Good quality pellet for rabbits?

Also, the ones with the sidewheel appear to have a lighted reticle, thus more $$$ In the accessories list, it says it comes with the sidewheel, which makes me think it is not attached to the scope in the box, but you attach it after you mount it to the rifle. Also, it appears all the ones with the wheel are 30mm, keep that in mind when you order the rings. Mine is only a 1 inch tube. For 50 yard shooting, I'm not sure you need the high magnification offered in the higher priced scopes with illuminated reticles. Of course, that is a decision you have to make.
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I really like that blue stocked gun! Neat looking. (Weihrauch HW97K Blue)

I've never had the pleasure of using the underlever system for cocking, but - in theory - it should be more accurate as the barrel isn't be moved for every shot. ($690)

The Beeman R9 (aka Weihrauch HW95) has a great reputation for accuracy in a sub-$500 gun (sub-quarter inch groups at 20 yards.) And it has the 'traditional' walnut stock, if you lean that way. ($340)

The Beeman R11 (aka Weihrauch HW98) has stock adjustability, which is good if you aren't the 'average' sized shooter. Style-wise I'm not really digging the 'vent' appearance on the sides of the stock, but to each his own. Again, supposed to be very accurate, which is what you want. ($640)

You asked for opinions. I think all three guns will be "good" and do what you want them to do. If it were me, with my aesthetics and my money, I'd be going for the BEEMAN R9 at $340 but mostly because it is the only one to come with iron sights! Should your scope ever go t-i-t-s up, you will WANT/NEED those iron sights until you get a new scope on there. With the other two guns, you are just SOL if the scope dies.

From a purely "I want that!" perspective, I like the under-lever cocking feature of the Weihrauch HW97K, and the blue laminated stock is a real looker. I like that gun. (Just wish it had iron sights as a 'back-up'.)

Looks like you are going to 'win' with any of these three choices. Also, the Hawke air rifle scopes sound like they are the ticket for these 'springer'-type guns, so you should be all set with whatever you pick.
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So, I was warned against the HW97 by someone I believe has 30+ years of experience with them.
I am getting the HW98. There's a few places online that have them for $549.
THEN, I'm sending it to a person he recommended for mods.
The mods/tuning/barrel cutting/moderating, will be another $500.
So, I'll have about $1,200 before scope purchase.
BUT, I'll have a VERY quiet, extremely accurate .22 that I will own for many years.

I'm gonna start a thread, in a few minutes, asking for feedback on low light scopes...

@Frog4aday None of those sites you listed sell the 98. They have other Weihrauch models, but not the 98.

FYI, the two least expensive sites I found were:


If anyone has any REALLY bad experience with either, please let me know!
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I've spent a lot on air guns. I still love tuned spring guns but quiet, accurate & easy to master? I'd say Marauder Gen 2 .22 with a fine reticle scope. My modified Discoveries I have over $400 into, were $260 new & I doubt I'd get $200 now as guys want multi shot, sidelever & regulated. Do NOT buy a Gauntlet junk.
You can get a hand pump and it only takes a lot to fill one time. Then topping off is 50-75 strokes. You can buy a used 4500psi SCBA cylinder & have a dive shop fill if it's in current hydro testing of 5 years every 5 end of life 15 years from date of manufacturing. A dive shop may charge $8-25 to fill. I said forget that & bought a5Kpsi $3200 compressor.
I won't deal with AOA because they're importing full auto .357's that spit 81 grain pellets. Suppressed. They are going to get air guns regulated to 12ftlbs or less like UK, Ireland, Scotland.
I don't know who told you you need to spend so much to have a good spring gun.
I can get you tuned Diana's, a Paul Watts R7 that'll put hole in hole at 40 yards with no wind or if you can really read wind well.
A fully tuned Hector Medina RWS 54 .22 is $1500.00
Maybe someone recommended a V-Mach Kit. That's around $500 alone.
I personally use John Thomas AKA John in PA for everything spring gun.
So, I ended up getting a springer. I got an HW98, had it shipped to Paul Watts, who did a complete rebuild. I also got a Hawke Airmax 30SF 4-16x50, which works well.
After sighting it in, it will shoot tacks to about 75yds.

But, and here's the REALLY funny part, right after I received it, and I mean THE FRIGGIN' DAY AFTER, the rabbits stopped coming.
I'm not exaggerating when I say they were coming EVERY day. There were between 2 and 3 of them. Here I am, all excited to get to use my spanking new rifle, that cost me some $$, and took almost 2 months to finish, and my targets elude me.

Now it's time to play the waiting game!
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