28 Nos Hammer Hunter load

Ya call him. He recommended the 146 for me but I went off their web site and got the 155. I called him he was great to talk to and very informative. It's awesome to see a company with customer service that good
I tried the 177's in my 1-8.5 twist 7mm LRM barrel and could not get them to shoot good groups. Good luck with the load.
Yeah if the box is still sealed, I would just contact Steve about swapping them for the 169's or possibly lighter. Talking to the OP, but agreeing with you Allen. I have a 1-8 and the 177's still wouldn't stabilize at sea level consistently. Called Steve and he sent me a box of 169's free of charge and they shoot amazing.
Yeah if the box is still sealed, I would just contact Steve about swapping them for the 169's or possibly lighter. Talking to the OP, but agreeing with you Allen. I have a 1-8 and the 177's still wouldn't stabilize at sea level consistently. Called Steve and he sent me a box of 169's free of charge and they shoot amazing.
Sent you a PM
Thanks guys. I talked with Steve and he is going to hook me up with some smaller weight bullets. Super nice guy which I already knew but it bears repeating.
Load wise I've been shooting the 177g HH in my 28 Nosler behind 83g of RL33.
They shoot lights out in my 1-8 Proof barrel. I just dumped a pretty good bull elk at 350 yds with one shot


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Load wise I've been shooting the 177g HH in my 28 Nosler behind 83g of RL33.
They shoot lights out in my 1-8 Proof barrel. I just dumped a pretty good bull elk at 350 yds with one shot
Very nice!!

Hoping to test the 169's on an elk at the end of October!

How was is your 28N pushing that 177?
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