Good quality pellet for rabbits?

I went the hand pump route on the first rifle. It can definitely wear you down. Carbon fiber tanks are expensive but a one time cost. Scuba tanks are generally not recommended. Getting a fill at the scuba shop is not to expensive but buying your own compressor is quite expensive. Check how much pressure your scuba shop can fill to. Some PCP air rifles can go to a very high pressure but the scuba shops often don't have the the equipment to charge them to their full potential.

Or you can just buy a nice springer which is plenty for rabbits at 50 yards.
PCP is probably your best choice. A scuba tank will work, but you won't get as many refills as you would a carbon fiber tank. Carbon Fiber tanks hold higher pressure so you can refill the rifle more times before you have to refill the tank. Higher pressure tanks can be filled at a paint ball shop. Also, for rabbits, I wouldn't look at anything smaller than a .22 cal air rifle. The guy I work with has a Benjamin Marauder in .22 that easily shoots a 3/4 inch group at 50 yards.
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He's in an urban area and needs discretion. I'm not aware of any springers that are anything close to quiet. At least not ones that are powerful.
I recently got back into pellet guns. I bought the Benjamin Marauder in. 25 cal. I too live in the city and want my shooting to be discreet. I looked into a suppressor to tame the noise. I settled on a Neil Clague for $165.00. What a difference. Before suppressed sounded more like a .22 rimfire. After suppressed?... like a very soft muffled pop. It's worth every penny. Look into it.
I've tried EVERYTHING (lights, trapping, repellents, etc) but have rabbits every night and morning destroying my lawn.

I'm ready for the next step...

Is there an affordable ~$1k or less air rifle that is very accurate to about 40(ish) yds?

I recently got back into pellet guns. I bought the Benjamin Marauder in. 25 cal. I too live in the city and want my shooting to be discreet. I looked into a suppressor to tame the noise. I settled on a Neil Clague for $165.00. What a difference. Before suppressed sounded more like a .22 rimfire. After suppressed?... like a very soft muffled pop. It's worth every penny. Look into it.
Question... are you any relation to Wei Tu Lo?
Most PCP rifles, Benjamin MRods included, are available suppressed from the factory. My Hatsan makes a quiet little ping/puff. The loudest part seems to be the pellet putting the smackdown on another bird; that's assuming of course that I'm close enough to hear that part :cool:
I have an old Savage pump .22 Model 29 with a long 24" barrel. With CCI Quiets it is almost silent. Much quieter than my Diana 24 break barrel air rifle. At the range several guys have asked me how I suppressed it! I would test out the CCI Quiets with any long barreled .22 rifle you may have to see if it works for you.
I too have Marauders in .22 and .25. Also a Flex PCP .30 cal pellet rifle that I shoot pigs with.
The .22 is extremely quiet and accurate and will eliminate vermin well past 50 yards. They can be "tuned" to decrease or increase power depending on your needs, I built a .25 cal that was pushing 100 FPE for 6 shots with cast slugs on a 3200 PSI fill and have my .22 shooting 18 FPE for ~30 shots on a 2700 PSI fill.
Did I mention it is accurate? I have a 1st Gen night vision on the 22 and shoot rats and mice at night, 99/100 times shot in the eye unless I pull my shot.
I hand pumped for the first year after buying my first PCP but bought a compressor and CF tank. There is now a portable 12-volt compressor for around $400 that will charge your PCP in a little over a minute.
PM me (I think I can receive PM's, though I don't know how on this site) if you would like more info on these amazing little guns.
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My air rifles are annoyingly loud, more so than .22 shorts. Suppressed, I do anything I like, even of the 'tards are sitting on the deck.
I've tried EVERYTHING (lights, trapping, repellents, etc) but have rabbits every night and morning destroying my lawn.

I'm ready for the next step...

Is there an affordable ~$1k or less air rifle that is very accurate to about 40(ish) yds?
I use a Benjamin Marauder .25 cal to dispatch my rabbits. That thing is super accurate out to 50 yards, and fairly accurate out to 100 yards. It's quiet too and the neighbors are none the wiser. The Marauder's .25cal barrel is made by Green Mountain and is a better quality barrel than the .177 and .22 cal barrels which is made by another company. If all your doing is dispatching rabbits a hand pump with suffice but they will wear you down if you want to go to the range and shoot a bunch.
Yes, the first time I shot mine, I was simply amazed at how quiet it was. The pellet hitting the target is louder than the firing of the gun.
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