First rifle for kid

I am a huge 6.5 creed fan and .243 and almost always recommend .243 or creed to new shooter. Except for youth. I have to say 300blk would be the best . Very little recoil larger bullet and very capable out to 300 yards. I have done most of my hunting with my 300 blk the last few years because it's so easy to shoot. Start all the kids on it for deer and pigs. That way they learn to shoot and not worry about recoil. Even the .243 has a decent amount for a young kid.
I picked up the wrong listing. You are right. Sorry 7/08, 243, and 308.
Can you send me your recipe and ballistics? Curious to know the powder and charge compared to full and also curious about ballistics, as well as plugging into recoil calculator.
Trying to remember where you're located. If you're close enough I've got 2 or 3, you could try out if that helps.
I think we used to be close bc we were going to do a class together with Bob Beck, IIRC. Or maybe one somewhere else in the PNW. But now live in Nashville.

Am I on the money or smoking something?
I believe I used 38gr h4895. Will check. Think was giving just under 2700 FPS. With 120 Ballistic Tip

Can you send me your recipe and ballistics? Curious to know the powder and charge compared to full and also curious about ballistics, as well as plugging into recoil calculator.[/QUOTE
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