Good quality pellet for rabbits?

I have an old Savage pump .22 Model 29 with a long 24" barrel. With CCI Quiets it is almost silent. Much quieter than my Diana 24 break barrel air rifle. At the range several guys have asked me how I suppressed it! I would test out the CCI Quiets with any long barreled .22 rifle you may have to see if it works for you.
I have an old Savage pump .22 Model 29 with a long 24" barrel. With CCI Quiets it is almost silent. Much quieter than my Diana 24 break barrel air rifle. At the range several guys have asked me how I suppressed it! I would test out the CCI Quiets with any long barreled .22 rifle you may have to see if it works for you.
That's what I use,fairly quiet ,67 squirrels in one yr and nobody said anything to me if I was shooting...
Question... are you any relation to Wei Tu Lo?

Lol, you're the first to have a worthy retort!

More specifics about the noise level. I am very NOT rural. I have neighbors on both sides of me, live in a gated community, and have a Nazi HOA. In my defense, I've tried everything BUT killing them.

Using this will be highly illegal, but necessary.

I've bought traps, and have been successful with a few, and relocated those.
I've bought $200 worth of LED flood lights to keep them out. I've bought every friggin' type of foul smelling cheap and expensive liquid to mix in pump sprayers, which works until the sprinklers come on the next morning. I've ground various spice mixtures and sprinkled. They dig holes under the fence, so piling rocks is ineffective.

I've used extremely harsh language, which DOES work, but don't want to wake up 10 times a night to go out there.

But I digress..

If I purchase a used .25 Marauder off a fellow member, are there suppressors that will fit that can lower the dB to the 70s?
I have taken a lot of grouse with Aguila .22
The subsonic.....really quiet....less than a rider BB gun....
Can always try the plastic bottle over the end of the barrel....
I haven't..but a guys kid has.....woked Well....

action starts at about 6.30 into the video.
Worth a look and a careful listen to hear the gun.
A FAC airgun is one which has more than the statutory max in the UK
He said rabbit pellets
That is true. That was the title of this thread. But then he said this in Post #1:
I'm ready for the next step...Is there an affordable ~$1k or less air rifle that is very accurate to about 40(ish) yds?
So that is why people are talking about which airgun he should be getting and not just which 'pellet' would work best on the bunnies.

For SumTingWong, I've had cats that really enjoyed catching (and eating) bunnies. Maybe you could add a cat to the Wong household? Girl cats are prolific huntresses, but I've had a couple of boy cats that were very proficient at catching Peter Cottontail, too. Just a thought. The bunnies will find a different yard to chew on if yours is suddenly being patrolled by Angry Cat.
Easiest and cheapest way to get rid of rabbits......quit watering your lawn...
Water the
You ain't kidding. In San Diego (lower region of the People's Republic of California) they ream us for water. My water bill was $550/month, until I got rid of the grass in the front. The back lawn, however, keeps the back yard cooler by about 10 deg/F, which is necessary since it gets over 100 in the summer.

Plus, I like grass. My neighbor gave up, and his yard looks like a half-baked snickerdoodle. I'm guessing the rabbits all meet for staging on his lawn, and discuss logistics. Then, they actually set up hospitality booths, and porta potties for the all-you-can-eat (and poop) contests.
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