My observations owning both, that my help in choosing:

Sig 2400
-more compact size
-more visible/automatic light intensity, ranging reticle in very low light conditions
-advanced ballistics(spin drift, correolis, and custom curves) for ELR shooting

Gunwerks G7(2nd generation)
-self contained programming, no devise(ex. I-phone) required. Very simple to use.
-on board(no need to enter a program mode), fingertip control of near/far filters and wind dope. Very fast, operation and precise ranging of game in difficult cover.
-2-3x longer battery life.

While I have owned the G7 far longer then the Sig, i can't speak to the Sig's long term reliability. I have had a few lock-ups, but that could just be my unit. Both versions of the G7 have been faultless for several seasons. I have made several 1st round hits on game/varmints with both units out to 1200 yards. Dopes are usually the same, or within 1 click. For hunting at long range, I don't think you could go wrong with either unit. With little time with skittish, mature whitetails, my primary quarry, I find myself preferring the G7, but that could be several years of familiarity and a few dozen game animals/varmints at long range under its belt.
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