need help with pellet guns.

My appoligies to LRH and the OP for getting off track on the thread. If you are in a backyard setting, 25 to 30 yrd shooting where the discharge of firearms (.22) is illegal and the silencing of firearms is illegal (USA). then choose a nonfirearm product ie a pellet rifle. Not a toy, most toys I have found shoot water or corkes.( they can be fun with the right targets). This is what I have found after trial and error helps me. Use round nose pellets, heaver in weight seems to work better. Check and tighten all screws often and the more you shoot the better you get no matter what kind or priced gun you have. Use small targets or targets with a small aim point, aim small, hit small and try to learn how to control your breathing as you shoot. Trigger control is also something to work on, learn where you trigger breaks. The real point is to have fun and when and if you decide to go to Montana and shoot dirt poodles at hundreds of yards you more than likely will have to upgrade your equipment.:rolleyes:
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to the guy that said that airguns are a way to shoot pests in your backyard where you can't shoot guns ,,,then PLEASE check your town/city ordinances as most state that airguns, slingshots, bows, even,,,now get this paintball guns (they are air propelled) are illegal,,,so by careful of the liberal writers of ordinances!!!!
all good advice given above.

here's another suggestion: make sure of all connections, in the stock and the optics, are tightened properly make sure the pivot bolt is securely tightened (This WILL cause drifting accuracy problems in break-barrel air guns...especially the magnum springers.)

heavier pellets is the best way to go for accuracy. i've had some of the lighter (Especially the PBS pellets) be wildly inaccurate beyond 10-15 yds; my .20 RX beeman LOVES 24 gr Eun-Jins, and my .25 Marauder is a tack driver when using 25 gr JSB's as examples.
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