me: I started using them maybe 1969 or 1970...exclusively.

From that time forward, we never lost an animal, and every single one was one shot. Doesn't really matter if anyone believes me or not, I was there, y'all were not.

I stopped using the Hot Cor a few years ago as the designed changed, or at least it seemed to. Plus, I couldn't find Speer bullets around these parts. So, I switched to Nosler and Cutting Edge. I haven't been disappointed.

Sorry if this seems to be a thread hijack as it is not intended to be. Just re-read the first paragraph again and maybe it will settle those that think so down a little.

I have been researching the cutting edge bullets as well. BCs are higher and like was mentioned in an earlier post, I am not sure why they don't get the same love and attention as the hammers do. They seem to be designed to work the exact same way with the BC advantage going to cutting edge.
I started using hammers about 2 years ago. I definitely like them. In that two years went on one Elk hunt but never fired a shot and only hunted 2 times locally. I fired 2 shots at game in 2018 at 2 different deer and killed both. I'm different than many here as I kinda like light for caliber bullets and I don't try shots at super long range. For the most part where I'm from you're lucky to see anything at more than 100 yards.
So the Hammers fit my needs just fine. Of the two deer I shot, neither took a step after being hit. The one deer I shot, I wouldn't have normally taken but there was nothing near it for me to judge it's size and I had to make a snap decision or it would have been gone. I was shooting a 143 gn hammer hunter out of a 28N at about 3500 FPS. The distance was roughly 100 yards. I don't know exactly why it did the damage it did, I don't think the bullet blew up even with the high velocity but the smaller doe was hit in the lower neck/upper shoulder and as can be seen in the picture it did extensive damage.
With the larger doe the damage wasn't as evident externally, but like I said it didn't go anywhere either.

Aside from liking the hammers I also liked the folks that use them as it's almost like a small community where everyone seems a bit kinder and more thoughtful of one another.


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    12-23-18 Large doe back wound.jpg
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    12-23-18 Large doe shot with 143 7mm hammer.jpg
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I have used HH on hogs almost exclusively so I can not speak to other game other than one doe. 150lb @200yd. Thru-n-thru heart and lungs a mess. Shattered a rib on the way out. No recovery of bullet.

I have taken roughly 30 hogs with 155 HH 7RM. Distances from a few feet to roughly 500yd. Sizes were between 40lb sholts to a near 400lb boar. The later was the one at just a few feet coming off a deer feeder I was coming to fill. Neither of us saw the other until we were almost nose to nose. Yes there was uncomfortable pucker factor on my end.

The bullets performed well. Its one of the few bullets I have no issue taken double shoulder shots on big hogs. Normally we go for neck shots. While my numbers are limited, the shots that lined up properly to hit both shoulders shatter both shedding all pedals and left the base just under the hide. Overall these bullets seem to track well internally. IIRC I had 3 or 4 that hit that way. One I shot head on slight angle went thru edge of front shoulder and was actually lodged in the opposite rear hip bone. It broke it but was not shattered. That one was fairly large roughly 330lb The internals were a mess. Hogs are the nastiest smelling game when the guts are ripped open.

Then again according to some I'm not sure any of these meets some arbitary definition of LR so maybe these experiences are irrelavent and of no value? Of course we would loose over half of the game taken posts and pics on this entire forum if people want to start drawing arbirtuary lines in the sand.

If people have had a first hand failure of poor performance with these bullets speak up. I think most, and I know I personally, want to know. I want to know the limits or weaknesses in anything I use. I am confident Steve of all people would be the most interested as its his product and from his proven history is willing and active in improving his product.

Has there been any obviously wild exagerations or clearly false claims made in this thread by those posting first hand experience taking game with Hammer bullets? I dont see it.

In fact the only unsupported claims made are by those complaining about these wildly positive exagerated claims!?! The only not first hand comments are the negative ones. Thats kind of amusing ....lol

Another bit of irony , after the comment insinuating people talking up hammer bullets that have never used them, the most active poster in this thread, certainly in the first few pages, offering up info, has never owned any hammer bullets let alone shot or taken game with them by his own admission. Gotta love internet forums lol

Here's an original idea, if you have an issue with someones opinion or review being false or overly exaggerated address it/them directly in THAT thread. But it might help if you had your own first hand experience and clear proof to support it. Obviously do it respectfully.

Seriously now, if you have never used them on game then how would itb be possible to convey any first hand experience/knowledge as you have none?

I can not see what productive contributions are being made by those. Rather its a periphrastic way to vent frustration at some unnamed member's opinions made in some other threads or maybe its all those who have overwhelmingly positive experiences??

I sincerly don't know but its derailed this thread whatever the reason. Maybe that was the gioal?

Its an internet discussion forum there is always going to be unsupported claim , parroting etc. There would have to be very strict heavy moderation to change that. I have been on a few forums like this but they were private invitation only. Joy to be on but a ton if extra work to maintain.
I have been researching the cutting edge bullets as well. BCs are higher and like was mentioned in an earlier post, I am not sure why they don't get the same love and attention as the hammers do. They seem to be designed to work the exact same way with the BC advantage going to cutting edge.

Cost is certainly a factor and I think the seal tight band confuses some. I'm sure other factors are at play

I've used the 260gr Maximus for 458 socom. I have them doing 1940fps. They're superior in every way to the 300gr TTSX I used to shoot. I even used their PHD Raptor ammo to take a doe at 25 yards with my 9mm. Worked exactly as advertised and that's why I have them in my carry gun.

Also the B.C are marginally better until you start talking .338's and larger then CEB runs away with it.
.....I don't think anybody is badmouthing hammer bullets.....One thing you will read, if you research, is that they are crazy accurate and easy to develop a load for.....Lower BCs are only a big deal if you hunt past 600 yards imo.....lso, lower BCs are common among monos, this isn't specific to hammer.........

I'll grant things look different in print, but so far it does look like badmouthing Hammer. Claiming "no it's about the people using them" is a poor cover.

If you follow their posts, providing ACCURATE BC's is important to them. New equipment has been ordered to improve the process.

You're correct, in the decades I've been doing this, complaints about the BC's of most any brand of bullets has been challenged. I've outgrown assuming it's a marketing scheme, and is genuinely a hard nut to crack, especially when 2 identical rifles side by side can give you different numbers.

X47guy you've been led to a thread with actual field experiences, and continue to moan about lack of supporting evidence. What exactly is your agenda?

Hammer was developed over time on this site. Very transparent every step of the way. Changes made when necessary, bullets replaced if they didn't perform, even bullets made to individual request. Collectively the 2 of you have less than a year as members here. Consider you may have missed a step or 2 in the process.
I'll grant things look different in print, but so far it does look like badmouthing Hammer. Claiming "no it's about the people using them" is a poor cover.

If you follow their posts, providing ACCURATE BC's is important to them. New equipment has been ordered to improve the process.

You're correct, in the decades I've been doing this, complaints about the BC's of most any brand of bullets has been challenged. I've outgrown assuming it's a marketing scheme, and is genuinely a hard nut to crack, especially when 2 identical rifles side by side can give you different numbers.

X47guy you've been led to a thread with actual field experiences, and continue to moan about lack of supporting evidence. What exactly is your agenda?

Hammer was developed over time on this site. Very transparent every step of the way. Changes made when necessary, bullets replaced if they didn't perform, even bullets made to individual request. Collectively the 2 of you have less than a year as members here. Consider you may have missed a step or 2 in the process.
Before I even start I have never shot a hammer bullet. But I have seen pictures on this site showing the damage they do. Incredible to me. I just wish they would convert their BC and twist to sea level. I live at 800 ft elevation. That is far different than the 4000+ they are shooting. I believe they have a very good product.
Hi I only use the Hammer bullets in one rifle, it's a 270 Allen Mag with 3 grove 7 twist barrel. I need a projectile that will hold together at 3400fps. I'm running the 168gr 277 and am mag feeding it. The barrel is around 400 rounds old so it's firecracked and will blow up conventional projectiles. I have a Burris laser guide scope on it and have shot the combo to 1000 yards.
The rifle is set up to mainly use to 600 yards but I'll take it to 1000 if the shot and conditions are right. I am pleased with the results I wish the bc was higher mabe tipped but then they wouldn't mag feed. The cutting edge and badlands are also great options.
When this barrel dies I will likley do a rebated 277/338 Norma improved to allow better seating the projectile is around 1.750" long.
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