H1000- 28 NOS

I have a 28N, I have tried IMR 8133, to me it was the same as Retumbo, but dirtier. I was trying it out with 180 ELDM, accuracy was no better for me than Retumbo.
I have a 28N, I have tried IMR 8133, to me it was the same as Retumbo, but dirtier. I was trying it out with 180 ELDM, accuracy was no better for me than Retumbo.
Well that answers that then! Thanks. I do see it yielding similar velocity to retumbo but didn't know about the dirty burn. I use 8133 in a .300 win mag (very compressed under a 225 grain) but have never used retumbo. 8133 has been much easier to obtain for me but maybe I'll have to switch and see if my rifle is less dirty after!🤣
I hate to be the negative guy, but here goes.....Based on the shape of that group (straight vertical) and the ES, I would be very skeptical of it holding together at long range. I think you could go up in powder charge and bring that vertical down and possible decrease the ES numbers. I don't base anything solely on numbers, but at some point they become important. If it shoots good at distance on paper and repeats it's good regardless of the numbers IMO.
it's 1/4" group that could easily be shooter, I agree just shoot it at distance and if it holds together let it be. 25 ES isn't terrible
You need to focus on something other than how full the case is. I'd go with changing brass. I use Federal brass but then I'm not trying to shoot the warts off a pickle. You're going to need to shoot that load at 500-600 yards to see if that vertical stringing is enhanced, and might well be caused by your variance in velocity. Looks like a darn good load to me, Myself I would take that one to the bank.
Brass prep and primer choice effect ES / SD more than most think.
25 ES over 10 rounds is pretty good. Most of mine will go single digit for 8 or 9 out of 10.
210 Fed's have been my most consistent primer as far as ES, even in cartridges' that burn 100 grains of powder, 215's the worst. WLR and Rem 9.5's are good too.

Brass prep for me re: single digit ES's

Trim if need
FL size
Mandrel expand
clean inside of necks with a brass bore brush
Funny that both of those steps are what AMP mentions in the video of press traces as resulting in more consistent seating pressure. Probalby not a coincidence.
No 28nosler experience…no one on here yet has mentioned imr enduron 8133. It might be what you want. Hodgdons load data shows it being a top performer along with h869 ball powder. It's slower in burn rate than h1000.
I have 7977 but unfortunately no 8133. Retumbo wasnt much different in performance when i tried it.
I really appreciate all the feedback. I will do some long range groups and see how it holds together. Hoping to finalize the load with 155's and adg brass soon as i think that is the direction i want to end up. I should have gotten the hornady brass annealed between 2nd and 3rd firing. I was planning to but forgot.
With the adg brass i will send them to the annealer each time.

There isnt any good long range shooting areas around my neck of the woods unfortunately. But heading out on a hunt to an area where i should be able to.
Been running RL33 with 195 Berger's for quite awhile now. Dirty but its never has let me down. Very accurate and consistent many of the custom manufacturers highly recommended it
Marine S >

Trim if need
FL size
Mandrel expand
clean inside of necks with a brass bore brush

all good info

don't think a 3 shot group is enough to draw conclusions regarding long range performance-stuff happens

annealing will relieve spring back from work hardened necks
trim to spec will ensure case to case uniformity & case fit inside chamber
F/L size will ensure easy chambering & uniform chamber fit on annealed brass
mandrel expand on annealed necks will ensure unifrom neck tension
tumble will make for nice clean ammo
clean inside necks will prevent cold welding if ammo stored

my procedure is to 1st clean inside necks with brass brush spinning in my cordless then do the rest.
I F/L size with dies having no expander than use my cheap Lee Collet dies to expand necks - zippo run out.
Min power primers seem to promote accuracy, like Lapua making their 6.5X47 brass with SRP.

Most of it about consistent neck tension.
I am using Retumbo in my 28 Nosler but it shoots very similar when I use 8133. Yes 8133 is a bit dirtier then Retumbo and neither is nearly as bad as R33 for carbon rings.

I would shoot whatever you can get but prefer Retumbo in the 28N as it's getting great speeds, pretty clean burning and gentler on throats then R33 and N570.

I'm shooting 180 hybrids in ADG brass with 80gr Retumbo for 3170 fps and 81.5 gr 8133 for 3175 fps, both with SD under 6 and neither is showing any signs of pressure in my rifle.
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