Going to pick up a muzzy, had to give up archery. Advice needed

That's probably going to be my best result, even CVA's online store is sold out. Our local gun shop can't even get anything and the sportsmans warehouse is where i found the one in alaska but 1120 miles is a wee bit too far for a ML.

We are a little disconnected from the supply chains as we do not have a railway, major interstate, or large airport near us, kinda stuck in the middle.
CVA Optima rifles are or should I say were in stock at Cabelas in Sun Prairie, WI as of last week. They also have 777 50 gr pellets and a variety of power belt and sabot bullets. As for 209 primers they are catch as catch can. Many trap/skeet shooters are using them in the target loads and don't necessarily hoard them, they load with them so they have ammo to shoot for their league shooting. The only way to buy primers is to be in the store the morning when the trucks are unloaded and get them as soon as they hit the shelves.
WISCONSIN RESIDENTS BEWARE: Rifles using Federal Firestick precharged black powder ammunition are NOT LEGAL MUZZLELOADING rifles in Wisconsin. They can be used outside of the Muzzle loading season but are prohibited during the muzzle loading deer seasons because the rifles that use the the firestick do not have threaded breech plugs as required by Wisconsin Hunting Regulations.
Thanks for all the great advice. It look's like i picked the wrong time to look at muzzle loader hunting. I am looking for a CVA Optima SS with sights and there is not one to be found anywhere, except alaska, go figure. I can't even locate 777 powder and/or 209 primers! Guess the hoarders gobbled up ML components as well.
I have used Pyrodex RS with good success and it is readily available around here. Cabelas has it in stock in Sun Prairie but it's not available online. I've also had good accuracy using 100 gr loads.
Bh209 is black horn 209, if you didn't catch that. It is loose powder. If legal in your state, its the way to go. You'll want to charge by weight, not volume with it, Just like you would smokeless.
CVA Optima rifles are or should I say were in stock at Cabelas in Sun Prairie, WI as of last week. They also have 777 50 gr pellets and a variety of power belt and sabot bullets. As for 209 primers they are catch as catch can. Many trap/skeet shooters are using them in the target loads and don't necessarily hoard them, they load with them so they have ammo to shoot for their league shooting. The only way to buy primers is to be in the store the morning when the trucks are unloaded and get them as soon as they hit the shelves.
WISCONSIN RESIDENTS BEWARE: Rifles using Federal Firestick precharged black powder ammunition are NOT LEGAL MUZZLELOADING rifles in Wisconsin. They can be used outside of the Muzzle loading season but are prohibited during the muzzle loading deer seasons because the rifles that use the the firestick do not have threaded breech plugs as required by Wisconsin Hunting Regulations.
I understand your problems with the Colorado issues, not because I have ever or have ever wanted to hunt there with a Muzzle loader but understand the sometime idiotic things that politicians impose on hunters and firearms owners. I own a CVA Wolf which I love, it's reliable and accurate. I have used both powder and pellets in it. I much prefer IMR pellets but that is irrelevant here. Traditions also sells quality muzzle loaders. Don't get so hung up on one manufacturer that you ignore all others. Both are excellent firearms and you would be happy with either. The Optima may or may not be available without a scope. Some are drilled and tapped for iron sights and they are in fact available from the manufacturer if not already installed. Colorado has both Bass Pro Shops as well as Cabelas in several locations. Contact them, If they don't have a rifle in stock they have the ability to do a company wide search by SKU number and tell you where there is what you are looking for. With that information you can call the store(s) that have it, buy it and have it shipped to your local store (Shipping free) and have your new muzzle loader hopefully in time for your hunt. Ask for a Gun Vault Specialist or Firearms Lead. They can help you.
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