First rifle for kid

As far as a deer rifle the 30-30 is unbeatable to start a young hunter out with, especially when hunting in the woods and brushy draws, they have shot through small trees and brush and killed deer. A 222 or 243, 223, you have to place your shots a lot better, and they will not wade the brush like a 30 cal. other than that I have nothing against the smaller cals. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Best of luck with whatever you go with.

Trying to figure out if this is posted in jest, but I don't see any smiley faces or "LOL's".

I thought the whole "30-30 is best in the bush" thing was put to rest years ago......complete with tests and everything.

Trying to figure out if this is posted in jest, but I don't see any smiley faces or "LOL's".

I thought the whole "30-30 is best in the bush" thing was put to rest years ago......complete with tests and everything.

Was put to rest by me at least. Have actually used both as a young hunter. When I lost a few deer using a 222 I was given a 30-30 bolt action savage to use looked exactly like the 222 savage, slightly more recoil but a whole lot more of killing power. Started my son of with the same 222 that I started with when I was 12 years old, he killed a 4 point with it his first shot at a deer, my first shot at a buck with that same gun was a neck shot dead 4 point also. Now my son didn't get a shot at a buck his second year of hunting but hit a doe at about 40 yards broad side, we had a little snow but probably wouldn't have needed it. The doe bleed pretty steady but not a lot, we tracked her for about 3/4 of a mile at that time she entered posted land. This was out in the boonies, so I said we would continue tracking it unto the private property. After about another 150 yards we saw where someone else started to track it, so we got out of there. Don't know where he hit it but he had a rest and said he aimed for center mass behind the shoulder ? After hunting season I went to the gun shop to get rid of some cabin fever and low and behold there was a bolt action Savage just like the one I went to after loosing a couple of does shot with the 222. It had a Redfield fine hair crosshair scope on it, and the price was somewhere around $125 when I took it up to pay for it the gun smith took a double take on the gun and said I didn't know that had a Redfield on it, The scope was probably worth more than the gun. We later shot both of the two guns and actually shot into different sized trees, I took my 30-06 along also. The 50gr. bullet from the 222 would not penetrate trough a three inch tree that we shot, the 170gr. 30-30 bullet went through that tree and another sapling behind that one that was nearly as thick. This proved to me what was best. This made me curious, I couldn't believe a bullet would go through a tree like that. We didn't shoot the 30-30 anymore, but I wanted to see what the 30-06 would do. What a surprise, bullets going clear through trees with 7 & 8 inch diameters, 190 grain Sierra match king bullets. Don't know what you were talking about when you said it was put to rest, so I thought I would tell you about my fact findings. Decide what you want from a bullet, and do your own testing. Every gun and load is different, this is the best way to know what you have and how it will perform. Good luck hunting and be safe in 2018.
Sorry I forgot this for few days.

I've been considering this for awhile, and can't do it this year.
Thank you though!

I have an acquaintance working with them now-you're going to like that rifle.
Sorry I forgot this for few days.

I've been considering this for awhile, and can't do it this year.
Thank you though!

I have an acquaintance working with them now-you're going to like that rifle.
I can't wait...should be great elk medicine.
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