Can you mount the G7 rangefinder to a tripod?? I emailed gunwerks and ask the same question and all I got was crickets. So if a person had either the sig or the G7 would you still need a kestrel???

I have the first design G7BR2 , MOA only . YES , it can be mounted on a tripod . it has the 1/4-20 threaded insert in the bottom .
Not sure what there is To decide on,the two people that have compared them both in the field on here have said that they don't work on game.
I contacted Greyfox about this recently, as I value his opinion. I also contacted Broz on the same matter, he has the exact opposite response. I will admit that I do not remember reading or hearing about any G7 failure. The 2400 has been out for over a year, hopefully issues have been addressed!
Not sure what there is To decide on,the two people that have compared them both in the field on here have said that they don't work on game.
I'd think this is an overstatement. The comments speak to experienced reliability issues, and the different approaches between the two for complex ranging. The Sig 2400 will range game and produce accurate ballistics beyond 1000 yards.
I'm upgrading my range finder. I searched comparisons on longrangehunting but I have more questions and I'm still on the fence. I like the (shoot to) portion of the G7 but I'm not as familiar with the sig. I shoot with load specific turrets but I'm thinking of going back to MOA turrets and letting the range finder adjust and give me the correction in MOA . Id like some input on which one I should pic . I'm leaning to the G7 but I like how compac the sig is and possibly the Bluetooth connect ..... advice is greatly appreciated.

I have owned the Leica 2000b, the Kilo 2400, and the Gunwerks Br2. Ultimately, I think your satisfaction will come down to personal preference. I prefer the BR2, however my son prefers the Kilo. Here's why:
If you enjoy gadgetry, the Kilo is for you. I'm an old fart and I like to keep things simple. The Bluetooth on the Kilo is very difficult to connect . Also, to perform a custom ballistic curve for your load is cumbersome and complicated. However, like I said, if you like gadgetry, this one is for you. Also, the Kilo is much smaller, therefore packing easier. It does a better job ranging through tight places, but I found it lacking under poor conditions like fog or rain.
Conversely, for me, I find the Gunwerks rangefinder more user friendly. It is easier to program and gives the same "shoot to" solution as the Kilo without the hi-tech headaches. Both rangefinders compensate well for atmospheric conditions... and that is the bottom line. If your not going to shoot beyond 500 yds you dont need that ability, and you can shoot a straight yardage turret and don't have to mess with the effects of air density (Leica). Anyway, hope this is of some benefit. These have been my experiences.
Got back from my Colorado elk hunt on Monday. The Kilo 2400ABS worked great. Small & light and made 1st round hits on a steel plate prior to the hunt well past 1000 and ranged elk to over a mile...so far I'm very happy with this purchase. The only problem I had with it was I kept catching myself playing with my new toy when I should have been looking for animals.
Does the G7 have a built in wind speed device or is a Kestrel or similar device still needed. How do the optics of compare to Lieca optics.
I just got back from a hunting trip in Idaho. I ranged dialed shot a deer at 600. Dead. Buddy did the same at 899. Both using Kilo 2400.
I'm upgrading my range finder. I searched comparisons on longrangehunting but I have more questions and I'm still on the fence. I like the (shoot to) portion of the G7 but I'm not as familiar with the sig. I shoot with load specific turrets but I'm thinking of going back to MOA turrets and letting the range finder adjust and give me the correction in MOA . Id like some input on which one I should pic . I'm leaning to the G7 but I like how compac the sig is and possibly the Bluetooth connect ..... advice is greatly appreciated.
I bought a the Kilo 2400 a month ago and love it, ranged elk over 2000 yards away. It outperforms my leica 2000 and my G7 br2. So far it's been better than expected. I ranged a stop sign at 3375 with the Kilo, neither the leica or the G7 could range it, on a tripod. I prefer the Kilo because of applied ballistics. However that being said the leica seems to range hillsides and trees a bit better than the Kilo and G7,im very happy with the kilo so far and might sell the the other ones
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